Short Story
Read books online ยป Short Story ยป My Sweet Revenge by Angel (Sorry but not going to tell lol!) (best romantic novels to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Sweet Revenge by Angel (Sorry but not going to tell lol!) (best romantic novels to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Angel (Sorry but not going to tell lol!)

Prologue: What all went down.

I was just a little girl, when it all happened. It was a beautiful sunny day, so we decided to take this wonderful day and go to the park. As we drove i was in the back with my mother, who was making me laugh by playing peek-a-poo. I giggled and laughed, and i believe i heard a few chuckles from my father.


As we parked the car, and unloaded our stuff i charged out of the car and towards the swings. My mother just laughed as i swang, and my father began to set the pinic table up. I stopped my fun for a few to help them set up, as we were putting the napkins down.


A strong wind made the napkins fly into some bushes. My mother sighed before pulling on a smirk and went intot he bushes, followed by my father. I waited....


And waited....


And waited....


Till i heared something i never wanted to happen in my life....




I bolted from the seat i was sitting in and towards those bushes. To find my father, carry my mother out. And the blood that was splatter on her beautiful spring dress was just too much. I cried and cried, for the next week. At the funeral, after, and about a year i would not eat or drink, talk, or anything unlessed forced too.


But one day something sparked my mind for the rest of my life.


Who did it?.........



Publication Date: 05-25-2015

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Free ebook ยซMy Sweet Revenge by Angel (Sorry but not going to tell lol!) (best romantic novels to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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