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Read books online ยป Short Story ยป The Pregnant Widow by Sam & Holly (read my book TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Pregnant Widow by Sam & Holly (read my book TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Sam & Holly

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the first book is about Lillian and Cassian, fondly known as Cass. He's the youngest of three brothers. They all live together and are billionaires. They hired a cook through an ad...

Lillian shows up.

Lillian knocked on the door, she's three months pregnant and it hasn't started showing yet.

Cassian answered. "welcome...are you the new cook?" he asked.

Lillian blushed and nodded. "y-yes.."

Ryan grumbled. "we may be rich but wasting AC is not acceptable! close the damn door!" he stalked off to his room.

"sorry ...You'll have to excuse him. Please, come in" Cassian opened the door to let her in. "my brother Devon, will be with you in a minute" Cassian showed her into the living room before heading out into the now pouring rain to get her bags.

Lillian sat, nervous and feeling her Afternoon sickness coming.

Devon strolled in. "hello..I'll just be going over house rules and allergies..."

It wasn't a long list, until he got to Cassian. Cassian was allergic to milk, peanuts, sage, dust, pollen, and mold.

Lillian nodded, knowing if she talked she would puke.

Devon stood, when Ryan and Cassian walked in. I'm Devon...the sweet one...or middle child...That's Ryan.. He's the oldest and mean..Then Cassian the cute one...and the youngest" smiled Devon.

Lillian nodded and smiled.

Cassian rolled his eyes while Ryan just glared at his brother.

Devon grinned, then frowned when he looked at her.

Lillian felt flushed and ready to puke. It didn't help that 3 hot sexy guys were staring at her.

"Devon, open the door!" Cassian said, scooping her up and taking her into the bathroom before she threw up on the floor. He held her hair back.

Lillian groaned and gripped the toilet as she threw up.

Cassian rubbed her back.

Lillian leaned back against him when she had emptied her stomach. She groaned.

Devon sighed. "holy crap"

"Dev, glass of water, please" Cassian said.

Devon got the glass of water.

Lillian sipped some. She suddenly realized that she had puked and was resting in Cassian's arms. She pushed away from him and stood. "Oh God...I can explain"

"it's okay..." Cassian said. "we think nothing less of you"

Lillian glared at all three of them , since Ryan had walked up. "I know the father of my baby! And i Was married when this baby was conceived!" She ranted. She was 2' shorter than all 3 of them.

"It's okay." Cassian said. "i assumed as much. I was talking about puking in front of us...Most women are embarrassed by it"

Lillian's cheeks reddened. "i'll just go cook dinner" she rushed past them and into the kitchen.

Devon smiled.

Cassian smiled. "i like her" he mouthed to them.

Ryan shrugged. "whatever...all women are good for only one thing and that's sex" he went to his office.

Devon frowned. "well good luck Cassian"

Lillian started making dinner.

Cassian rolled his eyes. "thanks, i'm gonna go see if she needs help"

Devon chuckled, then went up to his room.

Lillian was stirring noodles.

"What yah making?" Cassian asked , coming up behind Lillian.

Lillian jumped and blushed, when she saw him. "Cassian...oh...Chicken Alfredo"

"My favorite. Wanna know my secret?" he asked.

Lillian nodded, and smiled. Her green eyes twinkled.

"Pink Merlott. A beautiful blush wine" He retrieved the bottle from the cabinet. "a dash of this...I cooked a lot, but now i'm busy with work"

Lilian blushed. "i hope it cooks out...Because pregnant women shouldn't drink"

"The alcohol will, but not the flavor." He promised.

Lillian relaxed and poured some in. "can you put it back? im too short"

Cassian put it back for her.

Lillian smiled and hummed as she stirred in the sauce and chicken.

Cassian smiled, watching her. She had nice hips and a great butt. Her breasts were Very nice too, probably a D or double D.

Lillian bent and get out a bowl to put the Alfredo in.

Cassian got out the plates to set the table.

Lillian set the bowl on the table and got forks and napkins.

Cassian set the places. "there is a white wine in the bottom of the fridge that Ryan will want, will you get it?" he asked.

Lillian smiled and got the wine before sitting.

They all sat around the table. "so why don't you tell us about yourself?" Cassian suggested.

Lillian shifted in her chair. "well...I'm 23, i was married for 5 years...and my husband died when i was a month along in this pregnancy...leaving me pregnant and ridden with debt"

Cassian nodded. "may i ask how he died? you don't have to tell us if it upsets you..."

Lillian smiled. "it's okay...He was drunk, coming home from gambling and ended up wrapped around a tree"

"that happens to the best" Devon said.

Lillian looked down at her plate. "i hated him..." she whispered.

Cassian patted her shoulder.

Lillian smiled at him. "tell me about you guys...i'll be living with you"

"uhh, Ryan can tell you the most about our business..." Cassian said.

Lillian blushed. "thats not what i meant ..."

Ryan looked at her puzzled, while Devon grinned.

Lillian blushed deep red. "are any of you in relationships?"

They all shook their heads no.

Lillian's eyes widened. "you're all single?!?! No way! You guys look too-..." she blushed and started eating again.

They all laughed.

Lillian blushed and ate.

Devon chuckled. "what? sexy?"

Ryan snorted.

Cassian elbowed Ryan.

Ryan glared at him then drank some wine.

Lillian blushed but nodded.

Cassian patted her hand before clearing his finished plate.

Lillian took the plate from him. "no...i'm being paid to cook, i'll clean up too"

"okay, " Cassian smiled.

Lillian cleaned off the table and left them there and went to do the dishes.

They talked for a little then Ryan and Devon went to their rooms.

Cassian came to see if she needed anything.

Lillian smiled. "yeah...umm...where am i sleeping is pretty important"

"It's a pretty big house. We all have separate corridors of rooms. Your's is the servant's quarters above the main house" he showed her a good hidden staircase behind the kitchen. It lead up to where he had taken her bags.

Lillian smiled up at him. "thank you..." she started up the stairs.

"i'm just down the corridor to the left if you need anything" he smiled. "good night"

Lillian stripped, showered, then slept in the soft bed.

Cassian did the same.

He woke early the next morning.

Lillian woke up and came down in a blue robe. "morning" she mumbled before cooking up pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

Cassian smiled. "morning" he was looking over the reports.

Lillian set the table with the food.

Cassian filled his plate and ate without paying attention since he was going over reports. "very tasty" he said.

Lillian smiled. "thank you, it was real simple."

Cassian smiled at her then went back to looking at the reports.

Lillian served Devon and Ryan before they went to work then she started clearing the table.

Cassian left for work also, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. She could safely presume he was off to a job site.

Lillian wandered the house.

It was a big house with many places to explore.

Lillian saw the pool and rushed to put on her black bikini. Her small baby bump showed as she swam for a while then went to lay down on the lawn chair, then fell asleep.

Cassian woke her when he got home. The job sites closed at 4pm, but the offices didn't close till 6pm. Dinner was at 6:30pm.

Lillian gasped "oh!i'm sorry!...i'll start cooking...i was just" she looked at the pool then down at herself and blushed.

"it's alright, you're fully entitled to use the pool and any other facilities here" Cassian smiled.

Lillian nodded and walked past him and into the house in her bikini.

Cassian gave her a sexy whistle as she left.

Lillian blushed and looked back at him.

Cassian smiled at her and headed across the pool court yard to get her towel then went up to his room.

Lillian went up to her room and put a sundress over her bikini then went to start cooking.

Cassian showered and put on jeans and a tank top.

Lillian felt woozy as she bent to pull the steaks out of the oven. She gasped as the dish slid from her hand and crashed to the kitchen floor.

Cassian came blazing around the corner to see if she was Ok. "messy, messy" He teased, keeping her upright.

Lillian was shaking and pressed a hand to her cheek. It felt wet so she moved to see her palm and there was a gash on it.

Cassian swore under his breath and cleaned her hand gently. He bandaged it and set her down in a chair. "i'll finish cooking, you sit here and sip this water" he set a glass in front of her.

Lillian felt to sick to argue and sipped the water.

Cassian cleaned up her mess and then made tacos instead.

Lillian sniffled and then started crying quietly.

Cassian turned around to look at her at one point. "aww, honey, what's wrong?" He squatted down in front of her.

Lillian sniffled. "are you guys gonna fire me?"

"no, I won't let that happen" Cassian promised.

Lillian wiped a tear away. "i just feel so tired"

"it's okay, get some rest" Cassian sent her upstairs to sleep.

Ryan and Devon came home and frowned when they saw him setting the table.

Ryan glared. "where is she? shouldn't she be doing that?"

Devon sighed. "is she okay?"

"She's fine, She's resting, She over worked herself today" Cassian explained.

Devon frowned "what happened?"

Ryan shook his head.

"She went swimming" Cassian said.

Ryan scoffed. "she's pregnant, not a child"

Devon glared at Ryan. "you prick! Be quiet!"

Cassian plated up a little food for her and snuck back upstairs to give it to her.

Lillian was on the floor in the shower.

Cassian came and helped her up. "you Ok?" he asked.

Lillian pushed him away and tried to cover herself. "I fell that's all"

"you didn't just fall, Lillian...You need to see a doctor, I think there might be something seriously wrong" Cassian said, handing her a towel.

Lillian covered and stood. "get out...i need to dress...Please"

Devon knocked on the door. "everything alright in there?"

"yeah" Cassian popped out through the door, shutting it quickly.

Lillian put on a sundress and braided her hair.

Devon grinned wolfishly. "you see her naked?"

"stop! She's a woman, not a prize" Cassian snapped.

Devon raised his hands"whoa! calm down, geez! I'll leave 'your woman' alone, okay?"

Cassian nodded.

Devon walked off.

Lillian touched his arm.

Cassian jumped.

Lillian smiled. "calm down, why are you yelling?"

"sorry, my brothers annoy me" Cassian said.

Lillian smiled.

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