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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic
Pronunciation, by William W. Mann

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Title: Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation

Author: William W. Mann

Release Date: December 23, 2007 [EBook #23984]

Language: English


Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Laurent Vogel and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at


Esperanto Self-Taught
(Member of the British Esperanto Association.)
[ST Series--Trade Mark Registered]



E. MARLBOROUGH & CO., LTD., 51 Old Bailey, E.C. 4



The object of this volume is two-fold. It supplies very full and comprehensive vocabularies of the words required by the tourist or traveller, visitor or resident abroad, health or pleasure seeker, and professional or business man, together with a large number of conversational sentences of a typical and practical character. The words and phrases are classified according to subject, and the phonetic pronunciation of every word is added in accordance with Marlborough's simple and popular system of phonetics.

With the aid of this book anyone may undertake a trip to a foreign land, even if he know nothing of the language of the country he is going to, and, if he will put himself beforehand in communication with Esperantists in the various places he intends to visit, he will find them ready to help him in many ways, and his stay abroad will thus be made much more entertaining and instructive than if he had spent his time in the conventional manner of the ordinary tourist. A further great advantage of this international language is, that it opens up to the traveller, not merely one particular country, but the whole of Europe.

The book also aims at affording a practical guide to Esperanto for the student, who will find, in the section on Grammar, all that he needs to give him full insight into and grasp of the language, enabling him with very little effort to read, write and speak correctly.

By joining an Esperanto Group the learner may have frequent opportunity of conversational practice, and he will soon find that it is by no means a difficult matter to become as fluent in the auxiliary language as in his mother-tongue.1

Esperanto is not merely a language for tourists, but already possesses a rich literature of considerable extent, the beginnings of that "Weltlitteratur" foreseen by Goethe; it has a press of its own representing every country of importance in the world, and is constantly being made use of for professional purposes by doctors, scientists, teachers, lawyers, soldiers, sailors, merchants, etc., in every quarter of the globe. It is undoubtedly destined, ere many years have passed, to become a very important factor in the progress of the world.


London, 1908.


Letchworth: The Garden City Press Ltd.

Fifth Impression

CONTENTS. Alphabet, with English Phonetic Pronunciation 5 Preliminary Notes.—Accents, Vowels, Diphthongs, etc. 7 Vocabularies.—Pages 9 to 76. Amusement, Recreation and 41 Animals, Vegetables, &c.: Animals, Birds and Fishes 12 Fruit, Trees, Flowers and Vegetables 15 Reptiles and Insects 14 Colours 17 Commercial Terms 56 Correspondence 61 Countries and Nations 40 Cycling 44 Cooking and Table Utensils 29 House and Furniture, The 34 Legal Terms 54 Mankind: Relations 22 Dress and the Toilet 30 Food and Drink 27 Health 26 Human Body, The 23 Physical and Mental Powers, Qualities, etc. 24 Motoring 47 Numbers: Cardinal, Ordinal, Collective and Fractional 62 to 64 Parts of Speech.—Pages 64 to 76 Adjectives 64 Adverbs, Conjunctions, and Prepositions 72 Verbs 68 Photography 48 Post, Telegraph and Telephone 60 Professions and Trades 52 Recreation and Amusement 41 Religion 50 Telegraph and Telephone (Post, —) 60 Time and Seasons 17 Town, Country, and Agriculture 20 Travelling: By Road and Rail 36 By Ship 39 Washing List 33 World and its Elements, The 9 Land and Water 10 Minerals and Metals 11 Grammar.—Pages 77 to 88. The Adjective 77 " Adverb 83 " Article 77 " Conjunction 83 " Noun 77 " Preposition 83 " Pronoun 78 " Verb 81 The Formation of Words, etc.—Pages 84 to 88. Prefixes and Suffixes 84 to 87 Compound Words 87 Correlatives 88 Conversations.—Pages 89 to 126. Amusements 112 Commercial and Trading 125 Correspondence 122 Custom House, At the 98 Cycling 114 Enquiries 93 Expressions, (Useful and Necessary) 89 Expressions of Emotion 93 Health 105 Legal and Judicial 123 Meals 102 to 105 Breakfast 102 Dinner 103 Tea 104 Money Changing 126 Motoring 115 Photography 117 Post and Telegraph 121 Religion 118 Shopping 108 Dressmaker 110 Laundress 111 Shoemaker 110 Telegraph (Post and) 121 Time of Day, The 118 Times, Seasons, and Weather 119 Town, In 106 Travelling:— Arrival 99 Bus and Tram 100 Changing Money 126 Hotel and Rooms 100 Public Notices 94 Railway, By 95 Steamer, By 97 Useful and Necessary Expressions 89 Money.—Equivalent Values 127 Weights and Measures; Postage 128


The Esperanto Alphabet has 28 letters—23 consonants, 5 vowels:—

Characters. Name and English Pronunciation. Phonetics used. A, a (ah) like a in father or pa; as patro (pah'troh). In unaccented syllables it should not be dwelt upon, and in all cases it should be pronounced quite purely, without the slight drawling r-sound which is sometimes added to the corresponding vowel in English ah B, b (bo) as in English b C, c (tsoh) like ts in gets, hits, and never as in English; as caro (tsah'roh) ts Ĉ, ĉ (cho) like ch in church; as ĉasi (chah'see) ch D, d (do) as in English, but with tip of tongue placed on back of teeth instead of on front ridge of roof of mouth d E, e (eh) like e in bend pronounced broadly, or a in hate shortly pronounced, but quite pure, entirely without the slight drawling ee-sound often heard after the English vowel; as beno (beh'noh) e, eh F, f (fo) as in English f G, g (go) like g in go, give, as gasto (gah'stoh), and never like g in gem, allege g Ĝ, ĝ (jo) like g in gem, general, and j in jovial; as ĝeni (jeh'nee) j H, h (ho) as in English h Ĥ, ĥ (ĥo) like ch in Scotch loch, ch in German hoch, j in Spanish mujer. This guttural sound is practically a very strongly aspirated h, and may be made by trying to pronounce "ho" with the throat arranged as for saying k:—ĥoro (khoro), ĥino (khino) kh I, i (ee) like ee in seen, as li (lee). In unaccented syllables, and before two consonants together, this i practically becomes the i in it or in wind; as ferminte (fehrr-min'teh) ee, i J, j (yo) always like y in yet, as jes (yehss), vojo (vo'yo), and never like j in judge, joke y It should be remembered that j is always a consonant, with the sound of the English y in you. Of course, when j occurs at the end of a word or before a consonant, it practically unites with the preceding vowel to form a diphthong, and loses the full consonantal sound which it has before a vowel. Thus: Aj (ahy), like ah y in ah yes (almost like y in my); as kaj (kah'y), rajdi (rah'y-dee), krajono (krah-yo'no) ahy Ej (ehy), like ay y in say yes; as plej (pleh'y, one syllable) ehy Oj (oy), like oh y in oh yes (almost like oy in toy); as ranoj (rah'noy), kojno (koy'noh) oy Uj (ooy), like oo y in too young; as tuj (too'y, one syllable), prujno (proo'yno, two syllables) ooy Ĵ, ĵ (zho) like s in vision or pleasure, or j in French jeune, j'ai; as ĵeti (zheh'tee) zh K, k (ko) as in English k L, l (lo) as in English l M, m (mo) as in English m N, n (no) as in English n O, o (oh) like o in horse, not diphthongized, but pronounced purely and rather shortly, as bona (boh'nah NOT bow'nah), quite without the short oo-sound frequently heard with the English vowel in such words as note, boat. Its sound is almost equivalent to aw in caw, pronounced shortly and with the lips placed roundly as if for saying oh; as estonta (ess-tohn'tah) o, oh P, p (po) as in English p R, r (ro) as in English, but sounded much more forcibly, and always with a trill as in singing; as korpo (kohr'po) r S, s (so) like s in say, as suno (soo'noh), and never as s in rose; as pesi (peh'see) s, ss Ŝ, ŝ (sho) like sh in show, she; as ŝipo (shee'poh) sh T, t (to) as in English, but dentally—with tip of tongue placed on back of teeth instead of on front ridge of roof of mouth t U, u (oo) like oo in boot, as nubo (noo'boh); and never as u in mute or but oo Ŭ, ŭ (wo) is equivalent to the English w, and is produced by a partial bringing together of the lips. It practically only occurs after a or e w, ŏŏ (1) . To say antaŭ, for instance, say "ahn'tah," and finish by bringing the lips slightly together to pronounce the ŭ (w). Similarly for laŭta (lah'w-tah). This sound is not exactly the English ou in house, but is just the
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