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Book online «Saving His Luna by Sam & Holly (e reader for manga .txt) 📖». Author Sam & Holly

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Book 4

Ashley huddled in her room, shivering. She was a play thing for men, still a virgin.
Greg hurried to track her down after he had talked with his brother.
Ashley brought a blanket around her shoulders trying to keep warm.
Greg travelled to one of the houses. He asked for a experienced virgin.
Ashley was the first they brought him. "100$ for 15 minutes with her"
Greg grinned "how much to buy her?"
"Not for sale unless you make me a lifetime offer" the woman said and began to take her away.
Greg scowled " your price"
"She is worth more than you can offer me a month she will be thirteen. And some man will have the joy of being her first" the woman replied.
Greg stepped closer, towering over her. "Give her to me for 5 mil and I wont kill you" he flashed his canines.
The woman handed the girl over.
Greg cradled her to his chest and dropped the 5 mil at the woman's feet, before he left.
Ashley snatched up her rhino. The only thing from her childhood when it had been normal.
Greg raced her to his home. Where he sat her at the table. "Hungry?"
Ashley nodded. She didn't speak at all.
Greg made her a sandwich. "I don't want you to be scared of me....ill keep you safe and well cared for.
Ashley ate the sandwich slowly. Not wanting to overload her normally empty stomach.
Greg sat beside her. "My sister in law....Maria...wants to meet you..she escaped from your mistress....but wasn't as lucky as you"
"Maria? " the girl asked. A smile lighting her face.
Greg nodded. "You know her?"
Ashley nodded.
Greg jumped up when Maria walked in. "She knows you?"
Maria looked from Greg to the little girl. "Ashley ...I didn't think you would still be there" Maria gave the girl a hug. "Greg...this was my partner. We did everything together. Ashley, meet Greg. He won't hurt you, ever. Promise.
Greg stared down at Ashley. " my Luna ...I would protect you with my life.
Ashley looked from Maria to Greg. Spontaneously she hugged him. "Thank you"
Greg shivered and kissed the top of her head. "Its my job"
Ashley looked up at him. "No its protect me because you want to "
Greg's jaw flexed, "you are probably tired...why don't you sleep? "
Ashley nodded. "Where is the bathroom? I want a shower " she asked.
" ill help you find clothes afterword " Maria said.
Greg pointed to the bedroom "its in the bedroom "
Maria and Ashley disappeared to get Ashley cleaned up.
Greg fixed himself a steak while he waited.
Maria came out an hour later. "She's sound asleep ...the poor girl in exhausted. She was asleep almost before she hit the pillow. "
Greg nodded, worried "how mañy years should I....I wait? "
"That depends on the two of you...I would say at least till she's 17. You two need to discuss that though"
Greg nodded "I know "
Maria nodded "cherish her. Its not every day you meet someone like Ashley. Someone so open to anyone "
Greg nodded "I know...I want her to trust me"
Maria nodded "let me know if you need anything"
Greg nodded "I will"
Ashley slept soundly.
Greg went in and showered. He changed then went to watch football.
Ashley got up the next morning and showered again. She was wearing one of his shirts because she had nothing else.
Greg looked up from where he was on the couch "hungry?
Ashley nodded "please"
Greg went and cooked Mac n cheese.
Ashley devoured it. "That was awesome "
Greg chuckled "thanks...we should go buy you clothes"
Ashley nodded.
Greg took her to the nearest walmart.
Ashley picked out lots of jeans and shirts.
Greg sat waiting. Greg saw her coming and smiled. " need any feminine products? "
"Got them" she blushed "thanks".
Greg nodded "alright lets go"
Ashley followed him to check out then home.
Greg smiled "go ahead and put this stuff up"
Ashley nodded and went to put everything away
Greg sat on the couch.
Ashley came out to join him. "Movie? " she didn't speak much, she still seemed a little wary of living with him just because it was such a big change. It would wear off soon.
Greg nodded and scooted on the couch to make room. "Disney? "
"The hunger games" she shrugged .
Greg popped it in and settled back.
Ashley settled in to watch.
Greg smiled and watched the movie.
Ashley watched, completely enthralled.
Greg glanced over at her when he thought she wasn't looking.
Ashley smiled back at him then focused on the movie.
Greg blushed and faced foward.
Ashley focused on the movie. But couldn't keep her eyes open the last 20 minutes of the movie.
Greg lifted her into his arms and carried her to bed.
Ashley mumbled about blue eyed men in her sleep.
Greg frowned and stroked her cheek.
Ashley lay her cheek in his hand, smiling.
Greg kissed her forehead. "I love you Luna"
Ashley sighed in her sleep.
Greg lay down beside her, tired.
Ashley snuggled into him.
Greg fell asleep with his Luna.
Ashley woke in the morning, half laying on top of him.
Greg shivered in his sleep.
Ashley slid off to lay beside him, only she misjudged and fell off the bed with a thump.
Greg jerked awake. "Luna?" He asked huskily.
"Down here" she giggled " I fell off the bed"
Greg ran a hand over his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..I just haven't gotten up yet" she said.
Greg nodded "ill go make breakfast "
Ashley got up. "Okay, you're gonna have to teach me to cook, it looks fun"
Greg chuckled. "Okay Ash"
Ashley blushed. It was the mist she'd ever spoken to him.
Greg knelt infront of her. "Its okay Ash"
Ashley nodded. "Okay"
Greg kissed her forehead before heading toward the kitchen.
Ashley followed him.
Greg showed her how to make pancakes.
Ashley burnt the first couple then soon got the hang of it.
Greg smiled at her across the table as he piled his plate high.
Ashley smiled back.
Greg ate, he wondered how he would manage to be around her until she was old enough to mate with him.
Ashley ate her pancakes, she was always hungry.
Greg frowned as he ate, thinking.
Ashley smiled at him. "Do you have any pets?"
Greg chuckled "no"
"Not even a fish?" She asked.
Greg blushed "nope"
"I thought every kid at least had a fish" she murmured.
Greg winked "im not a kid"
"True " she nodded.
Greg rubbed his neck and stood.
Ashley looked at him.
Greg put the dishes in the sink. "Ashley know I wont force you...right?"
Ashley nodded.
Greg relaxed "good"
"Can we get a fish?" She asked.
Greg nodded. "Sure thing"
"I want a pretty beta fish" Ashley said, excited about the fish.
Greg smiled "alright"
Ashley smiled back.

Five years passed fast. Her seventeenth birthday was tomorrow.
Greg ran a hand over his face as he showered.
Ashley sat reading on her bed.
Greg groaned "I can't take it much longer " he mumbled.
Ashley jumped up to answer the door, but it was just Maria with some early birthday gifts.
Greg hopped out and dressed.
Ashley was visiting with Maria.
Greg came out. "Hey ladies"
"Hey Greg" Ashley and Maria said at the same time.
Greg sat beside Ashley. "What're you guys discussing? "
"Our plans for next Friday. She's taking me shopping ....but wont tell me where" Ashley smiled.
"Don't worry...nothing bad. Im just kidnapping her for a while" Maria said innocently.
Greg looked between the two. "Sure....I have to get her gift anyway "
Ashley nodded. "So...." she said, not knowing what to talk about.
"Well I'm gonna go. Have a good night" Maria hurried out the door to leave them alone.
Greg cleared his throat. " making dinner? "
"I can" she nodded.
Greg stood. "Okay...I have go" he jetted out the door.
Ashley nodded. She fixed chicken and rice.
Greg came back slightly relaxed. But his underlaying desire for her was still there.
She had waited for awhile, then ate and had gone to bed. Leaving dinner out for him with a note to warm it up.
Greg sighed and heated the food while he thought about her.
Ashley slept in her room.
Greg finished eating then stood outside of her room.
Ashley turned over in bed.
Greg groaned and turned
ey woke up from a dream. And walked out to get a drink.
Greg jumped back from the door and blushed.
"Did you need something? " she asked.
Greg groaned "yes.." he coughed. " i-i."
"O-okay " Ashley looked at him confused.
Greg looked away " I'll go to bed" he mumbled.
"Greg....if you ever need something ..don't hesitate to ask...the worst thing I can say is no" Ashley told him.
Greg nodded "Ashley ....can I kiss you? Just once?"
Ashley blushed and nodded.
Greg shuddered and moved closer before gently brushing his lips over hers.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg groaned but pulled back.
Ashley leaned against the wall.
Greg gulped " I need a shower "
Ashley nodded.
Greg rushed into his room and started a cold shower.
Ashley got her drink and went back to her room but couldn't sleep.
Greg had two cold showers that night.
Ashley spent her Time listening to music.
Greg finally fell asleep.
Ashley had breakfast made by the time he got up.
Greg came into the kitchen and sat down.
Ashley served hash browns and bacon.
Greg watched her as he ate.
Ashley smiled at him once. "Yes?"
Greg cleared his throat. "Uhh....nothing"
"Okay" Ashley jumped when the doorbell rang, signifying Maria's arrival. She ran to get it, telling goodbye to Greg over her shoulder.
Greg watched her go. Then wondered what to get her for her birthday.
Ashley and Maria spent all day out. They got back at 11 pm. Maria said good bye after they had hot coca.
Greg came in. " hey ...have fun?"
"Yeah, want some hot coca?" She asked.
Greg nodded "sure"
Ashley made him a cup.
Greg asked her to sit with him.
Ashley smiled at him and sat.
Greg took a swig of coca. " do you....find me...attractive? "
Ashley blushed and nodded. "I thought maybe I was a little weird at first....considering you are 7 yrs older than me, but now that I know how you feel, I don't feel so weird"
Greg cleared his throat and blushed "I ....yes...I find you attractive ....and I love you"
Ashley smiled "I love you too"
Greg cupped her cheek "can I kiss you again? "
Ashley nodded.
Greg kissed her.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg groaned and deepened the kiss.
Ashley kept kissing him.
Greg stood and hugged her. As he kissed her.
Ashley kept kissing him until she needed to breathe.
Greg kissed her neck.
Ashley shivered.
Greg kissed her ear and cupped her butt.
Ashley moaned.
Greg hardened against her belly.
Ashley shivered and backed away some. "Not yet..." she blushed.
Greg cupped her face "I understand ....its okay" he kissed her lightly.
Ashley nodded "im glad" she kissed back.
Greg hugged her.
Ashley hugged back.
Greg stepped back.
Ashley smiled at him."where do we go from here?"
Greg chuckled "bed"
"Together? " she wondered.
Greg smiled "if you want to"
Ashley shrugged "we can try"
Greg nodded "okay"
Ashley motioned for him to lead.
Greg went to his room he tugged his shirt off.

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