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July 2011
“Push Siera Push” is all 17 year old Siera kept hearing in her ear while she felt like her insides were being ripped apart. She was sweating profusely, and was losing her breathe.
“I can’t do this, I feel like I’m dying.”
“Yes you can just give me a couple more pushes and she will be here, and you will be fine.” Said the nurse. She looked around her and seen all of the nurses and doctors, and still didn’t have any hope. That was until she looked over and seen Tyes’ face. He was her boyfriend of two years, and she loved him to death. He was her strength when she was weak, and her sunshine through the rain; right now she needed his strength to pull her through because she didn’t have any of her own. “Baby I’m going to need you to be strong, and push so our beautiful baby girl can be brought into this world.” Siera shook her head up and down, and gave a few more good pushes before she heard the softest cry she had ever heard. Tye cut the umbilical cord, and that is when she finally saw her face. Siera cried tears of joy, her and Tye had done this whole thing without their parents. Her mom, because she had hated Siera since the day she was born. His parents, because they never supported their decision to keep her. “Here’s your beautiful baby girl, what are you going to name her?” the doctor asked while handing her the baby.
“My baby, Taylen Marie Rayne”

Chapter One
September 2011
It was the first day of Sieras’ senior year and also her first time being away from Taylen. She had been raising the little girl on her own, because a couple weeks ago Tyes’ family decided to pick up and move to Atlanta. Deep down inside Siera knew that he really didn’t care if he left her or not. Right after she had the baby things between them started to change. She found out that he was cheating on her during her pregnancy, and they have been broken up ever since. He hadn’t been to see the baby in weeks, but was constantly out partying with his friends. Siera sat at home playing the role of the mother and father alone. Her own mother Veronica hadn’t been much of a help to her teenage daughter and new grandchild. She could barely look Siera or Taylen in their faces. She would leave the house for hours at a time, leaving Siera with no food or even transportation to get her and the baby from place to place. When she would come home, see would be drunk, loud, and with a different man. She acted as though a baby didn’t live in the house with her. Every chance she got she reminded her daughter that if she didn’t like her actions that she could “get out” and that is what Siera planned to do as soon as she got on her feet.
For as long as Siera could remember she felt as though her mother hated her. She left her at home by herself at a very young age and Siera burned their first home down trying to cook her own food. Instead of blaming herself, she blamed the 5 year old little girl and beat her so bad that a teacher took notice and social services got involved. She was taken from her mother for three years and returned when she was 8 years old. She hoped that things would change with her mother, but when she returned they were worse. She never knew her father, her mother would always tell her that he was some broke bum that was only a one night stand. She would tell Siera that not only was meeting her father a mistake, but having her was too. Through the years she just learned to let her mothers’ ill feelings, and ignorant comments go, and moved on with her life. Siera knew that she would have to do what she had to do to make a better life for her child, and that was finishing; with or without the help of Tye.
Siera took Taylen to the local day care that was providing her with free child care for two months. That was a very huge help to her considering the fact that she was broke; she knew that she would have to find a job really soon. When she walked into school that day, it felt so weird. She felt as though she was an adult and the rest of her classmates were immature children. A lot of people whispered when she walked past, but she didn’t pay them any mind. Others asked about the baby and how she was adjusting to motherhood. She answered their questions, when really she didn’t feel like being social with anyone. The only thing that she was worried about was getting home to her baby girl. The day went fairly quick, and before she knew it she was picking Taylen up from day care.
When she arrived home her mother wasn’t there as usual. She left a note saying that she would be back in a couple of hours. Luckily for Siera she and the baby had everything that they needed. She put Taylen in the bath and began to wash her, while she was doing this her phone started to ring. “Hello” she said into the receiver
“hey how was your first day of school” the person on the other line said. She knew by his voice it was Tye.
“Tye how dare you call here, talking like everything is okay? I haven’t talked you in months. What happened to oh hey Siera how is my daughter doing? Or, I’m sorry for how everything turned out with us? But you’re going to call here like everything is normal and it’s not.” she found herself yelling and Taylen crying.
“Look I got to go my baby is crying because you got me all upset. One more thing, please don’t call here again. You made your choice on what you wanted to do a long time ago.” She said to him and hung up the phone. She picked Taylen up out of the tub, hugged her baby and cried. She knew that Tye loved his daughter and maybe even her. But the way that he just didn’t come see Taylen before he left and even when he was there was too much for her to handle. As a mother that showed her that he could pick up and leave their daughters life again if she ever let him back in, and that is something she knew she had to protect her from.
Later that night after putting Taylen down for bed, Siera got on her knees and said a prayer. “God I don’t know if you’re listening to me, but I am here asking you to please give me the strength to raise my daughter alone, and the right way. When I am wrong, show me right, and when it gets dark please lead me back to the light. Thank you.” After her prayer Siera climbed into bed and prepared herself for the hard days to come.

Chapter 2
November 2011
Sieras’ two months of free day care were going to be up in a few days. She had filled out a bunch of job applications, but no one had called her back yet. To top things off she and her mother had been arguing more than normal lately. She threatened to kick her and the baby out, because she said that Taylen cried too much and that is shouldn’t be her responsible to provide a home for her grown daughter and a baby that wasn’t hers. School had been going good for Siera so far, and the first two months went very fast. She started to miss being a real teenager, going out with friends, and not having any responsibilities. Through all of those feelings, she didn’t regret her daughter for the world, and would do anything to provide a better life for her.
That morning Siera dropped the baby of at day care, and the owner reminded her that her first actual payment of $200 would be due in 4 days. Siera told the woman that she would have the money for her, even though deep down knowing that she wouldn’t. She went to school that morning with a lot on her mind. She slept in every class that day, because Taylen had been up all night the night before. When school was finally over, all Siera wanted to do was sleep. She called the daycare to ask if Taylen could stay another hour to or two, because she had some important errands to run. The owner said yes to pick her up at 5:30 that meant two hours of sleep for Siera. When she got home, her mother was there on the couch passed out. She walked past her mother and went into her room and climbed into bed. For some reason she couldn’t sleep, she had too much on her mind. She thought about Tye and the relationship they had and how things would be different if he was there for her. She really loved Tye; she loved him past her heart, but in her soul. He was the closest thing to real unconditional love that she had in her whole life. She just couldn’t get over the fact that he just abandoned her, and especially her daughter. She knew that she he didn’t have any control over the move that his family had made, but even before that he had his priorities screwed up. She had matured, and he didn’t and that is where everything went wrong. She still didn’t know how she was going to get the money to pay for Taylens child care. She knew that if she didn’t she would have to miss school to stay home and take care of her baby. Her last resort was to ask her mother. She didn’t to, but she had to do what she needed to do for her child. She got up out of her bed, and walked into the living room. Her mother was now up watching television.
“Mom I need a really big favor, it’s not for me it’s for the baby”
“You think because it’s for the baby that I’m going to say yes?” her mother said in a smart voice. Instead of starting an argument with her mom she just shook her head.
“I was wondering if you would be able to let me borrow $200 dollars to pay for daycare for the baby, because my free two months are over. I’ll pay you back as soon as I get the money.” Her mother looked at her, and chuckled. Siera couldn’t figure out what was so funny, finally her mother looked at her and said “First off I told you not to have that damn baby, but you just had to thinking that it was going to keep Tye around; but look he still left you. I barely want you two living here at my house, so what would make you think that I would pay for her to go to daycare?” Siera was shocked at her mothers’ words. She knew that she hated her, but she thought her mother would at least have a heart for the innocent child. Tears weld up in Sieras’ eyes she just couldn’t believe her mother.
“You know what mom you are really something. You really hate me don’t you? I think its because you’re jealous

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