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Book online «English Synonyms and Antonyms by James Champlin Fernald (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) 📖». Author James Champlin Fernald

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309 mania, insanity, 221 manifest, clear, 107 " evident, 159 manifestation, revelation, 316 " sign, 332 manifold, complex, 112 manlike, masculine, 237 manly, masculine, 237 manner, air, 27 " behavior, 79 " system, 350 manners, address, n., 20 " behavior, 79 mannish, masculine, 237 manufacture, make, 236 marauder, robber, 320 marches, boundary, 84 marge, bank, 72 " boundary, 84 margin, bank, 72 " boundary, 84 marine, nautical, 248 maritime, nautical, 248 mark, aim, 26 " characteristic, 103 " sign, 332 " trace, 359 market-gardening, agriculture, 25 marriage, 236 masculine, 237 mask, v., hide, 197 mask, n., pretense, 283 mass, throng, 356 massacre, 237 " kill, 226 masses, mob, 243 massive, large, 229 master, attain, 64 " conquer, 115 mastery, victory, 369 mate, associate, 60 material, physical, 272 matrimony, marriage, 236 matter, topic, 359 maxim, proverb, 293 means, agent, 24 measure, meter, 240 measureless, infinite, 216 mechanic, artist, 58 mechanism, tool, 358 meddle, interpose, 222 meddlesome, 238 " inquisitive, 221 meddling, inquisitive, 221 " meddlesome, 238 mediate, interpose, 222 meditate, deliberate, 135 meet, becoming, 77 meeting, collision, 109 " company, 110 melancholy, grief, 187 meliorate, amend, 41 melody, 238 member, part, 264 " term, 354 memoir, history, 200 memorandum, record, 304 memorial, record, 304 " trace, 359 memorials, history, 200 memory, 239 mend, amend, 41 mendicancy, poverty, 279 mention, allude, 36 mercenary, auxiliary, 67 " venal, 365 merciful, humane, 203 " propitious, 291 merciless, barbarous, 73 mercy, 239 " pardon, 262 " pity, 273 mere, pure, 296 merely, but, 89 merriment, entertainment, 153 " happiness, 189 merry, happy, 190 metamorphose, change, v., 100 metaphor, allegory, 33 mete out, allot, 34 meter, 240 " poetry, 277 method, system, 350 metrical composition, poetry, 277 metropolis, capital, 94 middle, center, 99 midst, center, 99 " (in the midst of), amid, 42 mien, air, 27 might, power, 279 migrate, emigrate, 147 mildness, mercy, 239 military, army, 56 mimicry, caricature, 95 mind, 241 mingled, heterogeneous, 196 " complex, 112 [542]mingled with, amid, 42 minute, 242 " fine, 172 miraculous, supernatural, 347 mirth, happiness, 189 mirthful, happy, 190 misadventure, accident, 14 " misfortune, 242 miscellaneous, heterogeneous, 196 mischance, catastrophe, 97 " misfortune, 242 mischief, injury, 219 mischievous, pernicious, 270 misdeed, sin, 332 misemploy, abuse, 12 miserable, pitiful, 273 miserly, avaricious, 68 miserliness, frugality, 180 misery, misfortune, 242 misfortune, 242 " accident, 14 " blow, 83 " catastrophe, 97 misgiving, alarm, 28 " anxiety, 49 " doubt, n., 138 " fear, 168 mishap, accident, 14 " catastrophe, 97 " misfortune, 242 mislay, displace, 135 mismatched, incongruous, 214 mismated, incongruous, 214 misplace, displace, 135 mistaken, absurd, 11 mistrust, doubt, v., 137 misuse, abuse, 12 mite, particle, 264 mitigate, abate, 3 " alleviate, 33 " amend, 41 " palliate, 261 mixed, complex, 112 " heterogeneous, 196 mob, 243 mobile, active, 17 mock, sneer, 337 mockery, banter, 73 mode, system, 350 model, 243 " example, 160 " idea, 206 " ideal, 206 moderate, v., abate, 3 " alleviate, 33 moderate, a., slow, 337 moderation, abstinence, 10 modern, new, 252 modesty, 244 modify, change, v., 100 mold, bend, 79 " govern, 185 mold, model, 243 molder, decay, 122 molecule, particle, 264 molest, abuse, 12 mollify, allay, 31 momentary, transient, 361 monetary, financial, 172 money, 244 monomania, insanity, 221 monstrous, absurd, 11 mood, fancy, 167 mop, cleanse, 107 morality, religion, 307 " virtue, 370 moreover, but, 89 morose, 245 " severe, 329 moroseness, acrimony, 15 mortification, chagrin, 100 mortify, abash, 3 mother tongue, language, 228 motion, 245 " act, 16 " topic, 359 motive, cause, 98 " reason, n., 302 motto, proverb, 293 mourn, 246 mournful, pitiful, 273 mourning, grief, 187 move, v., carry, 96 " convey, 119 " influence, 217 " persuade, 271 move, n., motion, 245 movement, act, 16 " motion, 245 mover, agent, 24 moving, pitiful, 273 muddy, obscure, 255 mulish, restive, 314 " obstinate, 256 multiform, complex, 112 multitude, army, 56 " company, 110 " throng, 356 munificence, benevolence, 80 munificent, generous, 182 " royal, 320 muniment, record, 304 muniments, history, 200 murder, kill, 226 murky, dark, 122 murmur, babble, 71 " complain, 112 music, melody, 238 muster, convoke, 120 mutation, change, n., 101 mute, taciturn, 351 mutinous, rebellious, 304 " restive, 314 mutiny, revolution, 317 mutual, 246 mysterious, 247 " dark, 122 " obscure, 255 mystic, mysterious, 247 mystical, mysterious, 247 myth, fiction, 170 " story, 343 naive, candid, 93 name, 247 " term, 354 narration, history, 200 " report, 311 " story, 343 [543]narrative, history, 200 " report, 311 " story, 343 natal, native, 248 nation, people, 266 native, 248 " inherent, 218 " radical, 299 natty, neat, 249 natural, inherent, 218 " native, 248 " normal, 253 " physical, 272 " radical, 299 nature, character, 102 nauseate, abhor, 5 nautical, 248 naval, nautical, 248 near, adjacent, 22 nearness, approximation, 55 neat, 249 " becoming, 77 " terse, 354 necessary, 150 necessitate, compel, 111 necessity, 250 " predestination, 282 need, necessity, 250 " poverty, 279 needed, necessary, 250 needful, necessary, 250 nefarious, criminal, 120 neglect, 251 neglectfulness, neglect, 251 negligence, neglect, 251 negligent, abstracted, 11 negotiate, transact, 360 neighborhood, approximation, 55 neighboring, adjacent, 22 neighborly, friendly, 178 neophyte, convert, 119 never-ending, eternal, 157 never-failing, eternal, 157 nevertheless, but, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254 new, 252 new-fangled, new, 252 new-fashioned, new, 252 new-made, new, 252 next, adjacent, 22 nice, fine, 172 " neat, 249 " tasteful, 352 niggardly, avaricious, 68 nigh, adjacent, 22 nimble, 253 " active, 17 " alert, 28 noble, awful, 70 " generous, 182 " high, 198 noise, sound, 338 noisome, pernicious, 279 non-conformist, heretic, 196 non-homogeneous, heterogeneous, 196 nonsensical, absurd, 11 normal, 253 " general, 181 " usual, 368 note, remark, 308 " sign, 332 " sound, 338 notes, money, 244 notify, announce, 46 notion, idea, 206 notoriety, fame, 166 notwithstanding, prep., 254 notwithstanding, conj., 254 " but, 89 nourish, cherish, 104 nourishment, food, 175 novel, a., new, 252 novel, n., fiction, 170 " story, 343 novelty, change, n., 101 novice, amateur, 39 now, immediately, 211 " yet, 374 noxious, pernicious, 270 nugatory, vain, 364 nuisance, abomination, 7 null, vain, 364 nullify, abolish, 6 " cancel, 92 number, calculate, 90 numberless, infinite, 216 numbers, poetry, 277 nuptials, marriage, 236 nurse, cherish, 104 nurture, cherish, 104 " education, 143 " teach, 353 nutriment, food, 175 nutrition, food, 175 oath, 254 obdurate, obstinate, 256 obedience, allegiance, 32 obedient, docile, 136 obey, follow, 174 " keep, 226 obiter dictum, precedent, 282 object, aim, 26 " design, 128 " reason, n., 302 objective, subjective, 345 objurgation, reproof, 311 obligation, contract, 118 " duty, 142 oblige, bind, 81 " compel, 111 obliging, pleasant, 275 " polite, 277 obliterate, abolish, 6 " cancel, 92 oblivion, pardon, n., 262 oblivious, abstracted, 11 obscure, 255 " complex, 112 " dark, 122 " equivocal, 155 " mysterious, 247 observance, sacrament, 321 observation, remark, 308 observe, celebrate, 99 " discern, 133 " follow, 174 " keep, 226 obsolescent, obsolete, 256 [544]obsolete, 256 obstacle, barrier, 74 " impediment, 213 obstinate, 256 " restive, 314 " perverse, 272 obstruct, 257 " hinder, 199 obstruction, barrier, 74 " impediment, 313 obtain, attain, 64 " get, 183 " purchase, 295 obtrusive, meddlesome, 238 obtuseness, stupidity, 344 obviate, prevent, 284 obvious,
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