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Book online «I Deserve by Kaitlin Humphries (best e reader for manga txt) 📖». Author Kaitlin Humphries

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garages. I had no home I used the money I had to get food and a license (well I tried to but they wouldn’t let me without a parent…) one day I lay in an alley trying to get some sleep when some men pop up. They were laughing as one of them turns my way I am tired awoken from sleep when he says, “come on look there’s some teenage girl… hah she seems to have run away… want some fun boys?” he states. I back away… I didn’t smell bad but I didn’t want them near me the scars on my hands and feet reminding me how horrible men are. They approach me and I get up and start to run, “stay away!” I scream.
One catches up to me rather quickly and grabs my arms, “hey now” he says pulling me to him, “don’t worry…all we want is some fun…” he pulls my skort down and smiles at me having no underwear, “well now what do we have here? You were ready for us huh?” he asks. He picks me up and it clunks to the ground. One of the guys goes through my pockets and pulls out my wad of dollars.
“Woo wee boys we have a stacked one! There’s about 5,000 dollars here!” he stated his country accent noticeable. They laughed as the guy holding me shoved me into a wall bruising my arm. He unzipped his pants and laughed as I struggled, “now, now I suggest you hold still. This WILL hurt lots…” he shoved himself into me and I screamed in pain. He moved in and out real fast and soon I am moaning and digging m nails into his skin it had been a long time since I had had sex and it felt GOOD. He kissed my neck as I climaxed and he shot his load into me. By the end of the night I’d climaxed 5 times once for each guy as they took turns with me. Then I am left there. Tears fell from my eyes as I replaced my skorts and stumbled out of the alley into a down pour of rain. I did not pay attention to where I am going, to busy being disgusted at myself, but I am in front of Mrs. Betsy’s and I shivered with cold my lips blued from it. I reached up to knock but my hand wouldn’t move and things were spinning I fell and threw up then passed out there on the steps in the rain.
When I awake I am under 6 thick blankets a hot cloth on my head. “What…ha-happened?” I murmur. I lick my lips my throat is scratchy and my lips fell so chapped they bleed I could feel the blood on my tongue as well as taste it. My site is blurry I can’t see… I begin to freak out but a soft warm voice penetrates the fogginess. “It’s okay Ally your home now… it’s okay…” someone is touching me I can feel it and I cringe away. They quickly pull away and sigh. I fall back into my dreams where I see all the men who have mistreated me. Because of these horrible dreams that brought the truth to me I understood that the way I looked at things is wrong. The way my father had treated me was wrong, it was both disgusting, the way he touched me as they replayed in my head, and repulsive. All the men who I called clients were just as repulsive to want to touch such a young girl. Watching this I almost forgot that it is me I am seeing. That this has happened to me all my life and it sickened me. I awake again this time I can see and it is dark I am sweating but I fall back to sleep hoping that the worse of the images is over. But it’s not. I see DJ staking me to the ground laughing as he licked my bloody wounds I see him replaying the video he had made of this to me touching me all the while. I could feel vomit forming in my throat but the image changed and I’m in the alley crawling away from my attackers. I awake screaming “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” it is morning and Mrs. Betsy runs into the room and pushes me back on the bed. My eyes are wild with fear and she places a thermometer into my mouth. It beeps and she pulls it out, “your fever broke… are you well enough to get out of bed… or to have visitors?” she asks me.
I look at her and begin to cry. She pulls me into her arms and gently pats my back as she brushes my hair with her fingers, “now--now there’s no reason to cry your safe at a home where you belong…”
I shake my head, “n-no…” I sob it coming out in a blubber “I-I realized…all my life I have treated it as though my father did all the right things…” my tears came less now and my stuttering ceased, “b-but I was wrong…” I looked up at her, “he did all the WRONG things… the way I act is wrong…I am a woman not a thing to be passed to guys… and my father was wrong to make me think such a thing…” I pushed away and Mrs. Betsy’s hand fell to my leg. The second her fingers brushed my leg I drew away my eyes wild with surprise, “DON’T TOUCH ME!” I scream then I stay there in the corner looking at her like a wild animal. She backed out of the room quickly and when she is gone I burst into sobs my tears dried up. Not long after I quiet I hear a knock on my door, “c-come in…” I stutter.
I stare as Eric walks in. He smiles at me and sits on the edge of the bed, “Hey Ally my mom told me it would be unwise to see you but I HAD to… I thought you would want to know the guys who attacked you… their all in jail… and so is DJ and all the men who he had you do as clients…” he scooted closer and I didn’t move so he reached out to touch me but at that I tried to back farther into my corner murmuring “stay away from me.” Over and over and over again. He backed away and I calmed down I didn’t meet his eyes but he just sighed, “look Ally you have to come out some time and everyone is worried about you… Especially Betsy…” he looked down “a-and me…” then he continued clearing his throat “you’re the only girl left here… the others were adopted… and there isn’t any one else Mrs. Betsy wants to take care of… Ally you’re the only one left… the only girl Mrs. Betsy wants around…” he sighed and reached out for me again but stopped himself. He got off of my bed and turned leaving the room.

Chapter 6

Its months before I finally leave my room and Mrs. Betsy about has a heart attack she is so happy. I grew uncomfortable with all the screaming, crying, hugging, and kissing, she is doing. Eric just stood in the corner watching me and smiling. I watch him… there is something about the way he looks almost less… Garr like and more… I couldn’t think of a word for it but it made me comfortable. When I return to school all the guys are careful I knew Eric had used his ability to scare them to tell them to leave me alone. And I was thankful. But not even Eric came near me. The girls no longer talked behind my back instead they befriended me. My outfits are no longer sluttish but more on the bulky cover everything side. It was like that for a year… I am adopted not long after by Mrs. Betsy’s 3rd time removed cousin who came to stay with her. The woman’s name is Cassandra…or mom… as she wants me to call her.
It’s not long before I return to my old self… I still do not let guys touch me but I’m wearing my old clothes again. The girls are still friends with me and the boys still stay away (although I think it’s because I had hidden a nine tails [a midget one] in my purse and a guy grabbed me… I freaked out and whipped him in the face with it… lucky for me he said a dog scratched him)
Two years go by and it’s my junior year… I am 17 and so is Eric… I pass him in the halls… and he gives me a smile. I smile back as my friends tow me away whispering frantically that I have finally had contact with a boy in 3 years. I just laugh. At home Eric passes me, I smile at him once more and his eyes light up as he smiles back. I was happy they had been so dull… for three years… and the girls he’s gone out with… well the relationships never lasted long.
It’s halfway into the school year and I’m sitting in my bed sighing with frustration as I try to understand my Geometry homework, when Eric knocks on my open door. I look up and smile, “hey Eric…” I murmur as I return to my homework.
“Can I come in?” he asks.
I nod and he sits on my bed. He leans over my shoulder gazing at my homework. I smirk and lightly shoulder him away, “you KNOW I hate you looking over my shoulder.” I state.
He smiles and pulls me to him, when he realizes what he did he looked at me waiting for me to freak out.
I just snuggle into him sighing, “Geometry is an ass…” I whisper.
He nuzzles my neck and smiles, “I know… need help?” he asks in a whisper.
I nod and we work on my homework me in his lap, him with his arms around me, and telling me the answers and how to work them out. When we were finished I sat back and cuddled with him. We lay there for a while as we snuggle then we make out. I nibble his lip as I settle back against his chest.
The next day at school we walk in hand in hand, his eyes on my as I stare back at him. I hear the murmurs and smile. When we get home we rush up to my room and make out.
Not long after its graduation and I smile at him happily as we take our seats. He is valid Victorian and he is making a speech. Towards the end he clears his throat and stares at me.
“Now… my fellow beloved students. We’ve had our ups and downs…” he smiled as he got a hoot from the students, “and we ALL remember the day Ally came in to the school…” all of the guys whistled with effect and I blush, “well… now… if you’ll come up here Ally…I have something for you…” a hush fell across the crowd as I walked onto the stage. Mrs. Betsy was crying and smiling at the same time. I got a funny feeling in my stomach as Eric gets on his knee and pulls out a satin box, “Ally Heart…will you be Mrs. Ally Heart Kingson?” he asks.
I glow a bright red as I bite my lip my fellow students have been hushed in surprise and so has the audience. I look down and smile, “yes… Yes… YEs… YES!” I yell. Eric gets up and puts the engagement ring on my finger then hugs me kissing me happily. I smile as he twirls me and an eruption of applause follows. We
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