Short Story
Read books online ยป Short Story ยป THANKS by otteri selvakumar (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซTHANKS by otteri selvakumar (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author otteri selvakumar


Today morning my cell phone ringing

a new call

the number is new.."i don't waste my i was not speak..."
ten minit gone again calling the same number

what about?

i was lazyley

attenthe call one girl voice

"sir...come to mth hospital quick"

the cell was cut

i was think 'what is this non sence?'

again ten minit gone

the call was comming same number

i did not attned the call...i was finished office work at 5pm.

again that call was coming 'hai who are you?' aasking iam

'i am Roma hospital staf at morning you son fell down the bycycle admited in our hospital

so comming soon..'

'ok... i will come..'run the office. new call means nusens i think is waste

what about god...what is mind crying




"In meditation the Buddha"

"Open your eyes and all of a sudden"


"Can not turn your eyes and do penance"

" General can not"

With "woke up with want"

"He was doing penance in place"

"Ant was going series"

"Oh ... this is a small ant bite and I woke up early?"

"just mind mermering as ..."


Sit in deep meditation,

"Innovate ants bites again ..."

"Syndicate was angry and frustrated and was even"

"Biting ants love with love"

"That was....

"Buddha had tears in their eyes"

"A little small drops"

"The ants are only bite to walk simply"




Guru disciples were traveling through the forest.

He told his disciples that one there said that the plant extract. I threw snatched disciple.

After a short distance, a slightly larger plant than before snatching it out of the Guru.

Vetukkena snatched threw another disciple.

Guru disciples walked for some distance. Now Guru is a small tree that grows to snatch the said plant.

Could not be tried first. To the other disciple, could not, could not be achieved in this way all the disciples.

We could not.

Guru told me - that problems like this plant.

Not one disciple, Guru said it is a problem plant.

smiles, pulls you over a small plant. But a slightly larger unable to uproot the plant. finish when it is small problems, can not do anything to grow up.

yes...are no..? 






The young married a couple in their
It was a match.I mean, who throughout today
We knocked on the door to open

... That can not match.Competition began some
Time at the husband's parents Knock. Husband
Remember that the door is open

It was opening it to competition varavekatavai.
He has little time for parents From standing at the door,
Tirakkatat door to the left.

In a few hours the woman's
Parents layers door. The husband Each wife With care. His wife
Parents see standing out Not the eye
With distressed "and I no longer
Just can not stay "

Kuriyavare that has opened the door.
Husband did not say anything.
Uruntotina days.

They nankumakankalum
A daughter was born.
She is the daughter of her husband
Born to celebrate the great
Had organized a party.
Were able to walk away with happiness.
On the night of his wife,
"When our son was born, 

The amount you kontatavillaiye
Why? Asked.
He said the husband,

"Tomorrow my daughter and me
Open the door! "






at 3:00 pm

evening time

h.m .m hospital

today Dr.kumar is on duty

duty medical officer room

phone was ringing Dr kumar watching a news at t.v

again phone ringing

"sir in casualty one chest pain case was coming ..."sister suguna speak

" take Ecg I will come few minutes" say Dr.kumar

twenty minutes gone

Dr.kumar watching T.v. some dance program

again ringing telephone

"sir ...very series come quick" again sister suguna speak

Dr.kumar "O god" say for mind

run in casuvality.32 years old gentle man shouting with chest pain

Dr.kumar see the ecg

some changes in ecg

Dr.kumar advise "start some iv fluids normal saline. inj pantop +t.ecosprine 150mg + t.clopid 75 mg +.atrovas 40mg

give after two hour again take ecg.and monitor bp half hourly ok"

"ok sir" say sister suguna

Dr.kumar was wring the case sheet and the chest pain case at h.m.m. hospital.

again Dr.kumar ask with patient "how is your chest pain?"

"severe pain sir" tell the patient suresh

"o...sister call medical specialist" Dr.kumar sit on chair

"doctor patient bp was low 90/70 " sister parvathi telling

"o..god ...what can I do....?"

Dr.kumar mind was hanging

patient suresh spo2 was monitoring 84 coming

"A real heart attack sister suguna give to patient 1/2 T.sarbitrate under the tongue "Dr.kumar sounding

that a time sudenley the patient was very series the heart rate coming low 54 at minute

"sister hurry up start o2 "Dr.kumar again sounding

that time patient wife jamuna suresh coming inside told the sister ear something

" sir this patients is already H.I.V.+ " told sister suguna

" what? will save life"

Dr.kumar sounding

that a time suresh simply pass away

Dr.kumar take stath and check heart beating conform for dead


"o..god death is simple for yourself but patient for life" Dr.kumar cry on mind run on duty medical officer room.

call his friend Dr.selvakumar at cell phone tell same story a low voice

++otteri selvakumar




Publication Date: 10-17-2012

All Rights Reserved

Free ebook ยซTHANKS by otteri selvakumar (a court of thorns and roses ebook free .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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