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Book online «English Synonyms and Antonyms by James Champlin Fernald (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) 📖». Author James Champlin Fernald

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349 idiocy, 207 idiom, language, 228 idle, 208 " vain, 364 ignite, burn, 87 ignorant, 208 " brutish, 87 ill, misfortune, 242 ill-advised, absurd, 11 ill-considered, absurd, 11 ill-defined, faint, 164 ill-doing, sin, 332 illegal, criminal, 120 ill-fortune, misfortune, 242 ill-humored, morose, 245 illimitable, infinite, 216 ill-informed, ignorant, 208 illiterate, ignorant, 208 ill-judged, absurd, 11 ill luck, misfortune, 242 ill-matched, incongruous, 214 ill-natured, morose, 245 illness, disease, 134 ill-treat, abuse, 12 illumination, light, 231 ill-use, abuse, 12 illusion, delusion, 127 illustrate, adorn, 23 illustration, allegory, 33 " sample, 323 ill-will, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193 image, emblem, 146 " fancy, 167 " idea, 206 " model, 243 imagination, 209 " idea, 206 " fancy, 167 imaginative, fanciful, 167 imagine, suppose, 348 imbecility, idiocy, 207 imbibe, absorb, 9 imbruted, brutish, 87 imitate, follow, 174 imitation, caricature, 95 " duplicate, 141 " model, 243 immaculate, innocent, 220 " perfect, 268 " pure, 296 immanent, inherent, 218 immature, youthful, 375 immeasurable, infinite, 216 immediately, 211 immemorial, old, 257 " primeval, 287 immense, large, 229 immerge, immerse, 212 immerse, 212 immigrate, emigrate, 147 imminent, 212 immobility, apathy, 50 immoral, criminal, 120 immorality, sin, 332 immortal, eternal, 157 immovable, obstinate, 256 immunity, right, 319 immutable, permanent, 269 [536]impact, collision, 109 impairment, injury, 219 impart, give, 185 impartial, candid, 93 impartiality, justice, 225 impassibility, apathy, 50 impatience, anger, 44 impatient, eager, 142 " restive, 314 impeach, arraign, 56 impede, hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257 impediment, 213 impel, drive, 140 " influence, 217 " persuade, 271 " send, 327 impending, imminent, 212 imperative, absolute, 8 imperfection, blemish, 82 imperious, absolute, 8 " dogmatic, 137 imperishable, eternal, 157 impertinence, impudence, 213 " pertness, 271 impertinent, alien, a., 29 " meddlesome, 238 imperturbable, calm, 91 impetuous, eager, 142 " fierce, 171 implement, tool, 358 implicate, involve, 223 implication, suggestion, 347 implore, ask, 59 " plead, 274 " pray, 281 imply, allude, 36 " involve, 223 impolite, bluff, 83 importunate, eager, 142 importune, pray, 281 impose on, abuse, 12 imposing, awful, 70 imposition, deception, 123 " fraud, 177 impostor, hypocrite, 204 imposture, artifice, 58 " fraud, 177 imprecation, oath, 254 impressibility, sensibility, 328 impression, idea, 206 " trace, 359 imprisonment, fetter, 169 impromptu, extemporaneous, 163 improve, amend, 41 improvement, profit, 288 " progress, 289 improvised, extemporaneous, 163 impudence, 213 " assurance, 61 " effrontery, 144 " pertness, 271 impulse, appetite, 54 impulsive, spontaneous, 340 impute, attribute, v., 65 inactive, idle, 208 " slow, 337 in addition, also, 37 inadvertence, neglect, 251 inapposite, incongruous, 214 inappropriate, alien, a., 29 " incongruous, 214 inasmuch as, because, 77 inattention, neglect, 251 inattentive, abstracted, 11 inauguration, beginning, 78 inborn, inherent, 218 inbred, inherent, 218 incandescence, light, 231 incapacity, idiocy, 207 inception, beginning, 78 incessant, continual, 117 incident, accident, 14 " circumstance, 105 " event, 158 " story, 343 incinerate, burn, 87 " influence, 217 incipience, beginning, 78 incite, abet, 4 " persuade, 271 incivility, impudence, 213 inclination, aim, 26 " appetite, 54 " attachment, 63 " desire, 128 " direction, 132 " fancy, 167 incline, bend, 79 " draw, 138 " influence, 217 " persuade, 271 " tip, 357 inclined, addicted, 19 include, involve, 223 incommensurable, incongruous, 214 incomparable, rare, 300 incompatible, incongruous, 214 incomprehensible, mysterious, 247 " obscure, 255 inconclusive, absurd, 11 incongruous, 214 inconsiderate, bluff, 83 inconsistency, difference, 131 inconsistent, incongruous, 214 inconstant, vain, 364 incorrect, absurd, 11 incorrupt, pure, 296 incorruptible, faithful, 165 increase, add, 18 " amplify, 43 " harvest, 192 " progress, 289 incredulity, doubt, n., 138 incubus, load, 233 inculcate, teach, 353 incursion, attack, n., 64 indecision, doubt, n., 138 indefinite, equivocal, 155 indemnity, subsidy, 345 independence, liberty, 230 indeterminate, equivocal, 155 indicate, allude, 36 indication, characteristic, 103 " sign, 332 indict, arraign, 56 indifference, apathy, 50 " neglect, 251 [537]indifferent, abstracted, 11 indigence, poverty, 279 indigenous, native, 248 " primeval, 287 indignation, anger, 44 indispensable, inherent, 218 indispensability, necessity, 250 indispensable, necessary, 250 indispensableness, necessity, 250 indisposed, reluctant, 308 indisposition, disease, 134 indistinct, equivocal, 155 " faint, 164 " obscure, 255 individually, apiece, 51 indoctrinate, teach, 353 indolent, idle, 208 indomitable, obstinate, 256 indubitable, evident, 159 induce, draw, 138 " influence, 217 " persuade, 271 induction, 215 " demonstration, 127 industrious, 215 " active, 17 industry, 216 indwelling, inherent, 218 ineffectual, vain, 364 inelegant, rustic, 321 inequality, difference, 131 inert, idle, 208 " slow, 337 inevitable, necessary, 250 inexorable, severe, 329 inexplicable, mysterious, 247 infallible, necessary, 250 infatuated, absurd, 11 infect, defile, 124 infection, contagion, 117 inference, demonstration, 127 " induction, 215 infidel, skeptic, 334 infirmity, disease, 134 infinite, 216 infixed, inherent, 218 inflexible, severe, 329 " obstinate, 256 influence, 217 " bend, 79 " govern, 185 " operation, 258 " persuade, 271 inform, state, 341 " teach, 353 information, education, 143 " knowledge, 227 " wisdom, 372 informed, conscious, 116 infrequent, rare, 300 infringement, attack, n., 64 ingathering, harvest, 192 ingenious, clever, 109 " skilful, 335 ingenuity, address, n., 20 ingenuous, candid, 93 " honest, 202 ingenuousness, veracity, 367 ingleside, home, 201 ingrained, inherent, 218 " radical, 299 ingredient, part, 264 ingress, entrance, 154 inhabit, abide, 5 inharmonious, incongruous, 214 inherent, 218 inhering, inherent, 218 inhibit, prohibit, 290 inhuman, barbarous, 73 iniquitous, criminal, 120 iniquity, abomination, 7 " injustice, 220 " sin, 332 initiate, teach, 353 initiation, beginning, 78 injunction, order, 258 injure, abuse, 12 injurious, pernicious, 270 injury, 219 " blemish, 82 " injustice, 220 injustice, 220 " injury, 219 inlet, entrance, 154 in like manner, also, 37 innate, inherent, 218 " native, 248 " radical, 299 innocent, 220 " candid, 93 " pure, 296 innocuous, innocent, 220 innovation, change, n., 101 innoxious, innocent, 220 innuendo, suggestion, 347 innumerable, infinite, 216 inoffensive, innocent, 220 inquiring, inquisitive, 221 inquisition, hunt, 203 inquisitive, 221 insalubrious, pernicious, 270 insanity, 221 inscription, record, 304 inscrutable, mysterious, 247 insecure, precarious, 282 insecurity, danger, 121 insensibility, apathy, 50 " stupidity, 344 " stupor, 344 insensible, brutish, 87 inseparable, inherent, 218 insight, acumen, 18 " wisdom, 372 insinuate, allude, 36 insinuation, suggestion, 347 insolence, effrontery, 144 " impudence, 213 " pride, 286 inspect, look, 234 inspection, oversight, 260 inspiration, enthusiasm, 153 in spite of, notwithstanding, prep., 254 instalment, part, 264 instance, precedent, 282 " sample, 323 instanter, immediately, 211 instantly, immediately, 211 instigate, abet, 4 [538]" influence, 217 instill, teach, 353 instinct, mind, 241 instinctive, spontaneous, 340 instruct, teach, 353 instruction, education, 143 " order, 258 instrument, agent, 24 " record, 304 " tool, 358 insubordinate, rebellious, 304 insubordination, revolution, 317 insult, affront, 24 insurrection, revolution, 317 integrity, justice, 225 " virtue, 370 intellect, mind, 241 intellectual, clever, 109 intelligence, knowledge, 227 " mind, 241 intelligent, clever, 109 " sagacious, 322 intelligible, clear, 107 intemperance, excess, 160 intense, eager, 142 intensity, enthusiasm, 153 intent, a., eager, 142 intent, n., aim, 26 " design, 128 " end, n., 148 intention, aim, 26 " design, 128 intentness, industry, 216 inter, hide, 197 intercede, interpose, 222 intercept, interpose, 222 interchangeable, mutual, 246 " synonymous, 349 intercourse, conversation, 118 interdict, prohibit, 290 interest, entertain, 152 interfere, interpose, 222 intermeddle, interpose, 222 interminable, eternal, 157 " infinite, 216 intermission, rest, 313 intermit, cease, 98 internal, inherent, 218 interpose, 222 interpretation, definition, 124 interrupt, hinder, 199 " interpose, 222 " obstruct, 257 in the
1 ... 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 ... 110
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