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Book online ยซTears For An Old Love by Anna Harris (whitelam books txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Anna Harris

"Why did I have to see him again, why?", tears ran down my face.
"Is going to be o.k., why are you like this?", I was shaking as I cried.
"I loved him Meg, I was going to marry him, you didn't know me back then but you can ask Kat how much I loved Jeffrey", she put her arm around my shoulder.
"I bet you did, it took you a long time to get over him"
"Why does he have to come back to my life now when I have someone as good as Joe?", she looked at me with soft tenderness.
"Life is weird sweetheart", that was true, I knew it.
"I don't want to hurt Joe, I can't do that to him", tears were all over my face.
"You won't because what you have with Joe is very special", she said wiping my tears away.
"I love him, I do"
"Then, just let it go"
"I can't Meg, you know what Jeffrey asked me?"
"If I love Joe more than him?"
"And what did you say?"
"Nothing, Kat came to save me", Meg smiled.
"And do you love Joe more than Jeffrey?", I was silent for a long time, Meg looked at my tearful face.
"I don't know Meg, they are so different, Jeffrey always was playful and Joe is tough and tender, I just don't know"
"You got to make sure of your feelings, you need to really see what is inside that hurtful heart of yours", she hugged me tight and I felt her soothing embrace.
"We were going to get marry and you know probably lived in New York for a while but then we were planning to spend a summer in England, his grandparents were english"
"So that is why you love England so much?"
"Yeah, Jeffrey loves it there, he spend so many summeres with his grandparents", my eyes sparkled, Meg saw the change in my face expression.
"We were going to honeymoon in London, I was so excited Meg, you don't know how much", Meg smiled.
"I bet you were, Anna, what did you feel when you saw him?"
"I don't know Meg, I saw my whole past coming pack to me, the things we did together and they even played our song, "One Fine Day"
"Oh gosh Anna, I am so sorry, you most feel trapped"
"I do, he said it was just a one night stand and he never cheated on me, you know how I felt, Kat said he was just drunk with some friends, it could happen to any one"
"Yeah maybe so", she caressed my face.
"Are you sorry you called the wedding off?"
"I don't know, I just want to let this go, I love Joe, I can't go back to something that is the past"
"Then just dropped it"
"I wish I could do it, he found out my cell phone, he called me Meg, he did, yesterday"
"And what did he said?"
"He want us to talk but I can't do that, Joe is coming back this Saturday, I can't do that"
"You love Joe, I know you do, Jeffrey is your past, concentrate on what you have now"
"Do you think I should take a break from Joe?", my question surprised Meg.
"Do you want to?"
"I had felt with Joe as with nobody else but now I am so confuse, oh Meg, what should I do?"
"Why don't you go away with Joe?, just the two of you, that would clear your mind of any other thing"
We drank from our teas, almost cold, Meg was still there sitting by my side in the couch. My cell was ringing, it was Joe.
"Hey baby"
"Are you o.k.?, my voiced sound trembeling.
"Yeah babe"
"What is wrong sweetheart?"
"Oh nothing, I just miss you Joe", it was true I needed him.
"I'll be there Saturday"
"I want to see you so much", Meg looked at me and smile.
"I miss you too baby, hey, I was thinking, do you want for us to go away for long weekend?"
"Oh yeah, I was telling Meg how much I wanted to do that"
"Well then is settled, just you and I when I come back, no musicians, no jamming, just us, o.k., baby?"
"Joe, I love you", tears ran down my face.
"I know baby, I know, are you sure there is nothing wrong?"
"I am sure, just hurry back"
"I will, just hang in there, I will put your body close to mine, o.k., baby are you sure everything is good?"
"Yeah babe, yeah, everything is good"
"Got to run, I love you"
"I do too Joe", the conversation ended. Meg looked at my tears running wild again.
"Joe loves you"
"I know Meg, I love him too, Jeffrey can't come in now and just mess up my life"
"He won't, now smile", I did, she made me do it.
"Good, good, you'll see that everything will be fine, Jeffrey is the past, Joe is the present, he is good for you..

And that I knew... but inside my heart was hurting. Why did I had to see Jeffrey again?, one thing was true my love for Joe was beautiful...


Publication Date: 01-26-2011

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