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                                                       HUMAN STRANGER

                                                                         - S.S




It was a late night. The vehicles are moving in dying speed. Nobody is there, only these blind vehicles.

In their flash lights something can be seen in the corner of the road. A usual representative for humanity is adjusted to lay his body in the bloody bed. The bloody juice is still falling from his head .Every vehicles light flashed on him, but they can't see him because as i said they are blind enough to hold their humanity back. If this continues he will be a mere news on tomorrows news paper and crowded youth's camera phones may be rushing to copy this scene, a hot bloody scene tomorrow morning .His heart beats can be felt if someone hold him, but these are a mere dialogues for him that anyone like me can lent .If someone listened him even with a half awakened mind, then they can see his trampling lips begging for water in a slow voice erased by those engine sounds. But they neither minded nor waited for a stranger like him because, they did not know , that one day they are going to be a stranger for someone else. They cannot even hope for any other strangers to satisfy their thirst but one, one stranger who have his life because of another stranger.

A screaming van filled with some native tourists passed him .from a tattooed window some children are looking at him wondering what he is doing there. They said something to other elders in an admiring  expression soon the mustached  peoples crowded to watch the scene.  And those women held back their children, “But why mom?"young minds search  humanity., older mind search  secures ;don't think older while you are young, if you do so ,yet no problem; there are olds to think young.

The van passed .Many vehicles soon passed him. A crashed water bottle danced down a bus, rolling towards him but never satisfied his thirst. Now his lips are neither trampling nor his blood is combating to rush out.

It’s time for a stranger to come to make this a moral story. It was not his usual way to home, but a forced way from the nearby closed road; his usual way. Today he got his wage from the contractor for helping him to build the nearby compartments as a sincere worker. The contractor's car also passed sometime ago without flashlight, he is here for a long time so he could hide his flash light.

The stranger's pocket is yet not filled enough for his sincere works , he didn't have any degrees ,didn't had graduated from any IIT to have rights to have a filled pocket for fewer works, he is an ordinary old man ,a complete stranger for him.

"Hey stop please! Please help, please help “he started screaming to the racers .No response .He jumped over an auto, a common vehicle here, “please help, please help son"

He laid him in the seat in a hurry. God, we are thankful to you to arrive as a human.

He was safely admitted in the hospital.

"We got this from the patient’s pocket “a white angel came and said, its late 11 'o' clock, she is still in her job.

[Doctor came out from the operation room in a hurry]

“Lots of blood is wanted, it’s an urgent"doc said

"Sir, I will give “the stranger said.

"Who are you to the patient" doc said

"I don't know him, i think it's an accident" the stranger continued. “How is he now?”

"he had lost so much of blood from his head, it’s an urgent we want A-ve blood now I think it is not available in the blood bank ,do something else now ,no time to lag said you don't know him? Then contact his relatives now"doc said

"A-ve! My blood is A-ve. Take it from me please “the stranger said

"Ah...OK “nurse makes sure he is perfect for blood donation “he ordered to another angel

"Go..Check your blood “doctor said to him in a low voice

Its 1 'o' clock now, starting of a new day. He searched the paper pieces .there is an identity card and a mobile phone he hold the partially scratched mobile in his unhealthy hand " Ramesh Nair ...age 21 B.A student no.2570.." B.A student 2010-13?Now 2016 why he is caring an old identity card"

He found a clean white paper ,unfolded it “To my  dear mamma and my dear loving sister ,i am sorry to say that it’s my last words..." he  could not read it aloud now but kept reading with his lips; it was neither an accident nor because of any carelessness; but a clear suicide attempt. It was a bless for him that the vehicle men never tried to hospitalize him.

The stranger ended his reading, emotionless, not letting a tear to fall off, not letting his eyebrow to shrink a bit, he continued searching the left papers like a man who have survived those broken circumstances.

The patient's letters go like this; he was a happy young boy with his peaceful family life with his parents and 2 sisters.

His father was a govt.employee, but all the happiness ended .Only after his father's suicide that the family understood the thing that his father was in a deep credit dept and he had no other choice to set the debts other than letting his service money [that will get naturally after his death] to get., otherwise he will lose everything that he saved for his children in his whole life and the house will be taken off by the bank. His father thus gave his life to save them. But even after that nothing ended...There made some problem for his father's money, he, his mother, his sisters all wandered across the govt.offices for the money that the govt.offered for his father's life. But no hopeful result. His sister's husband always made struggles for the remaining dowry that his father had offered. Now she is with her mom in his house with a child. His mother is a heart patient; so much money is needed for her treatment.

His younger sister's education is ended when she was in 10th, when his dad passed away. she is now attaining her bridal age, everything wants money ,all those promising days passed ,tomorrow is the day that his house is going to loss, all are going well under the laws except his dad's money it is under some dark hands, laws are blind here, in the reality. He had no other choice, as a mere beginner of life he had no other choice ,but one, to let him go to the dark .

The dark night went off. Dawn of a new era is approaching.

"Hello...Buy this medicine and pay the bill “an angel said. Her voice awakened the resting stranger.

He paced to the counter, someone is sleeping in it."Hey... Wake up please "he said in a low voice.

"Hum....yes what you want “the counter women said. He shown the bill paper towards her .She admitted it.

The stranger opened his shrunken wage packet that the contractor had given.

After paying the bill he came in front of the observation room and placed the medicine on the table .An angel came and unfolded the medicine packet. After, he went to the consulting room "doctor" he said. He looked hopefully to doc's eyes "oh you, come, sit down, he is going to be well soon, by the way where the patient's relatives"doc said.

"I forgotten to call them “he said

"OK...Then go, call them now, they must know what had happened “doctor said.

He searched the phone number in the paper piece, with the phone in his left hand made hard for him to search the paper pieces. He adjusted the receiver between his ear and shoulder."2570...err...315"receiver attended a buzzing sound.

" it Ramesh...son is it you “with a choking voice a women said.

It may be the old widowed mother. She was waiting the night long for her son. How could he unfold the truth to this hopeful voice, no he could not do it, sometimes the old women would faint down by hearing her son's news?

‘Mom ...Give me that...”a struggling was felt within the receiver

" it Ramesh bhayya...hello “a soulful voice, it may be his younger sister. Now he had gotten the words to go on “sorry ...I...Am not Ramesh, his friend...Unfortunately.....he had an accident yesterday night. But now he is recovering   he is now in the err...Akash hospital "he said.

"My god ....bhayya..."she started spreading her tears. No conversation continued.

its 10 'o'clock. Ramesh came to know that his heart beat is getting normal .doctor went out the room after checking him and said “you are recovering faster nothing to worry"

He came to know about the stranger who left him here with his breath back. “Idiot, why he had saved me...god why don't you take my breath away, have I done that much sin for these? Do you think I am going to live i am not going to...Please …please don't give me another stranger...Please “angrier tears damped his cheek .his phone belled calmly, he refused to attend .but an angel forced him with her lovely words.”Hello bhayya....bhayya...Can you hear me “a bright voice heard .he couldn't refuse her because something got ridden in her voice. May be those sorrows!

"Hello “he said

"Bhayya sorry, your friend had said that you are not well....but mom felled off...So she couldn't travel far. so we couldn't come there..You are now all right isn't it? She said

But he couldn't utter a word, he feared that will her voice go back, will she be lost her current unusual voice, which he couldn't point out the reason.

"Don’t worry bhayya...I know your heart...don't you remember my words ,that everything will be all right, all our good days will come it’s came again ...bhayya.. every problem solved ...yesterday when you left home a phone call came from the office...our money was sanctioned...we could save our home settle our sisters dowry..And then also there is good money for your dream business. Our happy days are coming bhayya...  "She said but couldn't finish each word with her overwhelmed salty lips.

There was no other thing in his head except being hungry for the lost stranger.., the one who given his life back.


Now it’s your turn, I don't know you are young or old but don't think old even you are. Lent a hand of humanity for a stranger, then there will be someone for you to make your life worthwhile!




Publication Date: 02-27-2016

All Rights Reserved

This short story mainly tells about the need of helping people. This story deals with a representation of an helping hand to an unknown stranger.At last it have a twisting end.

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