Short Story
Read books online ยป Short Story ยป Him.... by Janayla Mahi (best ereader for pdf and epub TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซHim.... by Janayla Mahi (best ereader for pdf and epub TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Janayla Mahi

Izzy <3s jake

Ambers pov


She had a boyfriend.  Her millionth one at that.  See izzy goes through boys like she does tampons on a period.  Use, abuse and throw.  The cycle repeats and repeats and repeats.  Me,  however,  has hardly had 5. Boyfriends that is. 


Anyway izzy was the pretty one while i was the........ not so pretty one.  She was out going while i would hideaway in a corner.  She attracted hotties i attracted pervs.  Her long blonde hair outdid my wavy brown locks.  Her blue eyes destroyed the purpose of my 'beautiful'  green ones. The list goes on.  Pretty much shes a whole lot prettier than me. 

Anyways this new boyfriend of hers......... I was meeting him today.  Me and izzy have this thing where she has to run all boyfriends by me and vice versa.  I knew her standards. She knew mine. And if i didn't like him, or even worse if i did, she would have to break it off with them and we would never speak of him again. But i normally aproved of every boyfriend because i didnt want upset her or make her angry.




Walking in the door i called for izzy, but instead this fine looking god walked from the lounge.

"Woah" My god even his voice is sexy.

"Hi" I squeaked out with a little wave.

"Uuuh izzy's friend right?" He questioned with a quizzical expression

"Yeah um Amber uuh your jake right? The new boyfriend?" He just nodded.

"Well not really a boyfriend more like really close friends that go on dates and kiss and all that sort of stuff, nothings been made official" Test one failed.

"Ok" I mumbled making my way to the lounge. As i expected, he followed, sitting across from me.

" Ya know if i had known izzy had a friend as pretty as you, i would have just stayed friends with her and gone to you" And the flirting begins.


Publication Date: 10-19-2014

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Free ebook ยซHim.... by Janayla Mahi (best ereader for pdf and epub TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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