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should be made in September, or at the beginning of October, and if the mushroom powder bottle in which it is stored away is not perfectly dry it will speedily deteriorate.

Mushroom Powder.—This is for use as a condiment. The finest full-grown mushrooms—which are the best flavored—should be selected and prepared for drying, and dried as stated under the heading of "Dried Mushrooms," except that it is better to dry them in an oven or drying machine so that they may be dried quickly and become brittle. Grate or otherwise reduce them to a fine powder, and preserve this in tightly-corked bottles.

To Dry Mushrooms.—Wipe them clean, take away the brown part and peel off the skin; lay them on sheets of paper to dry, in a cool oven, when they will shrivel considerably. Keep them in paper bags, which hang in a dry place. When wanted for use put them into cold gravy, bring them gradually to simmer, and it will be found that they will regain nearly their usual size.

Dried Mushrooms.—In the flush of the pasture-mushroom season gather a large number of mushrooms of all sizes and see that they are thoroughly clean; remove and discard the stems and peel the caps. Stir them around for a few minutes in boiling water to which a little lemon juice or vinegar has been added to prevent them from turning dark colored. Some people use plain cold water, or cold water with lemon juice or vinegar in it. But never use salt in preparing mushrooms for drying, or else the salted mushrooms will absorb moisture from the atmosphere and spoil. Take the mushrooms out of the water and drain them on a sieve, then string them and hang them up to dry and season in an open, airy shed, as one would strings of drying fruit. They may also be dried in a drying machine or oven as one would do with apples or peaches. They are used as a substitute for fresh mushrooms when the latter can not be obtained. In preparing dried mushrooms for use steep them in tepid water or milk until they become quite soft and plump, then drain them dry and cook them in the same way as fresh mushrooms. While they are a good substitute for the fresh article they are deficient in flavor.

Mushroom Ketchup.—To each peck of mushrooms add one-half pound of salt; to each quart of mushroom liquor one-half ounce of allspice, one-half ounce of ginger, two blades of pounded mace, one-fourth ounce of cayenne.

Choose full-grown mushroom flaps, and be careful that they are perfectly fresh-gathered when the weather is tolerably dry; for if they are picked during rain the ketchup made from them is liable to get musty, and will not keep long. Put a layer of them in a deep pan, sprinkle salt over them, then another layer of mushrooms and so on alternately. Let them remain for a few hours, and break them up with the hand; put them in a cool place for three days, occasionally stirring and mashing them well to extract from them as much juice as possible. Measure the quantity without straining, and to each quart allow the above proportion of spices, etc. Put all into a stone jar, cover it up very closely, put it in a saucepan of boiling water, set it over the fire and let it boil for three hours. Have ready a clean stewpan; turn into it the contents of the jar, and let the whole simmer very gently for half an hour; pour it into a pitcher, where it should stand in a cool place until the next day; then pour it off into another pitcher and strain it into very dry clean bottles, and do not squeeze the mushrooms. To each pint of ketchup add a few drops of brandy. Be careful not to shake the contents, but leave all the sediment behind in the pitcher; cork well, and either seal or rosin the cork, so as to exclude the air perfectly. When a very clear, bright ketchup is wanted the liquor must be strained through a very fine hair sieve or flannel bag after it has been very gently poured off; if the operation is not successful it must be repeated until you have quite a clear liquor. It should be examined occasionally, and if it is spoiling should be reboiled with a few peppercorns. Seasonable from the beginning of September to the middle of October, when this ketchup should be made.

Mushroom Ketchup.—This flavoring ingredient, if genuine and well prepared, is one of the most useful store sauces to the experienced cook, and no trouble should be spared in its preparation. Double ketchup is made by reducing the liquor to half the quantity; for example, one quart must be boiled down to one pint. This goes further than ordinary ketchup, as so little is required to flavor a good quantity of gravy. The sediment may also be bottled for immediate use, and will be found to answer for flavoring thick soups or gravies.

Mushroom Ketchup.—In making ketchup use the very best mushrooms, full grown but young and fresh, as it is highly important to secure fine flavor, and this we can not get from inferior mushrooms. Take a measure of fine fresh mushrooms and see that they are clean and free from grit; stem and peel them; cut them into very thin slices and place a layer of these on the bottom of a deep dish or tureen; sprinkle this layer with fine salt, then put in another layer and sprinkle with salt as before, and so on until the dish is full. The white succulent part of the stems may also be used in the ketchup, but never any discolored, tough or stringy part. On the top of all strew a layer of fresh walnut rind cut into small pieces. Place the dish in a cool cellar for four or five days, to allow the contents to macerate. When the whole mass has become nearly liquid pass it through a colander. Then boil down the strained liquor to half of its bulk and add its own weight of calf's-foot jelly; season with allspice or white pepper and boil down to the consistence of jelly. Pour into stoneware jars and keep in a cool place.

Pickled Mushrooms.—Use sufficient vinegar to cover the mushrooms; to each quart of mushrooms two blades of pounded mace, one ounce of ground pepper, salt to taste. Choose young button mushrooms for pickling, and rub off the skin with a piece of flannel and salt, and cut off the stalks; if very large take out the red gills and reject the black ones, as they are too old. Put them in a stewpan, sprinkle salt over them, with pounded mace and pepper in the above proportion; shake them well over a clear fire until the liquor flows, and keep them there until it is all dried up again; then add as much vinegar as will cover them; let it simmer for one minute, and store it away in stone jars for use. When cold tie down with bladder and keep in a dry place; they will remain good for a long time, and are generally considered delicious. Make this the same time as ketchup, from the beginning of September to the middle of October. [The above recipes are furnished by Mrs. George Amberley, of New York City.]


INDEX. Ammonia Arising, 54 Anguillulæ, 124 In Decaying Vegetation, 126 Scalding Water to Kill, 126 To Destroy, 114 Apparatus, Hot Water, 33 Atmosphere, Manure Steam for Moistening, 114 Remedying a too Dry, 114 Barn Cellars, 10 Bedding, Wetted with Urine, 58 Beds, 16 Alongside of Wall, 18 Banked Against a Wall, 53 Bearing in November, 25 Black Spot in the, 108 Boring Holes in, to Reduce Temperature, 76 Bottom of, 17 Box, 17 Casing, after Spawning, 100 Casing the, 104 Earthing Over the, 103 Experiments as to Proper Time to Case, 104 Fifteen Inches Thick, 22 Firmly Built, 76 Flat, 50 Flat, Sods fit only for, 107 Floor, 19 Flooring for the, 28 Green Sods, Method of Casing, 106 Killing the Mycelium in, 96 Loam for, 100 Manure, 20 Maximum Heat of Best, 75 Midwinter, 39 Mulching, 23 Mushroom, 12 Never Spawn, when Heat is Rising, 96 Odorless, in Dwelling House Cellars, 21 Of Low Temperature, 77 On the Floor, 13 Outside, 12 Parching Effect Visible on, 26 Picking "Fogged-off" Mushrooms from, 108 Rack, 13 Re-Invigorating Old, 120 Renovating Old, in England, 142 Ridge, 17 Second Crop from, 120 Shelf, 16, 29 Spawned at 66° to 70°, 97 Spawning and Molding, 14 Spawning the, 96 Spent Mushroom, 121 Stale, 76 Tamping Surface of, 23 Temperature of a Twelve Inch Thick Bed, 96 Ten or Twelve Inches Deep, 19 Tending the, 17 Three Feet Deep, 25 To Keep, Warm, 109 Topdressed, 23 Under Greenhouse Benches, To make, 53 Watering, 24 Watering the, 108 Watering Mushroom, 111 When Dry to be Watered, 111 Wide, With Pathway Above,* 44 Worn Out, 120 Beetles, Larvæ of Two, Destroying Mycelium, 132 Benches Covered, 40 Black Spot, 124 A Disease, 125 In Beds in Vigorous Bearing, 125 In New Beds, 125 Is Unwholesome, 126 To Prevent, 125 Boards, Stepping, 17 Boiler and Pipes, 32 Boilers, Hitching's Base-burner, 31 Boxing, 19 Lid for, 19 Old Carpet or Matting Over, 19 "Bullet" or "Shot" Holes in Mushrooms, 128 Bugs, Mealy, 12 Calico, 18 Caves, 17 Caves of Paris, In the,* 147 Paris, Description of, 143 French Spawn Used in, 146 Gathering Mushrooms for Market in the, 149 Making Beds in the, 145 Manure Used in the, 144 Material Used for and Method of Earthing Over in, 146 Methods of Regulating Draughts in the, 150 Preparation of Manure for the, 144 Paris, Spawn Used in the, and How Obtained, 145 Stratifying Spawn Before Using in the, 146 Temperature in Spacious, High Roofed, 147 Ventilation in the, 148 When and How Mushrooms are Gathered in the, 148 Ceiling, Flat, 37 Sloping, 36 Wet, 18 Cellar, Barn, 13 Cleanliness in the Mushroom, 26 Cool, 19 Cross-section of the Dosoris Mushroom,* 27 Dosoris Mushroom, 27 Divided, 30 Ground Plan of the Dosoris,* 28 Height of, 17 House, 13 Interior Arrangements of, 16 Mushroom, Under a Barn,* 16 Of
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