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Book online Ā«The Sea, My Love, and Me by glenway (fun to read TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author glenway

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Perfect Moments

I found ten pence by the beach, today, (You might say thatā€™s not much), But it was ten pence more than I had before And gave me quite a rush.

But it wasnā€™t as big as the one I got From the riches by my side, Whilst I strolled back from the beach, today, With his hand in mine to guide.

We had been to take a dip In the Irish Sea, no less; It was a great experience, To that, I must confess.

The walk to the beach took forever, (Would we ever reach that perfect spot?) I was getting overheated, (It was so darn hot!)

We finally reached the waterā€™s edge, Then we waded in waist-deep. After we turned our backs to the tide; Upon us, the tide would creep.

The water was so nice and fresh And the sea breeze filled the air; It cooled us down completely, Leaving us without a care.

Two young lads splashed near us; They were having loads of fun. One would tease the other; Then, away, heā€™d run.

If I could choose Perfect Moments To live over, and over again, A walk to the sea would be among them, Fond memories to remain.

My Favourite Place

A little bird sings a songā€¦ It brightens up my day. The song he sings gives me joy And sends my fears away.

The soft breeze, as it caresses my face, Releases heavenly scents from flowers The essence I smell ā€˜tis wonderful - I wish I could inhale it for hours.

The sun shines brightly oā€™er the water, ā€˜Tis a beautiful vision to see. As my eyes feast, I realise Itā€™s a wonderful place to be.

A honeybee buzzes toward me, Spotting the flowers on my top. He quickly zeros in on me, Then I, abruptly, stop.

He discovers, ā€œNo honey here!ā€ And then he buzzes away. I continue on my stroll to see What ā€œIā€ might find today.

I come to a pond nearby; Not far away is a dock. A lone seagull finds me there; And, then, the whole darn flock.

The gulls are squawking loudā€¦ They know I have some bread. As they approach, I watch my step Being careful where I tread.

I scatter the crumbs, then I hopeā€¦ Soon theyā€™ll leave me alone. Before long, ā€œItā€™s ā€˜myā€™ time to feedā€, My tummy starts to groan.

The gulls and I, we agree Sea air whets the appetite. I head back home for my teaā€¦ Itā€™s ā€œMy Favourite Placeā€ to light.

Two of Us, By the Sea

Tulips and daffodils Will be blooming soon; Here, and where, my love waits, Beneath the spheric moon.

I got a message from my love Saying all will be all right. Because I know he is safe, I shall sleep in peace tonight.

I had a vision of the sea As it lapped against the shoreā€¦ Billowing clouds of white, above; No one could ask for more.

Iā€™m afraid thatā€™s not completely true, Because I ā€œDOā€ want so much moreā€¦ Including the wish for me to arrive, SOON at his front door.

We will walk together, side by side, And before long you will see, Two more lovers on the sandy shore; One man (HIM) and one woman (ME).

My Love

My love for him is like a rose It drops its petals, ever so gently, to expose Itā€™s inner beauty.

It can rise or fall, at any time, Depending on his mood or mine.

The way I feel about my loveā€¦ It borders on divine.

My Kind of Man

He has the face of an angel With a sweet cherub smile. To sample his cooking, Iā€™d walk a mile.

He likes to be helpful Whenever he can; In short, I would say, Heā€™s ā€œMy Kind of Man.ā€

Oh, sure, heā€™s not perfect; Heā€™s the first to admit; Little things can upset him, Then heā€™ll throw a fit.

But when youā€™re in love, You take the bad with the good; You let him know That heā€™s understood.

Heā€™s among the best In ways that count most. Iā€™m just making a statement - I donā€™t mean to boast.

Life wasnā€™t always fair; And, at times, was unkind - He managed to get through it Without losing his mind.

One of the main reasons I love him a whole lot - In spite of bad times, heā€™s grateful, For what heā€™s got.

Wrapped Up, Safely, In Your Arms

I thought of you tonight, And Iā€™m longing for your touch. I thought of you tonight, And I miss you very much.

The words you said, to me, today, Are still ringing in my ears. When we shared our thoughts, It helped me calm my fears.

You told me how you love a woman From her head - down to her toes. Youā€™re so kind and so compassionate; My love, for you, it grows.

I hope, some day, I may experience All of you, and all your charms, Because of the way you make me feel, Wrapped up, safely, in your arms.

A Sweet Love Song

The gypsies play a sweet love song Passion rises, so very strong. The music sounds so bittersweet; It makes you want to tap your feet.

But that's not all it makes you feel; Someoneā€™s heart, you want to steal. You hear the rhythm ā€“ an exciting beat, A beautiful maiden perchance youā€™ll meet.

The accordion and the mandolin... One without the other would be a sin; Guitar and violin, they beckon you To seek a love, thatā€™s fresh and new.

Love is in the air tonight... Your eyes meet hers...It feels so right. Sheā€™s what you desire; and, so much more Don't let her escape your heart's door.

She catches your eye, as you give a wink... It doesnā€™t take her long to think You are ā€œThe Oneā€ she does adore... Sheā€™s found love; sheā€™ll search no more.

So, as the gypsies play their song, Let her know where you belong. Hold her close and tell her so; A love like yours, she wonā€™t let go.

Sheā€™s waited long for this special date... To unleash a love that feels so great. She could be the one, will you take a chance? If sheā€™s not the one, may you still enjoy the dance.

Wherever Thou Goest

Wherever thou goest, I goest too; Below, in the valley, Or from a mountainā€™s view.

So, sometimes, if you wonderā€¦ Whereā€™d I get that last thought? It might just be from me, That last thoughtā€¦that you got.

I am there with you, Wherever you may go. You wonā€™t escape me if youā€™re high, Or if youā€™re down below.

If you think you can escape me, love, Iā€™m afraid you are mistakinā€™ Donā€™t you ever doubt it, love; I tell you, Iā€™m not fakinā€™.

My Precious Clown

You're my precious little clownā€¦ I love to see you smile. I sneak a peek at your faceā€¦ It makes my life worthwhile.

I love most things you do, And the way you make me laugh. Iā€™m looking forward to the day, I become your other half.

While blowing up balloons, My ego may inflate; But, in the circus of my life, I know I wonā€™t be late.

Heavenly Blue Eyes

He has heavenly blue eyes And a strong jaw line, A smile that wonā€™t quitā€¦ Iā€™d love to make him mine.

One look at that precious mug Sends this girl off into space; What itā€™s done to her heartā€¦ Is TOO fast to trace.

Please take away his pictureā€¦ I know he has a lot of faults; If I donā€™t stop looking at him, Iā€™ll need some smelling salts.

A Happy Heart

ā€œDid I die and go to heaven?ā€ (I ask myself) When I wake up next to you. Iā€™ve finally found some peace in life, After all that Iā€™ve been through.

Now I donā€™t have to answer questionsā€¦ To whom I spoke, or where I went. This new way of life felt strange at first; Now it feels heaven-sent.

In our first days together, It was hard for me to trust. Iā€™m thankful you were patient, Whilst I took the time to adjust.

There were little things about you I found hard to comprehend. The language barrier between us Almost drove us ā€˜round the bend.

They say timeā€™s a great healer; With that, I now agree. Each new experience shared Helped us ā€œbothā€ to see.

I hope you and I keep growing, Both together and apart, Because how I feel when Iā€™m with you, Feels like ā€œA Happy Heart.ā€

By Your Side

Iā€™d like to be a winged bird Soaring gracefully oā€™er the sea. Iā€™d like to feel that feeling, Of being so wild and free.

Iā€™d like to be an autumn leaf Floating softly to the ground - So gently I would fallā€¦ But, beside your side Is the place Iā€™d love to beā€¦ ā€œMost of allā€.

It would be so lovely To be a dewdrop Atop the ā€œmost beautifulā€ And ā€œmost fragrant flowerā€ā€¦ But, most of all, Iā€™d like to be In your thoughtsā€¦

ā€¦each second ā€¦each minute ā€¦each hour

No Matter What the Season

A penny for your thoughts, love; I hope they're still with me. My thoughts are still with you, No matter where you be.

I take you in my heart, love, No matter where I go... Whether it be springtime Or after fallen snow.

Our love is here to stay No matter how long the wait; It will be here for us, Whether it be soon or late.

There must be a reason Our love's been put to the test. When we found each other, Our hearts were truly blessed.

No matter what the season, It will be here, whatever the date. Two hearts joined by one love Can survive - an unexpected wait.

Whilst we wait for our next meeting, We need to grow stronger with each day. If weā€™re to survive until then, We need to show ourselves the way.

Weā€™ve never been good at waiting, But weā€™ll play this waiting game. Weā€™ll become the perfect waiters,
Whilst our passions fan the flame.

One day weā€™ll be rewarded; Difficult days will have passed. A love that survives so many tests Has better chance to last.

How Far is it to Heaven?

How far is it to heaven? I can feel it in your arms. Itā€™s where I find shelter, Away from all lifeā€™s harms.

We both wish for the same things, In a variety of waysā€¦ Both wanting love to linger, the remainder of our days.

Our love helps us to feel things And it satisfies our needsā€¦ Fills empty holes in our hearts; The bottom of our souls, it feeds.

It helps to protect us from This, sometimes, cruel world of oursā€¦ Itā€™s a safe place for us to land, When we return from the stars.

If I Could Build a Bridge

If I could build a bridge From your heart to mineā€¦ Would you come on over And share your love divine?

If I could

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