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Book online «The Troll Garden and Selected Stories by Willa Cather (popular romance novels .TXT) 📖». Author Willa Cather

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what was going on in the house. Old Mrs. Ericson frequently said that her daughter-in-law would not know what day of the week it was if Johanna did not tell her every morning. Mrs. Ericson despised and pitied Johanna, but did not wholly dislike her. The one thing she hated in her daughter-in-law above everything else was the way in which Clara could come it over people. It enraged her that the affairs of her son’s big, barnlike house went on as well as they did, and she used to feel that in this world we have to wait overlong to see the guilty punished. “Suppose Johanna Vavrika died or got sick?” the old lady used to say to Olaf. “Your wife wouldn’t know where to look for her own dishcloth.” Olaf only shrugged his shoulders. The fact remained that Johanna did not die, and, although Mrs. Ericson often told her she was looking poorly, she was never ill. She seldom left the house, and she slept in a little room off the kitchen. No Ericson, by night or day, could come prying about there to find fault without her knowing it. Her one weakness was that she was an incurable talker, and she sometimes made trouble without meaning to.

This morning Clara was tying a wine-coloured ribbon about her throat when Johanna appeared with her coffee. After putting the tray on a sewing table, she began to make Clara’s bed, chattering the while in Bohemian.

“Well, Olaf got off early, and the girls are baking. I’m going down presently to make some poppy-seed bread for Olaf. He asked for prune preserves at breakfast, and I told him I was out of them, and to bring some prunes and honey and cloves from town.”

Clara poured her coffee. “Ugh! I don’t see how men can eat so much sweet stuff. In the morning, too!”

Her aunt chuckled knowingly. “Bait a bear with honey, as we say in the old country.”

“Was he cross?” her niece asked indifferently.

“Olaf? Oh, no! He was in fine spirits. He’s never cross if you know how to take him. I never knew a man to make so little fuss about bills. I gave him a list of things to get a yard long, and he didn’t say a word; just folded it up and put it in his pocket.”

“I can well believe he didn’t say a word,” Clara remarked with a shrug. “Some day he’ll forget how to talk.”

“Oh, but they say he’s a grand speaker in the Legislature. He knows when to keep quiet. That’s why he’s got such influence in politics. The people have confidence in him.” Johanna beat up a pillow and held it under her fat chin while she slipped on the case. Her niece laughed.

“Maybe we could make people believe we were wise, Aunty, if we held our tongues. Why did you tell Mrs. Ericson that Norman threw me again last Saturday and turned my foot? She’s been talking to Olaf.”

Johanna fell into great confusion. “Oh, but, my precious, the old lady asked for you, and she’s always so angry if I can’t give an excuse. Anyhow, she needn’t talk; she’s always tearing up something with that motor of hers.”

When her aunt clattered down to the kitchen, Clara went to dust the parlour. Since there was not much there to dust, this did not take very long. Olaf had built the house new for her before their marriage, but her interest in furnishing it had been short-lived. It went, indeed, little beyond a bathtub and her piano. They had disagreed about almost even, other article of furniture, and Clara had said she would rather have her house empty than full of things she didn’t want. The house was set in a hillside, and the west windows of the parlour looked out above the kitchen yard thirty feet below. The east windows opened directly into the front yard. At one of the latter, Clara, while she was dusting, heard a low whistle. She did not turn at once, but listened intently as she drew her cloth slowly along the round of a chair. Yes, there it was:

I dreamt that I dwelt in ma-a-arble halls.

She turned and saw Nils Ericson laughing in the sunlight, his hat in his hand, just outside the window. As she crossed the room he leaned against the wire screen. “Aren’t you at all surprised to see me, Clara Vavrika?”

“No; I was expecting to see you. Mother Ericson telephoned Olaf last night that you were here.”

Nils squinted and gave a long whistle. “Telephoned? That must have been while Eric and I were out walking. Isn’t she enterprising? Lift this screen, won’t you?”

Clara lifted the screen, and Nils swung his leg across the windowsill. As he stepped into the room she said: “You didn’t think you were going to get ahead of your mother, did you?”

He threw his hat on the piano. “Oh, I do sometimes. You see, I’m ahead of her now. I’m supposed to be in Anders’ wheat-field. But, as we were leaving, Mother ran her car into a soft place beside the road and sank up to the hubs. While they were going for the horses to pull her out, I cut away behind the stacks and escaped.” Nils chuckled. Clara’s dull eyes lit up as she looked at him admiringly.

“You’ve got them guessing already. 1 don’t know what your mother said to Olaf over the telephone, but be came back looking as if he’d seen a ghost, and he didn’t go to bed until a dreadful hour—ten o’clock, I should think. He sat out on the porch in the dark like a graven image. It had been one of his talkative days, too.” They both laughed, easily and lightly, like people who have laughed a great deal together; but they remained standing.

“Anders and Otto and Peter looked as if they had seen ghosts, too, over in the threshing field. What’s the matter with them all?”

Clara gave him a quick, searching look. “Well, for one thing, they’ve always been afraid you have the other will.”

Nils looked interested. “The other will?”

“Yes. A later one. They knew your father made another, but they never knew what he did with it. They almost tore the old house to pieces looking for it. They always suspected that he carried on a clandestine correspondence with you, for the one thing he would do was to get his own mail himself. So they thought he might have sent the new will to you for safekeeping. The old one, leaving everything to your mother, was made long before you went away, and it’s understood among them that it cuts you out—that she will leave all the property to the others. Your father made the second will to prevent that. I’ve been hoping you had it. It would be such fun to spring it on them.” Clara laughed mirthfully, a thing she did not often do now.

Nils shook his head reprovingly. “Come, now, you’re malicious.”

“No, I’m not. But I’d like something to happen to stir them all up, just for once. There never was such a family for having nothing ever happen to them but dinner and threshing. I’d almost be willing to die, just to have a funeral. <i>You</i> wouldn’t stand it for three weeks.”

Nils bent over the piano and began pecking at the keys with the finger of one hand. “I wouldn’t? My dear young lady, how do you know what I can stand? <i>You</i> wouldn’t wait to find out.”

Clara flushed darkly and frowned. “I didn’t believe you would ever come back—” she said defiantly.

“Eric believed I would, and he was only a baby when I went away. However, all’s well that ends well, and I haven’t come back to be a skeleton at the feast. We mustn’t quarrel. Mother mill be here with a search warrant pretty soon.” He swung round and faced her, thrusting his hands into his coat pockets. “Come, you ought to be glad to see me, if you want something to happen. I’m something, even without a will. We can have a little fun, can’t we? I think we can!”

She echoed him, “I think we can!” They both laughed and their eyes sparkled. Clara Vavrika looked ten years younger than when she had put the velvet ribbon about her throat that morning.

“You know, I’m so tickled to see mother,” Nils went on. “I didn’t know I was so proud of her. A regular pile driver. How about little pigtails, down at the house? Is Olaf doing the square thing by those children?”

Clara frowned pensively. “Olaf has to do something that looks like the square thing, now that he’s a public man!” She glanced drolly at Nils. “But he makes a good commission out of it. On Sundays they all get together here and figure. He lets Peter and Anders put in big bills for the keep of the two boys, and he pays them out of the estate. They are always having what they call accountings. Olaf gets something out of it, too. I don’t know just how they do it, but it’s entirely a family matter, as they say. And when the Ericsons say that—” Clara lifted her eyebrows.

Just then the angry <i>honk-honk</i> of an approaching motor sounded from down the road. Their eyes met and they began to laugh. They laughed as children do when they can not contain themselves, and can not explain the cause of their mirth to grown people, but share it perfectly together. When Clara Vavrika sat down at the piano after he was gone, she felt that she had laughed away a dozen years. She practised as if the house were burning over her head.

When Nils greeted his mother and climbed into the front seat of the motor beside her, Mrs. Ericson looked grim, but she made no comment upon his truancy until she had turned her car and was retracing her revolutions along the road that ran by Olaf’s big pasture. Then she remarked dryly:

“If I were you I wouldn’t see too much of Olaf’s wife while you are here. She’s the kind of woman who can’t see much of men without getting herself talked about. She was a good deal talked about before he married her.”

“Hasn’t Olaf tamed her?” Nils asked indifferently.

Mrs. Ericson shrugged her massive shoulders. “Olaf don’t seem to have much luck, when it comes to wives. The first one was meek enough, but she was always ailing. And this one has her own way. He says if he quarreled with her she’d go back to her father, and then he’d lose the Bohemian vote. There are a great many Bohunks in this district. But when you find a man under his wife’s thumb you can always be sure there’s a soft spot in him somewhere.”

Nils thought of his own father, and smiled. “She brought him a good deal of money, didn’t she, besides the Bohemian vote?”

Mrs. Ericson sniffed. “Well, she has a fair half section in her own name, but I can’t see as that does Olaf much good. She will have a good deal of property some day, if old Vavrika don’t marry again. But I don’t consider a saloonkeeper’s money as good as other people’s money,”

Nils laughed outright. “Come, Mother, don’t let your prejudices carry you that far. Money’s money. Old Vavrika’s a mighty decent sort of saloonkeeper. Nothing rowdy about him.”

Mrs. Ericson spoke up angrily. “Oh, I know you always stood up for them! But hanging around there when you were a boy never did you any good, Nils, nor any of the other boys who went there. There weren’t so many after her when she married Olaf, let me tell you. She knew enough to grab her

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