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Index Of Terms Pg 122

  Us; Troubles,  Difficulties.


[Greek: Peprômenê,  Hê],  Destiny.


[Greek: Proairesis],  Purpose,  Free Will (Aristot. Rhet. I. 13).


[Greek: Proaireta,  Ta],  Things Which Are Within Our Will Or Power.


[Greek: Proairetikon,  To],  Free Will.


[Greek: Prothesis],  A Purpose,  Proposition.


[Greek: Pronoia] (Providentia,  Cic.),  Providence.


[Greek: Skopos],  Object,  Purpose.


[Greek: Stoicheion],  Element.


[Greek: Synkatathesis] (Assensio,  Approbatio,  Cic.),  Assent; [Greek:

  Synkatatheseis] (Probationes,  Gellius,  Xix. 1).


[Greek: Synkrimata],  Things Compounded (Ii. 3).


[Greek: Synkrisis],  The Act Of Combining Elements Out Of Which

  A Body Is Produced,  Combination.


[Greek: Synthesis],  Ordering,  Arrangement (Compositio).


[Greek: Systêma],  System,  A Thing Compounded Of Parts Which

  Have A Certain Relation To One Another.


[Greek: Hylê],  Matter,  Material.


[Greek: Hylikon,  To],  The Material Principle.


[Greek: Hypexairesis],  Exception,  Reservation; [Greek: Meth'

  Hypexaireseôs],  Conditionally.


[Greek: Hypothesis],  Material To Work On; Thing To Employ The Reason On;

  Proposition,  Thing Assumed As Matter For Argument And To Lead To

  Conclusions. (Quaestionum Duo Sunt Genera; Alterum Infinitum,  Definitum

  Alterum. Definitum Est,  Quod [Greek: Hypothesin] Graeci,  Nos

  _Causam_: Infinitum,  Quod [Greek: Thesin] Illi Appellant,  Nos

  _Propositum_ Possumus Nominare. Cic. See Aristot. Anal. Post.

  I. C. 2).


[Greek: Hypokeimena,  Ta],  Things Present Or Existing,  Vi. 4; Or

  Things Which Are A Basis Or Foundation.


[Greek: Hypolêpsis],  Opinion.


[Greek: Hypostasis],  Basis,  Substance,  Being,  Foundation (X. 5).

  Epictetus Has [Greek: To Hypostatikon Kai Ousiôdes]. (Justinus

  Ad Diogn. C. 2.)


[Greek: Hyphistasthai],  To Subsist,  To Be.


Index Of Terms Pg 123

[Greek: Phantasiai] (Visus,  Cic.); Appearances,  Thoughts,  Impressions

  (Visa Animi,  Gellius,  Xix. 1): [Greek: Phantasia Esti

  Typôsis En Psychê].


[Greek: Phantasma],  Seems To Be Used By Antoninus In The Same

  Sense As [Greek: Phantasia]. Epictetus Uses Only [Greek: Phantasia].


[Greek: Phantaston],  That Which Produces A [Greek: Phantasia: Phantaston

  To Tepsiêkos Tên Phantasian Aisthêton]


[Greek: Physis],  Nature.


[Greek: Physis Hê Tôn Olôn],  The Nature Of The Universe.


[Greek: Psychê],  Soul,  Life,  Living Principle.


[Greek: Psychê Logikê,  Noera],  A Rational Soul,  An Intelligent Soul

General Terms Pg 124


*** The Paragraphs (Par.) And Lines (L.) Are Those Of The Sections.





Active,  Man Is By Nature,  Ix. 16.


Advice From The Good To Be Taken,  Vii. 21; Viii. 16.


Affectation,  Vii. 60; Viii. 30; Xi. 18 (Par. 9),  19.


Anger Discouraged,  Vi. 26,  27; Xi. 18.


Anger,  Offenses Of,  Ii. 10.


Anger,  Uselessness Of,  V. 28; Viii. 4.


Appearances Not To Be Regarded,  V. 36; Vi. 3,  13.


Astonishment Should Not Be Felt At Any Thing That Happens,  Viii. 15;

  Xii. 1 (Sub Fine),  13.


Attainment,  What Is Within Every One's,  Vii. 67; Viii. 8.


Attention To What Is Said Or Done,  Vi. 53; Vii. 4,  30; Viii. 22.





Bad,  The,  Ii. 1.

General Terms Pg 125

Beautiful,  The,  Ii. 1.





Casual. _See_ Formal.


Change Keeps The World Ever New,  Vii. 25; Viii. 50 (L. 13); Xii. 23 (L.



Change,  Law Of,  Iv. 3 (Sub F.),  36,  V. 13,  23; Vi. 4,  15,  36; Vii. 18;

  Viii. 6; Ix. 19,  28 (Par. 2),  35; X. 7,  18; Xii. 21.


Change,  No Evil In,  Iv. 42.


Christians,  The Xi. 3.


Circle,  Things Come Round In A,  Ii. 14.


Comedy,  New,  Xi. 6.


Comedy,  Old,  Xi. 6.


Complaining,  Uselessness Of,  Viii. 17,  50.


Connection. _See_ Universe.


Conquerers Are Robbers,  X. 10.


Contentment. _See_ Resignation.


Co-Operation. _See_ Mankind And Universe.


Daemon,  The,  Ii. 13,  17; Iii. 6 (L. 8),  7,  16 (L. 18); V. 10 (Sub F.)

  27; Xii. 3 (Sub. F.).


Death,  Ii. 11,  12,  17; Iii. 3,  7; Iv. 5; V. 33; Vi. 2,  24,  28; Vii. 32;

  Viii. 20,  58; Ix. 3,  21; X. 36; Xii. 23,  34,  35.


Death Inevitable,  Iii. 3; Iv. 3 (L. 22),  6,  32,  48,  50; V. 33; Vi. 47;

  Viii. 25,  31.


Desire,  Offenses Of,  Ii. 10.


Destiny,  Iii. 11 (L. 19); Iv. 26; V. 8 (L. 13,  Etc.),  24; Vii. 57; X. 5.


Discontent. _See_ Resignation.


Doubts Discussed,  Vi. 10; Vii. 75; Ix. 28,  39; Xii. 5,  14.


Duty,  All-Importance Of,  Vi. 2,  22; X. 22.


General Terms Pg 126


Earth,  Insignificance Of The,  Iii. 10; Iv. 3 (Par. 1,  Sub F.); Vi. 36;

  Viii. 21; Xii. 32.


Earthly Things,  Transitory Nature Of,  Ii. 12,  17; Iv. 32,  33,  35,  48; V.

  23; Vi. 15,  36; Vii. 21,  34; Viii. 21,  25; X. 18,  31; Xii. 27.


Earthly Things,  Worthlessness Of,  Ii. 12; V. 10,  33; Vi. 15; Vii. 3; Ix.

  24,  36; Xi. 2; Xii. 27.


Equanimity,  X. 8.


Example,  We Should Not Follow Bad,  Vi. 6; Vii. 65.


Existence,  Meanness Of,  Viii. 24.


Existence,  The Object Of,  V. 1; Viii. 19.


External Things Cannot Really Harm A Man,  Or Affect The Soul,  Ii,  11 (L.

  22); Iv. 3 (Par. 2,  Sub F.); 8,  39,  49 (Par. 2); V. 35; Vii. 64;

  Viii. 1 (Sub F.); 32,  51 (Par. 2); Ix. 31; X. 33.





Failure,  X. 12.


Fame,  Worthlessness Of,  Iii. 10; Iv. 3 (L. 45),  19,  33 (L. 10); V. 33;

  Vi. 16,  18; Vii. 34; Viii. 1,  44; Ix. 30.


Fear,  What We Ought To,  Xii. 1 (L. 18).


Fellowship. _See_ Mankind.


Few Things Necessary For A Virtuous And Happy Life,  Ii. 5; Iii. 10; Vii.

  67; X. 8 (L. 22).


Flattery,  Xi. 18 (Par. 10).


Formal,  The,  And The Material,  Iv. 21 (Par. 2); V. 13; Vii. 10,  29;

  Viii. 11; Ix. 25; Xii. 8,  10,  18.


Future,  We Should Not Be Anxious About The,  Vii. 8; Viii. 11; Ix. 25;

  Xii. 1.





Gods,  Perfect Justice Of The,  Xii. 5 (Par. 2).


Gods,  The,  Vi. 44; Xii. 28.


Gods,  The,  Cannot Be Evil,  Ii. 11; Vi. 44.


Good,  The,  Ii. 1.





Habit Of Thought,  V. 16.


Happiness,  What Is True,  V. 9 (Sub F.),  34; Viii. 1; X. 33.


Help To Be Accepted From Others,  Xii. 7.


Heroism,  True,  Xi. 18 (Par. 10).





Ignorance. _See_ Wrong-Doing.


Independence. _See_ Self-Reliance.


Indifferent Things,  Ii. 11 (Sub F.); Ix. 39; Vi 32; Ix,  1; (L. 30).


Individual,  The. _See_ Interests.


Infinity. _See_ Time.


Ingratitude. _See_ Mankind.


Injustice,  Ix. 1.


Intelligent Soul,  Rational Beings Participate In The Same,  Iv. 40; Ix.

  8,  9; X. 1 (L. 15); Xii. 26,  30.


Interests Of The Whole And The Individual Identical,  Iv. 23; V. 8 (L.

  34); Vi. 45,  54; X. 6,  20,  33 (Sub F.); Xii. 23 (L. 12).





Justice,  V. 34; X. 11; Xi. 10.


Justice And Reason Identical,  Xi. 1 (Sub F.).


Justice Prevails Everywhere,  Iv. 10.





Leisure,  We Ought To Have Some,  Viii. 51.


Life,  A Good,  Everywhere Possible,  V. 16.


Life Can Only Be Lived Once,  Ii. 14; X. 31 (L. 11).


Life,  Shortness Of,  Ii. 4,  17; Iii. 10,  14; Iv. 17,  48 (Sub F.). 50; Vi.

General Terms Pg 127

  15,  36,  56; X. 31,  34.


Life To Be Made A Proper Use Of,  Without Delay,  Ii. 4; Iii. 1,  14; Iv.

  17,  37; Vii. 56; Viii. 22; X. 31 (L. 14); Xii. 1 (L. 18).


Life,  Whether Long Or Short,  Matters Not,  Vi. 49; Ix. 33; Xii. 36.





Magnanimity,  X. 8.


Mankind,  Co-Operation And Fellowship Of,  One With Another; Ii. 1 (L.

  11),  16; Iii. 4 (Sub F.); 11 (Sub F.); Iv. 4,  33 (Sub F.); V.

  16 (L. 11),  20; Vi. 7,  14 (Sub F.),  23,  39; Vii. 5,  13,  22,  55;

  Viii. 12,  26,  34,  43,  59; Ix. 1,  9 (Sub F.),  23,  31,  42 (Sub.

  F.); X. 36,  (L. 16); Xi. 8,  21; Xii. 20.


Mankind,  Folly And Baseness Of,  V. 10 (L. 9); Ix. 2,  3 (L. 13),  29; X.

  15,  19.


Mankind,  Ingratitude Of,  X. 36.


Material,  The. _See_ Formal.





Nature,  After Products Of,  Iii. 2; Vi. 36.


Nature,  Bounds Fixed By,  V. 1.


Nature,  Man Formed By,  To Bear All That Happens To Him,  V. 18; Viii. 46.


Nature,  Nothing Evil,  Which Is According To,  Ii. 17 (Sub F.); Vi. 33.


Nature Of The Universe. _See_ Universe,  Nothing That Happens Is Contrary

  To The Nature Of The.


Nature,  Perfect Beauty Of,  Iii. 2; Vi. 36.


Nature,  We Should Live According To,  Iv. 48 (Sub. F.),  51; V. 3. 25; Vi.

  16 (L. 12); Vii. 15,  55; Viii. 1,  54; X. 33.


New,  Nothing,  Under The Sun,  Ii. 14 (L. 11); Iv. 44; Vi. 37,  46; Vii. 1,

  49; Viii. 6; Ix. 14; X. 27; Xi. 1.





Object,  We Should Always Act With A View To Some,  Ii. 7,  16 (L. 12);

  Iii. 4; Iv. 2; Viii. 17; X. 37; Xi. 21; Xii. 20.


Obsolete,  All Things Become,  Iv. 33.


Omissions,  Sins Of,  Ix. 5.


Opinion,  Iv. 3 (Par. 2) (Sub F.),  7,  12,  39; Vi. 52,  57; Vii. 2,  14,  16,

  26,  68; Viii. 14,  29,  40,  47,  49; Ix. 13,  29 (L. 12),  32,  42

  (L. 21); X. 3; Xi. 16,  18; Xii. 22,  25.


Others' Conduct Not To Be Inquired

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