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of me. I found someone who loved me and cared for me, something that you never had. I’m smart, I’m beautiful, and I’m everything that you’re not. I didn’t get pregnant and just stop going to school like you. I’m still going, and I’m going to finish. I don’t have to sleep with every man who tells me I’m pretty to make me feel good about myself. When it comes to my child I didn’t have her to try to keep a man, I kept her because I was excepting responsibility for my actions. I kept her because I wanted to be a better mom to her that you have ever been to me. One thing for sure and two things for certain, I will succeed with or without. I will make the best life for my daughter, something that you never did.” Her mother just looked at her with a blank stare on her face. Deep down Siera knew that her mother knew that everything she had said was the truth. Siera got up and went to her room to put her shoes and coat on, it was time to go get Taylen. On her way out the house she just looked at her mother, who was on the couch smoking a cigarette like nothing had happened.
She didn’t know how she was going to pay for child care, but one thing she did know was that she would find a way to make this work because she was not quitting school.

Chapter 3
January 2012
Siera didn’t have child care anymore, so just began to take Taylen to school with her. She knew it was against the rules, but she didn’t care. If they wanted her there, and wanted her to finish they were going to have to deal with her and her child. Some of the teachers tripped over it, but most of them didn’t care. They actually commended her for her dedication on finishing school with a child. Some of the female teachers would actually watch Taylen for Siera during their free periods so she could focus in her other classes. This lasted for a couple of weeks. One day while she was in the computer lab typing a research paper, the principal called her to the office over the loud speaker. Deep down she already knew what it was for, so she prepared herself for the worst. When she walked into the office Mrs. Trice was on the phone. When she hung up she looked at Siera and said “I’m really proud of you for still coming to school every day, while being not only a single mother, but a teen mother. I have got a couple of phone calls from parents who are concerned about you bringing the baby to class with you. Now I know that you are trying to do the right thing, and I am not looking down on you. As the principle I have to do what is best for this school as a whole, not just to satisfy just one. So I’m pretty sure you know what I have to do. I’m so sorry Siera.” Siera looked at her with tears in her eyes, she knew that she was right, but deep down she wished that she could have made an exception.
“Ok Mrs. Trice I understand, thank you” she said as she got up to leave the office.
“Siera you can finish out this school day, but no more after this. I’m sorry again.” She looked at her and shook her head.
At the end of the day she put Taylen in her car seat and walked home. While walking she thought about what she was going to do, she knew that she couldn’t afford to miss school during her senior year. She thought of maybe being able to do home school for a while until she could afford to put Taylen back in child care. When she got home she decided to call Mrs. Trice to ask her a few questions. She answered on the first ring “ Hello umm Mrs. Trice this is Siera Torrence, I was calling to see if there was any way possible that I could do home school or come and get my work every day and do it here at home until I can afford child care?”
“Well Siera I know the only way that you are able to do work at home and still pass is through suspension and home school. Now I can make a few phone calls to find out, and I can call you back in about 10 minutes with your answer.”
“Ok thank you so much Mrs. Trice” Siera said then hung up the phone. She was so nervous while waiting for her phone call. She went and made Taylen a bottle and put her in the tub. She had the prettiest baby in the world. Taylen had a head full of hair, with hazel eyes; they were just like her fathers. She had two deep dimples which she got from Siera, with caramel colored skin. She loved her daughter so much and couldn’t imagine her life without her. Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. She knew it was Mrs. Trice; she took a deep breath and answered the phone. “Hello”
“Hi Siera this is Mrs. Trice calling back, I spoke with a couple of people. I found out that you are not eligible for home schooling.” Siera sat in silence on the phone, one thing she couldn’t do was cry. She had cried all her tears. There was nothing else she could do.
“Thank you for checking for me”
“You’re welcome Siera, good luck.” With that she hung up the phone. She picked Taylen up looked at her and smiled. No matter what she wasn’t going to let this hold her back, she was going to finish one way or another.

Chapter 4
March 2012
Siera hadn’t been to school in two months. It hurt her so much to think that she may not be able to graduate this year, she was so far behind. She sat in the house everyday with Taylen and her mother. Her mother really meant it when she said that she wasn’t going to help her out with the baby. It pissed Siera off, because her mother didn’t have anything to do during the day. She sat in the same spot in front of the TV and smoked cigarettes back to back. Siera really loved her mom, but she didn’t know why after all the hatred Veronica had showed her. Maybe because she was her mother and she felt like she had to, or maybe because she wasn’t a selfish person. Siera could never figure it out.
One day while she was lying in the bed playing with Taylen her telephone rang. It was Macys offering her employment. Siera said yes. She didn’t even have to get an interview. Siera needed the money bad; she had so many plans on which she was going to do. She planned on sending Taylen back to daycare so she could return to school. She was going to save her money so that she could get a home for her and her daughter. She was so happy. She went into the living room to share the good news with her mother.
“Mom I got a job at Macys, they just called. I’m going back to school in two weeks”
“Good, now since you have a job you have until April to be out of my house.” Siera couldn’t believe her mom, but yet again she could. Instead of arguing Siera just said ok. She wasn’t letting anyone take the joy she felt inside of her away. She went back in her room, and hugged Taylen so tight. She was happy, and this was just the first step in the right direction.
“Taylen Marie Rayne all we need is each other. We will end up on top.”
Siera called Mrs. Trice to tell her that she would be returning to school in about two weeks. Mrs. Trice told her that was fine, and that she would have to put in over time to catch up. Something that Siera already knew. Mrs. Trice also proceeded to tell her about a program that gives housing to teenage mothers, and pays there first three months’ rent for them. The program was through welfare, and there was not a long waiting list. That made Siera happier than she was when she got the call about the job.
Siera woke early the next morning got Taylen and herself together, and walked to the welfare office. She prayed the walk there, praying that she would get approved for an apartment. When she walked in they directed to her the office of Ms. Merlin. “Hello Ms. Torrence it’s nice to meet you, and who is this pretty little lady?” Ms. Merlin said
“This is Ms. Taylen Rayne”
“Okay so you’re interested in the teenage housing program”
“Yes ma’am I am”
“Okay well I am going to ask you a few questions. Just to put into the system. We can actually find out if you’re approved today. If you are you will get your keys today and you can move in whenever you like.” Siera was ecstatic. She asked her a series of questions, about her personal life with her mother. Taylens’ father Tye, and about her employment. After answering all of the questions, Siera found out that she was approved for the apartment, which was fully furnished. Ms. Merlin gave her the keys, and told her that she was able to move in whenever she liked. Her first payment of rent would be due May. She walked to her new apartment, that wasn’t far from where she lived now. She loved it, it was a bit small but it was big enough for her and her baby girl. She loved it even more, because it was hers.
She decided not to tell her mother about the apartment just yet, because she would have probably tried to make her leave that day. Siera didn’t want to leave her mothers until she got back into school and Taylen back into daycare. Siera felt like she was on top of the world and nothing could bring her down.

Chapter 5
May 2012
Things had been going very good for Siera. She had been living on her own since March, and she had caught up in school. She ended up doing so well just brought up her class rank from 26 to 6 out of a class of 185, and graduation was on May 27th. She hadn’t talked to her mother; she didn’t let it bother her that much though. She felt as though if God wanted them to come together, he would bring them together. If not then she wasn’t going to push it, and stress herself out because she was doing too well to let Veronicas misery bring her down. She loved working at Macys and being able to provide for Taylen and herself on her own. She got accepted to The University of Alabama in Birmingham, she found out that they offered the same housing program down there so she would be moving to Alabama in the fall. The University had decided to pay for her education for four years due to her academic rigor. Siera often thought about Tye, and what life could have been like with him and their daughter. She couldn’t dwell on that because she had made a good life for herself without him and his family. Taylen was growing up so fast. She looked like a little angel, Siera was so proud to be her mother; she was now nine months old. She was the happiest baby Siera had ever seen. She couldn’t wait for school to be done, so
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