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Something In The Attic

                                                              THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE ATTIC



  “My name is not important, but I do have an important tale to tell. Please pay attention and listen closely. This is more of a warning to all those looking to move into a new house, check its history and always worry if the price is to good to be true, because it usually is, as I had to find that out the hard way.


  Anyways, my tale started the day I got a promotion at my place of work. My wife and I decided that since I was making more money than ever before, it was time to find a newer house to move into, that would prove to be a very fatal mistake. We searched through all the real estate agencies that we could find, and we looked at every house they had to offer. To be honest we were just about to give up on finding our dream house, (and I wish we would have) until we got a call saying they had found the perfect house for us. This time we brought our son along for the ride to see the house with us. And even I must admit the house was astonishing, even on the inside. We were all excited, and wanted to move in right away, and so we did, within a week we were settled into our new house.


 Everything was going fine at first, and we were very happy. I've never seen my son and wife smile so much, and that made me happy as well. But for some reason I couldn't shake the feeling that something or someone was watching us, so I did what any good husband and father would do, I kept quiet and shrugged it off the best I could for the sake of their happiness. OLne night my son came running into our room, he was in frantic state of mind. He swore up and down that he was hearing odd noises coming from just above his room. Instead of sending him back, we let him sleep in our room the rest of that night, to comfort him. The very next day I came home for lunch, my wife was still at work and my son was at school, I was all alone in the house.


 You could imagine my surprise when I started hearing noises coming from above me, I could hear what seemed to be footsteps echoing through out the house. I just figured my wife was home early at first, so I went to look upstairs for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Then right above me I could hear a knocking noise, at first it was light “knock, knock, knock.” and then it grew louder and louder, “KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!” It scared me at first, there was no one else in the house but me, where were all the noises coming from? Then it dawned upon me, the noises were coming from the attic, so I laughed and blew it off as rats in the house, silly me right? I figured that I would just call an exterminator later and have it dealt with, no harm no foul. The next day quickly approached and I called the exterminator, thinking everything would quite down now. But the noises never went away, and when I tried to contact the exterminator, the office said he never returned that day, or the next, which seemed odd. Months would pass and things in the house started to get worse, the lights would flicker and the sounds of footsteps could be heard more often. Little nick knacks in the house would be moved or turn up missing, even my wife was feeling the effects. She was no longer herself and was more irate day by day, even my son was scared now, more than usual and refused to sleep in his room. He claimed there was someone in his room at night watching him, it was all very frightening to me.


  I did the only thing I knew I could do, I calmed my wife and son down and I assured them that everything would be alright, that I would protect them. There wasn't much more I could do, we couldn't just move out, we had to much money invested into that damn house, we just couldn't afford to leave. When I look back on it now, I wish I would have packed up all of our things and got the hell out of there. If only I had done so, I could of avoided what happened next. That night I wanted my son to sleep in the same room with my wife and I. It was a strange night, we never heard a single noise through out the whole house and that made us let our guard down, and the last thing I remember is falling asleep soundly, I haven't slept that good for over a month. To be honest I slept the whole night, and never once did I wake. It was finally over, or so I had thought. But I couldn't have been more wrong, when I awoke the next day my wife and son were not in the room with me, I just figured they were already dressed and downstairs waiting for me to join them. I was in no hurry to jump out of bed, when I finally did make my way downstairs, I noticed that my wife and son were nowhere to be found. I walked over to the window to see if maybe they had left in the vehicle, but it was still in the driveway.


  That's when I started to worry that something bad had happened to the both of them, and I frantically ran to each room of the house shouting their names at the top of my lungs. But it was of no use, I couldn't find my wife nor son anywhere in the house, and quickly ran over to the phone and dialed 911, and told them my family had gone missing. In a matter of minutes the police showed up at my door. I welcomed them inside and immediately they started asking me questions, and I answered them the best I could. However I could tell by the look on their faces they didn't believe a word that I was saying, however they did search the house over but could find no signs of my family even being in the house at all that day. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed that I had forgotten all about the attic, “What about up there?” I asked, as I pointed up at the attic door. Their response was that there would be no way that they would be up there, so there was no need to look. Some police officers they were. It wasn't long before the police officers left and said, “They would be in touch.” But I knew I couldn't rely on them, I had to find my family on my own.


 Hours would go by even days, but I never stopped searching for them. Soon I quit my job and spent most of my days looking for any sign of where they could have gone, but never did I find them. That is until one night those horrible noises started up again, after being silent for so long. This time instead of just the sound of footsteps, and knocking noises, there was laughter I tell you! Laughter! It was a scary, creepy, maniacal laugh, nothing like I've ever heard before, and something I don't want to hear again. Then it dawned upon me, what if something in the house got to my wife and kid? What if it had hurt them? Or worse! Yes, the fear inside of me was great. But I knew if I had any hope of finding out what happened to them, I would have to find out where the noises were coming from. I followed the sounds up the steps, and I stopped underneath the attic door looking up. But I wasn't prepared to head up in the attic just yet, I went back downstairs and grabbed a flashlight and armed myself with a kitchen knife. And I slowly made my way back up the stairs and to the attic door. I then reached up for the string to pull the door open, the steps came crashing down at me. I quickly moved out of the way at the last second. My heart was racing, and I was scared out of my mind, but I made myself press on.


  As I slowly made my way up the steps the noises came to a complete stop, and there was a fowl odor in the air as well. Once I was up in the attic, I knew I wasn't alone. I could feel another pair of eyes upon me, watching every move I made. It was enough to make every bone in my body shiver with fear, but still it did not stop me. For I was going to find out what I wanted to know. I pointed the flashlight in all directions, and I could tell by the looks of things someone else had made a home here as well. There was half eaten food on the floor and also dead rats that had been eaten on as well, it was a disgusting sight, but that's not all. The light from my flashlight revealed long gashing marks on the trusses of the attic, liking something or someone had been clawing at them. And as I looked around even further, making sure to watch my step, something caught my eye. It looked like a hand was sticking out of the insulation from the walls. I walked closer, and closer, and then I jumped back with a shout when I realized what exactly it was, a human hand! Upon further inspection I knew that it was my wife by the ring on her finger!


  I ran over to her as quickly as possible, and started digging her body out, but to my horror she was already dead. And right beside her was my son's lifeless body, I screamed out to the top of my lungs as I held onto them, and cried. I was heartbroken and angry at the same time, then I heard the laughter coming from behind me. I turned quickly making sure not to let them go, and there standing before me was this thing, it took the shape of a human boy but it was far from it. It had pale skin and looked as though it had been burned at some point, this thing had long razor sharp fingernails. And when it smiled you could see its jagged teeth, but what scared me the most was the fact it had no eyes, just black empty sockets. With blood running down his mouth, he was looking at me and laughing. Before I could make a move he lunged at me, and I remember nothing after that. All I know is that I awoke in a hospital bed the next day. When I asked how I got there, and asked about my family and that hideous creature, they looked at me like I was crazy. They informed me that I was found outside my house passed out, with the house ablaze. I was lucky to be alive. But they knew nothing of my wife and son, or of the creature that was living in my attic. Why didn't that demonic thing kill me too? I truly wish I

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