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Book online ยซA Not So Typical Teenage Life by Gabby Rodriguez (best self help books to read txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Gabby Rodriguez

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Ever noticed how life just seems to be pointless? And how there is always some kind of "catch" to every choice you seem to make?

Well then, here is a story of a girl who thought all of that, and then some. Here name is Lily. A seemingly pretty 16 year old Indian female who's whole life is music, friends, boys, and books. Lily is a straight "A" student, with jet black hair, skin that seemed to be kissed gently by the sun, a small girl she is. Only weighs 98lbs and is 5' 1" tall. Now, let us begin with our story.

"Mom! I can't find my favorite Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt!" I exclaimed. "Well why would I know where to find it? Or in fact where you would put the damn thing?!", my drug addict of a mom retorted. I don't even know why I would try asking the meth addict whore anyways, and she wonders why I don't bring friends over. So I just decided to where my Rob Zombie shirt and threw on a black, semi-tight jacket and raced to the bus stop.

I run out hopeing to catch the bus before it leaves, but it was a fool's wish. The worst thing about missing the bus, is missing the bus when it's raining like the whole world was going to flood. Knowing my "mother" was to high to even think like a practical normal human, I knew it would be best to walk to school, a looonngg, depressing 2 mile walk it would be too.

Finally arriving just 5 minutes before the bell would ring, I got into line for breakfast, ate my food without really tasting the horrible sausage and undercooked eggs, and hastidly made it to the gang's hang out spot. They were there, umbrellas and bags so close to them you would have thought their lives depended on making sure the hair brushes and pencils held within were never in any peril, ha.

"Lily!" Vixen called out to me, "What took you so long to get here? You just missed Adam here walk right into a wall and fall back into some mud!" She practiacally laughed it to me. I turned to my best guy-friend Adam and giggled but hugged him regardless if it was mud or pink slime that could turn you into a cow or make you have horrible acne problems for the rest of your life. Vixen, Adam, Connor, and I.

Adam is the only gay kid in school. It was a sad thing to see him get picked on in 5th grade for liking a guy, and being the new kid didn't help much either. So, the kid was pushing him, throwing gum and anything else sticky at him, while calling him a stupid faggot. I don't tollerate that kind of stuff, so I punched the kid right in the temple. Ever since then, Adam and I have been close. And lets just say, he is the biggest diva you will ever meet. And an excelent chef I might add!

Vixen, is a girl who will tell you what she thinks, regardless if it will hurt your feelings or your pride. She is a brunette, with peircing blue/grey eyes. The body of a swimsuit model, but not with those bold "LOOK AT ME!" features. Her's are delicate, but are noticable if that makes any sense. But her eyes are filled with what seems like innocence and youth, but are really filled with thoughts of evil smartness. We met when we were in 8th grade, we were the only people(including Adam) who were into rock and metal bands.

Now Connor was the tipical horn-ball of a junior. His personality is well, lets just say he isn't like a normal guy. He likes to go shopping with us girls and Adam,(But I think he is trying to get with Vixen.) He is tall,oh about over 5' 11", weighs as much as 159lbs, baby blues that could just look into your soul. And holy jeezus is he BUILT! Not body builder built, just kinda perfectly between to built and not enough muscle. Diffined features to knock out even the best looking male model in the world! Lets just say, we are a beautiful bunch.

"I wonder whats for lunch" Connor practically purs, "Your mom's vagina!" I shout while the group laughs and Connor jokingly gives me the "death" glare. The bell rang 5 minutes ago and we were on our way to class. It's funny that we got put in the same class for every subject. Even our electives! English was first, then history, art, science, math, and then my favorite, choir. Ok, so Connor isn't in choir, but he is in band. And Adam has some cooking class last hour. Only Vixen and I have choir together which is fine by me, teacher says we have voices of angels.

So classes seem to drag on unusually slow today, pretty much like matrix style except with out the cool music and stuff. Lunch even goes by slow, I wonder if it's just me or if it's like that for everybody else?(Maybe it's the rain or something.)I walk home in the rain clutching my bag close to me so the homework asignments don't get ruined. But I take a slight detour so I don't have to walk in on my mother selling herself just to get her fix. So I walk to the park and just sit under the ramada and start on my school work to distract this odd feeling inside me. Who knew that "feeling" would change me for the rest of my life. Walking home I start to feel dizzy and a little confused, but brush it off as feeling stressed and tired, you know, something normal.

But not even a block away from my house I pass out on the side of the curb. When I awake, it's bright, I'm sore, and extremely thirsty. "What the crap?", I mutter while covering my eyes from the intense light. As my eyes adjust, I realize, it's night. "Why do my eyes hurt when it's supposed to be pitch black outside?", Still a little dazed I try to figure out why I blacked out and why for so long. "Jeez, why does it feel like I've been beaten by a body builder all steriod out?"

I knew my mom wouldn't notice me gone, she never does, if it were my choice I would never come back here at all except, all of my cool stuff is here, including a warm bed. As I enter the room I realize right away I'm not alone. I can here the person taking shallow breathes, I hear the fear in his heart, and I can taste the blood in his veins...wait, can I really taste it?! OhMyGoddess! What the heck is wrong with me?! But before I know it, I'm struggling on the ground with the stranger, I'm about to let out a high soprano shriek when a soft hand places a firm grip over my mouth and in a quick, yet hushed voice wispers frantically in my ear, "You need to be quiet! OW! Shit that hurt! Stop srtuggling and stay quiet and calm and I will explain who I am and why I am here!". The male voice doesn't sound familiar, but I do as I am told so I know who this crazed guy is.

I start to relax and when he thinks I won't freak out anymore, he removes his hand, and gets up quick but somehow soundlessly. I get up slow and realize I can see in what I thought was my pitch black room. I can make out the posters, my bed, and actually see them in color like the light had been turned on. I turn to the stranger and start to make out details. Ok, so the guy was amazingly gorgeous. Hair the color of onyx, eyes so dark brown they seemed black, a gorgeous pale white skin,dark full eye lashes, and a little more built than Connor. His sense of style was good too; converse, loose fitting skinny jeans, a Disturbed t-shirt, and a studded belt.

"Sooo...sorry to scare you like that. I was starting to wonder where you were disappeared to.", the teenage hunk stated. "I'm sorry, but, who are you and how the hell did you get into my room?". "Ah crap! How rude of me, I said I would introduce myself. Well, my name is Sean and I am here to guide you threw the steps of becoming a vampire.", Sean just smiles at me. I look at him like he had just found out the world was round. And unexpectedly, I burst out in laughter. "Oh my goddess you have got to be kidding me! Are you one of my mom's druggie friends?! Psh, vampires. Get real dude. I'm not a 5 year old girl anymore." Sean just gives me this puzzled look like I was the crazed one. He looks around the room as if looking for something he lost.

He walks over to my night stand and picks up my knife, walks back, well seems more like gliding back, and holds it in front of me. I stop dead in mid-laugh and stare at my blade. He brings it back closer to him and takes it in both hands and *SNAP* goes the blade. I stare in stunned silence as pure steel is being held in both of his hands. "Do you believe me now?" Sean says in a husky voice, eyes willed with sadness and truth. Hours have passed by and I'm still in shock. Sean's explained to me that humans and vampires have been mixed and how half breeds have been born, and that some of the children turn, and some don't. I stare at my hands, seeing if I could see any physical changes. I slump into my bed, giving up the whole "trying to find physical change" and sigh.

"You can't live here anymore Lily. You don't belong." Sean sadly states what I have been fearing he would say. "But what about school? What about my friends? Where would I stay?!" I'm starting to get frantic and I can feel the tears stream down my face. "There is a school that we NEED to go to. Not just have to go, but honestly need to. We learn about vampire history, how to feed, and stuff like that." I feel those dark eyes burning into me, but as stubborn as I am, I clearly and rudely state how I feel, "I need to go? I don't NEED to go anywhere. I'm staying here with my friends, and I'm going to my same school!". Eyes sad he calmly and gently informs me that if I don't go to this "special" school, I will die.

"How can I just die? Aren't vampires immortal and stuff?" he laughs quietly at my question but instantly becomes serious, "Lily, you have vampire blood in you, but you haven't completely changed yet. We need to be by adult vampires in order to stay alive and either complete the change, or die in the process, this is a very serious matter. You need to

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