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Book online «I Deserve by Kaitlin Humphries (best e reader for manga txt) 📖». Author Kaitlin Humphries

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Chapter 1

“You do not deserve that life!” my father screams at me.
I cringe away, my eye already black from trying to protest, “Yes sir…” I whisper tears forming but never dropping.
He seems to soften at my complete submission and grabs my chin. Forcing me to look at him, he whispers, “your to beautiful to be on the outside… only those I think…Deserving to even see you…” his hand drifts from my chin down my neck, across my shoulders, down my chest to my waist, “or even touch you... will come in this house.”
I did not move used to the physical touches my father instigated on me.
“So… Allina…” he starts. Oh god I know that sound in his voice…he had a new friend I bet… HE calls them friends… I prefer the word clients. “I have a new…friend for you… he’s a nice man and probably a returning one if you treat him nicely.”
“Hello Ally…” said a voice. I turn expecting the old has-beens my father usually brings in but no this man is HOT! And when I say hot I mean Orlando Bloom, John Travolta, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp all mixed to create the god of … well you get the meaning. Any way he is Hot. So I goggle at him for a sec before my father clears his throat. I turn and blush as I look at my father, “should I get dressed?” I ask.
The man answers for my father, “actually… nothing lingerie… you’re going out…” he replies.
I look at my father who looks as bewildered as I am, “OUT?” he squeaks.
The man nods as he flips open his coat. He had a badge…a police badge. I stare at it for a moment surprise showing on my face. My father growls at him not liking the fact a police officer entered our humble abode, if you would call it that.
“You have no right...” he starts.
The man shoves him into a wall and cuffs him as he states, “I had all rights… we have had complaints about how you treat your daughter. Your so called clients,” the man chuckles, “they ratted you out just for the sake of not going to prison. And after viewing the videos you make with her in it on the web with the password you give out to certain people… well we figured it was time to intervene.”
Before I knew what is happening I am dragged out of the house and placed in the hands of some unknown woman. I watch them pull, well more like drag, my father out of the house. I pull away from the woman and run to my father throwing my arms around him. I mean I know he didn’t treat me right all the time but he is all I knew… he is my father… he is my…well everything.
“Let him go!” I scream at the officers. Instead of doing as I said they pried me away and put him in the cruiser. It began to peal out of my driveway so I ran after it screaming at the top of my lungs. A crowd has gathered by then and I didn’t care. They all stare at me. I fall to the ground tears falling from my eyes as I hunched there crying for my father… for me who has no one left.
Arms wrap around me strong protective arms, “it’s alright angel…” someone whispers in my ear, “its okay beautiful…” this voice is coming from a man. And it calmed me tired from crying I fall asleep and as I did I feel like I am flying as he lifts me into his arms.
When I awake I am in a car driving towards God knows where. But why should I bring him into it. My father always said God isn’t real… so why say his name as though he could save me. My father was right if God was real he’d be here with me and we’d be together.
Soon I am sent to a foster home. What else could they do with a delinquent girl who has known nothing but the inside of her house for 15 years? And from there is where you get to hear my story.

Chapter 2

The woman who took care of me, her name is Mrs. Betsy. She had three sons she bore herself, two are Identical twins and they are 14 her other is 15. But since she never had daughters she took in foster children. So the house has five girls with me it made 6. Her home is a mansion… literally; it has 27 bedrooms 27 bathrooms, one dining hall, and four family/entertainment rooms. It is HUGE. Now the girls all warned me about her sons. They treated the girls like crap and sexually assaulted them, whatever that means. But I am not afraid I actually like the devouring looks they gave me. The same looks that my father gave me… it made me feel at home. The girls, hearing about what my father did to me, have plenty of sympathy for me. They never left me alone, especially if the boys were around. It is like they were protecting me or something. And I hated it. So I told them to fuck off one day. One of the girls named Mary Ann looked at me in disbelief like I am crazy or something.
“What? You don’t like hanging around us?” she asked. The others chipped in with a “yeah you don’t like us?’
Obviously Mary Ann is the boss; I mean she has been here longer.
I smiled sweetly, “no of course I love hanging around you…” I replied throwing up inwardly at the sickly sweet way I talked.
Mary Ann smiles, “really?’” she asks.
I scoff, “no of course not! I HATE the way you guys piddle paddle around me like I am a diamond needing protecting!”
Mary Ann shook her head, “we only do that because of the way the boys look at you. They have NEVER been that interested in anyone… I should know I was the first girl to ever come here.”
I shrug, “don’t care. Now get lost and leave me ALONE!” I turn on my heel and walk off leaving Mary Ann and the others standing there staring after me. From then on they left me be.
It didn’t take the boys long to notice I am no longer walking around with them. That’s when Eric the oldest and, if I may say so myself, the hottest approached me. I am walking down one of the many vast halls when a hand slinked around my waist. I jump in surprise and turn to see him smiling down at me. I am pushed against a wall his soft voice imitating like morning dew off the walls as he spoke, “hey…your Ally right? I’m Eric. So… where’s your posse?” he asks.
I laugh, “I told them to fuck off and leave me alone.” I reply
He smiles down at me, “well it’s about time.” He whispers. “I herd you were a porn star?”
I smiled, “I did all kinds of movies… one including a real nice lingerie outfit.”
Eric’s smile widens, “you wouldn’t happen to still have that outfit?”
I nod, “of course…you want to see it?” I ask.
He presses against me and whispers in my ear, “will it come with a promise?” he asks.
I nod, “whatever you want.”

I sneak to the other side of the mansion away from Mrs. Betsy and the girls. To a side where no one could hear what will be going on, where Eric will be waiting. I step into a room to find a video camera set up I smile, home again I thought feeling even more at ease. Eric smiles from a corner as I pull off the robe I am wearing. I wore a red corset with matching lacy panties and of course stockings that came close to my hips.
“Did you strip as well?” he asks me.
I nod as I position my self in front of the camera. He seems to find this amusing as he stands behind it. He places a CD in a CD player and plays a song which I began to strip to. Of course I won’t give the details about the stripping but when I am done I am completely naked. Eric looks me up and down then positioning the camera to face the bed he strips himself of his clothes. I sit on the end of the bed and he pushes me down as he crawls over me. At first we just made out but then he began to slowly bring his hand down father towards my inner thigh. His lips are a breadth from mine when he shoves his fingers into me. I gasp and my hips buck of their own accord. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything inside me, so I moan happily and I feel Eric smile against my lips as he slowly moves his fingers in and out of me. Moans escape my lips and soon I let out a loud moan in a small climax. Eric’s eyes glisten happy to be getting somewhere with me. He positions himself at my entrance. He shoves himself into me and I give a cry of pain. He is big… but it felt good like I am complete again. Slowly he moves in and out grunting as he does. He kisses my lips and then slowly travels down my neck to my chest. I start to moan loudly my real climax coming as was his. My body shudders as I climaxed and he gives a loud moan as he shoots his load into me.
We lay there for what seems like ever then he gets up and gets dressed. I get dressed myself and smile as I walk out of the room back to my own.

It is Monday my first day of school. I am nervous I had never been to school my father always saying, and I quote, “a girl don’t need an Education as long as she can fuck I could care less.” He stated
I choose my favorite outfit. It is a bad ass slutty catholic schoolgirl outfit. I walk down stairs and Mrs. Betsy almost has a heart attack when she sees me. But luckily she doesn’t say anything. Eric and his brothers seem to love it and the girls all stare at me with disgust.
At school all the guys whistled, I got lots of attention. A lot talked to me their hands wandering all over my body. I am even asked to come see them later to have some fun. I smile at them all but one boy seems to stand out. His dark appeal and deathlike stare attracted me. When I ask the boys who he is they tell me he’s a trouble maker. Of course that is what I wanted. Ignoring protests from the boys I walk over to him, “hey…I’m Ally.” I say. He looks me up and down taking in the dark eye shadow I wear and the black catholic school girl outfit I wore.
“I’m Alex…” he replied placing a hand on either side of my head so I’m pinned against a locker. I smile at him and he smiles back, “you’re not afraid huh?” he asks me. I shake my head.
His smile widens, “well I’ll have to fix that won’t I?” he whispers. “How bout after school you meet me behind the Gym?”
I grab his shirt and pull him close to me so my lips are not far from his,

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