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Book online ยซBella's Diary by Erica M. (best android ereader .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Erica M.

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Dear Diary,

Edward finally took me to go get a new diary. I'm so happy now. Anyways let me just fill you in on what happened over the weekend while I didn't have a diary. Renesmee returned her dress because she thought it made her look fat. Look fat I mean seriously that thing made her look like she didn't have a body at all, she's so stubborn. So she got one she said that she's going to stick with. Yeah right. Edward took me and the rest of the family hunting and we bumped into Jacob and his pack so Renesmee hung out with them for awhile until Edward told her it was time to go. Alice said she saw someone pregnant didn't know who because of course didn't show her face. We all know that none of us can have kids anymore so that only means one happy in love couple.
Hopefully the child will turn out a vampire or even half like Renesmee instead of the werewolf gene if that's even possible if it's a girl. The last thing that happened Rosalie had a melt down because of what Alice said she saw, she said Oh no we're not adding another addition to this family there's already enough and the rest was just a blur and blah, blah, blah.
Bella :)

Dear Diary,

Today Jake came over to discuss something with Edward AGAIN. Man, I thought they hated each other. Someday I will find out what they talk about I will!
Alice took me shopping or so she said she was instead she dumped me off at Charlie's. Ugh I hate going there now ever since me and Edward got married and the honeymoon yeah he's been just not himself. So I walk in the door the first thing I hear is the sound of the sports channel and the opening of a beer can. What pleasant noises to fill the air of my father's house. So I walked in real cautious and he yells Bella Sweetheart oh come, come sit down. So I listened. Seven minutes in that house already
bored out of my head just sitting there picking at my fingers and biting my lip nodding to everything Charlie says. Time flew by and I heard him snoring so I left him a note and left I walked home well ran.

Dear Diary,

Today Alice took me shopping for real to make up for what she did yesterday. I'm still kinda mad at her but it will all go away if she buys me the necklace I want even though I'm not very fond of shopping. Jake came with also so he could go look at tuxedos. I hate how girls just love to go shopping and that there are shoes to die for whenever they even step one foot in the door. It's like they can smell it or something. After awhile I started getting hungry so we went in the forest and caught a rabbit, mm mm yummy little tiny creature blood. It was okay it's just I wanted something bigger, ya know to actually prove to Edward that I can hunt big things without his help or stupid sentences on how to do it right and just ugh, gets on my nerves sometimes.

Dear Diary,

Jacob and Renesmee finally know when and where the wedding is going to be. They said it's going to be on a Saturday night sometime in July I guess and it's going to be outside. They are thinking it will be on the 4th of July so fireworks will go off when they kiss or something like that I guess. So also the little one's that are going to be there can do like fire crackers and sparklers; stuff like that. It's like a Cinderella story well will be I guess. I have to admit It's going to be a little bit better than mine.

Dear Diary,

Esme has been acting really strange lately. Carlisle not so much, he's being the old vampire dad/doctor he always has been for the last well I don't know how long. She's been like very cautious and alert. Kind of jumpy to, maybe it's just the fact that Renesmee is getting older and getting married or because of what Alice saw like 3 weeks ago. Who knows it might not even be Renesmee. Anyways it's just kinda creeping me out a little but she was better today.

Dear Diary,

Renesmee and I talked for a little bit about her and Jake and what if she was the one Alice saw pregnant. She said if it was a girl she would name it like Isabelle I was in shock. If it was a boy well she wasn't quite sure about that one.

Dear Diary,

Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, and Edward all went hunting while us girls stayed home and watched movies. The first one to watch Romeo and Juliet a classic and a romantic movie, my favorite. After that was over the boys were already back. Way to ruin our girl time boys, that's what Alice said. Rosalie happened to say yeah as in agreeing with her.

Dear Diary,

Edward took me out the whole day. I guess it was me day or so he said. So to celebrate he took me out to places the whole day. Everywhere we went we kissed at least 10 times at each place. It was kind of odd and embarrassing because people would stare and yeah it wasn't the best part because of the staring. I liked it though, he bought me gorgeous things.

Dear Diary,

Five days until Renesmee's big day! All of us sat in the living room and talked about it. Emmett and Rosalie were over there talking about how much they loved there wedding and how beautiful, gorgeous, and wonderful it was. So Renesmee opened her mouth and said, 'Hey, do you think you guys would want to maybe renew your vows on my wedding day after us?' They both looked at each other and smiled said, 'Oh that would be, be just I don't know awesome, thanks you Renesmee' then they went over and hugged her. It looks like were going shopping again for another dress, another tuxedo. Who knows what else they would want.

Dear Diary,

Good news, don't have to go shopping because they were smart enough to save they're stuff from they're wedding. Her dress is beautiful but a little out of style, but I guess that's fine as long as she's happy. No seriously I don't want to make her mad.(giggling to myself at that remark)Jake has been stopping by a lot, making sure Renesmee is up for it still and just checking up on her. Anyways Jake came earlier and he had to wait for like 5 minutes because Renesmee was in the bathroom for awhile doing something. She never told us what she was doing exactly or what took her so long. I'm pretty sure we'll find out eventually if it's important.

Dear Diary,

Okay I'm shocked, happy, thankful, grateful, excited, and just happy all at the same time. Renesmee told us what took her so long finally. She was taking a pregnancy test to check because of what Alice saw a while back and I'm gunna be a Grandma! Wait that makes me sound old. I don't care so yeah that was the excitement for the day Edward stood up and hugged her and yeah. Emmett just jumped right up ran to her and swung her in a circle and was like, alright youngest is prego, I hope it looks like me! I'm gunna be a great uncle and stuff like that. It got a giggle out of all of us.
Bella (soon to be grandma

Dear Diary,

Two days, can't wait to see my little girl get walked down the aisle by her father and then passed to Jacob's caring hands. He's a good friend to me. Never was going to be nothing more. I'm still kind of shocked I told him to kiss me and we made out. I mean I guess it was nice but it didn't mean any thing to me, but to him I'm not sure. He has Renesmee now so I don't have to worry about anything anymore with him trying to win me.
Mrs. Cullen:)

Dear Diary,

Renesmee is so excited and very cautious to not get injured or anything happen to her wedding stuff. I told a thousand times nothing is gunna happen, she didn't care she still watched her dress like a hawk watching it's prey. Jacob stayed the night, Edward not to happy about it but I settled him down. it's three in the morning about ten more 'till the event. I'm jittery, jumpy, I just can't wait.

Dear Diary,

She's so beautiful in her gown. Her hair up in a perfect bun, Vail attached to her tiara. Jake handsome I guess. Rosalie have to admit beautiful, Emmett same old same old, no He's like Jake handsome I suppose. Five more minutes until the wedding begins. We, well Renesmee and Jake didn't find a flower girl or a ring bear, so it's just bridesmaid, Maid(s) of honor and all the other things. As they start to walk the aisle I take my seat and Edward waits by the door. Here she is, takes her fathers hands, beautiful, bright smile catches my eyes. Edward hands her off to Jake. They light the unity candle, hold hands, say they're vows, slip the rings on, the priest says some things and "In the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. You may kiss the bride. I feel a rush of joy hit me at that moment. Nothing like an adrenaline rush that's for sure! As they leave the front of the room Rosalie and Emmett go up they say what they're doing, why, and all the great moments they've shared with each other. Renew they're vows and they re-slip the rings on. Everyone cheers for both of the happy couples. We leave with bubbles and bird seed flying at us. The reception was nice they cut the cake and shoved it in each others faces. The rest of the night a blur I guess, so fast.
Worn out, Bella
Dear Diary,

The happy couple, newest one went house hunting today, no luck. Apparently they have forgotten that there's three extra bed rooms here plus a bathroom so

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