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Book online «Creative Writing Short Stories/Prompts by Kayla Weber (best interesting books to read .txt) 📖». Author Kayla Weber

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Daily Prompt #1

“That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.” Why not? I pulled out my mental scary place checklist. Dark house? Check. Middle of nowhere? Check. Locked door? Uncheck. Who really needs to lock their door in the middle of nowhere? Car in driveway? Uncheck. We probably have a couple hours. This place is miles from town.

You’re probably really lost. Let me introduce myself and back up to this morning. I’m Jennifer Apegate. Great last name, I know. I woke up at 3:30am to a call from my sister, Jordan. She’s an older version of me. Well, technically, since she was born first I’m a younger version of her. We both have golden blonde hair and shining blue eyes. She’s slightly taller and slimmer than me. We’re both on the dimmer side of smart; although, I think I’m smarter. Anyway, back to the phone call.

“Hello?” I answered, after knocking everything around trying to find my phone.

“I need help. I’ll pick you up in 20 minutes. Get ready.” Then she hung up. Strange. What could she need help with at 3:30 in the morning? Oh well. I got up and got dressed, being as quiet as I could as to not wake anyone. I heard Jordan pull up just as i finished putting on my shoes. I grabbed my coat and rushed out the door.

“Where are we going? What’s so important that I had to get up so early?” I asked as we drove down the street. She was silent until we got to the edge of town.

“I found him.”

“No way,” I said, incredulous. She just looked at me and nodded.

“I know. He’s miles out of town. We should be there in a couple hours.” With that, she turned her attention to the road and cranked the music. I leaned my head on the door and fell asleep. I woke to her shaking me. I looked around. We really were miles from town. All around me was trees. There was only one way in and out. At the end of the dirt path sat a trailer with white shutters hanging off the side.

“Is this him?” I asked in a hush.

“It’s supposed to be. Come on. Let’s go.” She started to open the door.

“Wait. What if he doesn’t want to see us?” I was getting nervous, and not just because

we were in the middle of nowhere, because if anything happened to us, it would take awhile for anyone to find us.

“Come on Jennifer. It will be fine.” She got out and motioned for me to come with her. I opened my door and got out. I breathed out a sigh. “That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.”

After exploring for a half hour, we go back out to talk in the car.

“Is this really what we want?” I ask, turning in my seat to face her.

“I want it,” she responds, looking back at me with pleading eyes. “I need to meet him.”

“Okay,” I reply, sighing and leaning back in my seat. “Wake me up when he gets here.” I close my eyes and listen to the sound of Jordan breathing until I fall into a deep sleep.

“He’s coming!” Jordan shouts, shaking me out of my slumberous state. I look at the time; it’s been two hours. A car drives past and we duck below so the driver can’t see us. After he passes, we sit up and watch him pull into the driveway and get out. It’s him. We slowly and quietly get out. We wait until he’s in the house before we walk up to the door.

“You knock,” I gesture at the door. “This was your idea.” I step back and she knocks. I’m so nervous about this. We hear someone get up and walk to the door.

“Can I help you?” asks a tall, muscular man standing in the doorway.

I breathe out a nervous sigh. “Dad?”

Daily Prompt #2

The playground at an elementary school; Riverdate Elementary to be exact. That’s where I met the man of my dreams. It was a hot July day, and I was playing with my younger sister on the swings. The swing kept creaking with every swing back and forth. The squeals and laughter of the others kids could be faintly heard over the noise of the swing and the ringing in my ears.

“Kayti, who is that guy?” my little sister, JoAnn, asked, pointing at a guy sitting on the bench across the park. He had dark brown hair and he was wearing a light blue t-shirt with washed out blue jeans with an intense look on his face. He was staring at me, and I didn’t know how long he had been there.

“I don’t know JoAnn. How long has he been there?” I responded, concerned because he was kind of creepy. I pushed hard on the swing to give her an underdog. On the way back down, she responded.

“He was sitting there when we got here. He started staring at you when we played on the jungle gym.” She squealed as I gave her another underdog. I thought about what she said, and figured that he’d been staring at me for a good 20 minutes. I gave him a funny look and he got up and walked over to us.

“Hello. Can I help you?” I asked as he approached.

“Hi. I couldn’t help but stare at you. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he replied with a dashing, but kind of creepy smile.

“And you would be….” I asked, my hands making a sweeping gesture, as if I could gather his name in them.

“Oh, my apologies. I’m Eric. We go to the same high school. I’m a grade above you,” he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and gave JoAnn another underdog.

“What do you want?” JoAnn asked when she had stopped swinging. “You’re creepy.”

“JoAnn, be nice. He just wanted to say hello,” I gave her a stern look, trying to convey that she was going to be in trouble if she was mean again.

“Actually,” he cut in, “I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me tomorrow.”

“I barely know you, and I have to babysit my sister and her friends tomorrow,” I said with a shrug.

“You can bring us here, and walk around.” JoAnn cut in, smiling and wagging her eyebrows at me.

“Perfect! I’ll see you tomorrow at two.” He smiled and walked away, waving.

“JoAnn! I can’t walk with him! I barely know him.”

“Yes you can. Plus I know you like him already.” She stuck out her tongue.

“Really? How would you know this bit of information?” I replied smugly.

“Because you couldn’t stop smiling.”

“Let’s go home,” I said laughing because she was kind of right. We got home around five. I made her supper and we settled down to watch a movie. My parents were on vacation and wouldn’t be back for another week; it was just JoAnn and me. After the movie was over I put her in bed, locked all of the doors, and went to bed.

I woke up the next day to my sister saying that she was hungry and her friends were going to be here soon. I looked at the time and shot straight up in bed. It was already noon. JoAnn needed lunch and I needed to shower. My hair was sticking up all over, reminding me of Princess Anna in Frozen.

“I’ll get your food started and then I’m going to shower. We can go to the park when I get done. If you’re friends get here before I get out, just play some games or something.” I said, while getting the stuff out to make her a grilled cheese sandwich. I finished making the sandwich for her and ran to get in the shower. I got out 10 minutes later and could hear her friends in the living room. I quickly got dressed in a white t-shirt and blue bibs. I dried my hair and put on a little bit of mascara and lip gloss.

“Let’s go.” I walked into the kitchen and grabbed JoAnn’s shoes. I helped her put them on and tied them for her. Her friends all put on their shoes and grabbed coats for later. We walked to the park, and I got them all on the swings. “Okay, I’m going to go for a short walk. I should be back in a little bit. Be good and stay together. JoAnn can call me if you have any trouble. I have my phone on me.” I waved and turned around to see Eric standing right behind me. I jumped about a foot in the air and squealed.

“Hey. Sorry to scare you. Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I said and started to walk away. He followed and when we were out of sight he stopped me. “What?” I asked.

“I really like you,” he said, intently staring me in the eyes.

“I just met you,” I replied. “Let’s just walk, okay?”

“Okay. But, can I see you again sometime?” He asked, his eyes questioning.

“Sure, but again, let’s just walk for right now.” He nodded and continued to walk. I walked beside him and two minutes later he grabbed my hand. I let him because it felt nice, and he was super cute, like the man of my dreams. We walked back into the park 10 minutes later. Everyone was accounted for and it was time to go home.

“See you later.” Eric hollered as he walked away.

“Bye.” I hollered back over my shoulder, rounding up the kids and walking home. JoAnn’s friends were spending the night, so I made them all supper and we watched a movie. It was a daily routine for JoAnn and me, so I included her friends. They were all asleep before the movie was over, so I turned it off and got everyone blankets. I covered them up, locked the doors and went to bed.

A week later, JoAnn woke me up by jumping around my room in her Olaf footie pajamas screaming.

“Mom and Dad are back! Mom and Dad are back!” she yelled.

“Shhh. I know they are. We have to go pick them up at the airport in,” I paused to look at the clock, “3 hours. Get in the shower and get dressed.” I got out of bed and went downstairs to make breakfast. When I was finished I went to JoAnn’s room and knocked on the door.

“Breakfast is downstairs on the table. I’m getting in the shower. I’ll be done about 20 minutes.” I got in the shower and washed my hair, thinking about Eric. I hadn’t seen him since we went on the walk in the park. I finished showering and toweled off. I went to my room and opened my closet doors. A huge pile of shirts that were on the floor fell out. I sorted through them for a shirt. I pulled out a light blue cardigan and a black tank top. I opened my jeans drawer and

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