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Book online «Creative Writing Short Stories/Prompts by Kayla Weber (best interesting books to read .txt) 📖». Author Kayla Weber

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joins her husband Miles and their two-year-old daughter Annie after the ceremony. A few months after that, she is working in the field to bust sex traffickers. She lives with Miles and has a little yorkie dog. A year later, she has a baby boy named Braxton and lives happily ever after.

“That was a good story mommy. They had the same names as us,” Braxton yawns and curls into Willow. Miles smiles beside her and Annie snuggles in close. “Did she ever talk to her grandma and grandpa again?”

“Every day,” she smiles and winks at Miles.

Daily Prompt #7 (Another Love Story)

I hope she loves this, Zach thinks, cooking the hamburger for spaghetti as the water for noodles boils. I hope I don’t screw up trying to ask. I’m so nervous. His hands shake slightly as he drains the grease out of the pan and dumps the hamburger into the sauce. He adds the noodles and finishes everything just as the front door opens from across the house.

“Hey babe! Sorry I’m late,” Chloe hollers, shutting the door.

“Hey honey,” he replies, going to help her with her things. “Oh, you got dinner. I was making something for us.”

“Oh. Well, why didn’t you tell me? I could have saved the time and money,” she sets her things down in a huff.

“I’m sorry. I wanted it to be a surprise,” he reaches his hand up to touch her shoulder, but she shrugs him away. “Oh,” he whispers, dejected, “I think I’m just going to sit in the library room for a while then.”  This didn’t go as planned. Zach sulks into the library room, with tears pooling in his emerald green eyes, and plops onto the couch, grabbing a book. His shaggy, wavy black hair flops into his face and he pushes it away with one long, slender finger. He hears the floorboards creak and the door squeak open. Immersed in the book, he pays no attention as one end of the couch sinks. A hand appears at the top of the book and lowers it, revealing Chloe with bright red cheeks, tears streaming down her face, and more unshed in her bright blue eyes. He puts the book down and she turns to face the window. Her hair is blown back by a gentle breeze coming through the open window on the warm, summer night.

“Zach, I’m really sorry. I saw the table all set. It was beautiful,” she whispers.

“It’s okay. I should have told you,” Zach responds, softly clearing his throat.

“Do you remember when we first met?” Chloe inquires, hesitantly.

“Of course I remember,” Zach replies, absentmindedly combing his fingers softly through her long, wavy blonde hair. “How could I forget? It was on this very beach when I first laid eyes on you. You were so adorable, with that beautifully big smile at five years old,” He smiles, reminiscing about that day. It was about like today; the sun was just above the horizon, making the ocean a gorgeous turquoise color, and a warm breeze blew just enough to make the palm trees sway.

“It was, wasn’t it? I remember we used to build sandcastles together right over there when when we were little,” Chloe points to a spot just down from the house. “It’s also where you wrote your first song on the guitar when we were in high school.” She hums a small part of the song and gets up to dance around the library room.

“I wrote it just for you,” he stands up and waltzes her around the room. “Oh, and babe, I have a question.”

“Yes?” Chloe responds, curiously.

“I know we haven’t been together for very long. It’s been about two years, but I was-,” he’s cut off as her phone starts ringing.

“Hold on,” she pulls her phone out and answers it, “Hello?” She pauses as the other person speaks. “Yes this is her daughter.”

“What’s going on?” Zach whispers. She waves him away and sits heavily on the couch.

“Yes thank you for calling. I will be there as soon as I can.” She ends the call and hangs her head in her lap, tears streaming down her face.

“What’s going on?” Zach repeats, sitting beside her.

“My mom just died from lung cancer,” she turns, sobbing into his shoulder.

“I don’t understand. I thought she was in remission. The doctor told you she had a great chance of living,” he hugs her tight as she sobs into him. “We have to go to Nebraska and see the rest of the family. We’ll pack tomorrow.” She nods and they stand up.

“Can you start packing tonight? I want to leave tomorrow,” her voice trembles as she speaks. He tries to pull her out of the room, but she resists. “I want to stay in here for a little bit longer.” Zach nods and reaches down to pick up the book.

“You know, this was the first book that we read together,” he smiles and wipes her eyes, handing her the book. “Maybe you can read it and feel a little bit better. I’ll go start packing. I love you.” He slowly shuts the door behind him and goes to their bedroom to pack everything they’ll need for the trip. That night after he is finished packing, he goes back to check on Chloe. Gently opening the door, he peaks his head around the corner. The book open to a page resting on her stomach, Chloe is fast asleep. The sound of her deep, peaceful breathing calms Zach. He tiptoes in and slowly eases the book out of her grasp. After putting it back on the shelf, he grabs the fluffy pink quilt and places it over Chloe to keep her warm. “Sweet dreams beautiful,” he whispers, kissing her on the forehead. He slowly backs out of the room and returns to their bedroom, exhausted. He flops down onto the bed and falls into a deep sleep.

“Get up. Come on! We have to get going. We need to get a flight,” Chloe shakes him, and he rolls over, slowly opening his eyes.

“What time is it?” he asks, groggily.

“It’s about 4:30 in the morning,” she replies, plopping onto the bed beside him.

“Let me sleep for a few more hours. I’m exhausted,” he whines, closing his eyes again.

“My mom died. You don’t have a few hours. Get up please,” she shakes him again.

“It’s not my fault. I didn’t kill her. Leave me alone,” he complains, pushing her hands away.

“Oh, you’re right. It’s not your fault she had cancer! She did it to herself, right?” Chloe shoots off the bed and glares at Zach.

“That’s not what I meant. You’re being overdramatic and you need to calm down,” he sighs, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, calm down. That’s exactly what I’m going to do! You’re unbelievable,” she yells and stomps out of the room. Oh boy, Zach thinks. These next few days are going to be stressful. He crawls out of bed and gets in the shower. Half an hour later, he climbs out and goes to get dressed.

“Chloe?” he hollers, cautiously.

“Oh, nice of you to get up and shower,” she sneers, walking into the room already dressed for the day in a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I was just really tired. What should I wear today?” He holds up a light blue shirt and a black shirt.

“Wear the black one. It makes your eyes pop. Now hurry up because we have 20 minutes to get to the airport,” she remarks, perambulating back out into the living room. After Zach is finished getting ready, they head to the airport, just in time to miss their flight. “Great! This is just great! Do you see now why I wanted you up so early?” Chloe yells at him, throwing her arms everywhere and sitting in one of the hard, black airport chairs in a huff.

“Don’t worry. There has to be more flights leaving soon. That couldn’t have been the only one. I’ll go talk to someone at the desk,” Zach reassures, walking to the ticket counter. “Excuse me, ma’am. Do you have any more flights leaving soon, like maybe in the next hour or so?”

“I’m sorry. Our next flight out is in about four hours. Would you like to buy tickets? There are only a few left,” the girl behind the desk informs.

“I’ll go check and be back in a few minutes,” he pauses to read the nametag, “Halee.” Zach strides back over to Chloe to deliver the news. She looks up from a game on her phone as he approaches. “There are no flights leaving in the next hour. The next flight is in about four hours. What do you want to do?”

“I want,” Chloe states, her voice laced with venom, “you to get your butt over there and buy us tickets to the next flight out of here! Maybe you can redeem yourself.” With this, she returns to her game and he ambles back to the counter. Out of the corner of his eye, Zach sees Chloe hunch over in pain. It’s probably just cramps, he thinks, ignoring it.

“We’ll take the tickets to the flight that leaves in four hours,” Zach states to Halee.

“I’m sorry, sir. We just sold the last tickets to another couple. We do have other flights though,” she apologizes.

“It’s fine. We’ll figure something out,” Zach dismisses, trudging back to Chloe.

“Well, did you get the tickets?” she inquires as he approaches. Shaking his head, he sits down in defeat. “Wonderful. Let’s just go home and try again tomorrow,” Chloe stands and starts gathering their belongings.

“Can’t we just drive there?” Zach asks, making her stop and sit again.

“Drive? Do you know how long that would take? We live in California. That would take almost a whole day!” she shouts, stomping her feet and flinging her arms everywhere.

“Settle down. It’s better than waiting 24 hours to get on a flight that’s going to probably take another few hours. We’ll get there sooner,” he argues.

Chloe huffs and sits back, crossing her arms. “We could have been there in a few hours already, but you didn’t want to get your lazy butt out of bed,” she counters.

“Yeah, whatever. This is all my fault. Now let’s go before we waste any more time,” Zach stands, and gathers their things, heading for the door.

“Have a great day!” one of the employees chirps as they exit the airport. They pack everything back into the bright red, V8, convertible top Mustang, and head for Nebraska.

Halfway there, Chloe hunches over in her seat and wraps her arms around her stomach again. “I think I’m going to be sick,” she whines, covering her mouth with both hands. Zach pulls the car over to the side of the interstate beside the Welcome to Cedar City, Utah sign and runs around to help her out. She sits on the side of the road and he holds her hair back. When Chloe’s done, Zach helps clean her up and get her back in the car.

“Are you going to be okay, or do we need to stop somewhere for the night? It’s already almost 8:00 p.m.,” Zach worries, pulling back into the interstate traffic.

“Can we find somewhere to stop for the night, please? I don’t want to chance it,” Chloe whimpers. Zach nods and

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