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Book online ยซAn Elementary Study of Chemistry by William McPherson (best beach reads .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author William McPherson

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Colemanite 265

Combining weights 225

Combustion 17
broad sense 20
in air 19
phlogiston theory 19
products 18
spontaneous 20
supporters 213

Compounds, chemical 7
isomeric 414

of metals, preparation 265
structure of 118

Conservation of energy 4
of matter 5

Contact process 154

Converter, Bessemer 345

Copper 357
acetate 407
alloys of 359
family 356
hydroxide 360
metallurgy 357
occurrence 357
ores 357
oxide 360
properties 358
refining 358
sulphate 361
sulphide 361
uses 359

Copperas 350

Coral 305

Corrosive sublimate 363

Corundum 331

Cream of tartar 408

Crocoisite 383

Cryolite 175, 328

Crystallization 98
water of 54, 75

Crystallography 161

Crystals 161
axes of 161
systems 162

Cupric compounds 360

Cuprite 360

Cuprous compounds 360
chloride 360
oxide 360

Cyanides 210
solutions are alkaline 210

Dalton's atomic hypothesis 61

Decay 21

Decomposition of organic matter 122

Decrepitation 55

Deliquescence 55

Density of gases 230

Desiccating agents 55

Developers 367

Dewar bulb 91

Dextrose 414

Diamond 197

Dichromates 385

Dichromic acid 385

Dimorphous substances 163

Dissociation 99
and boiling point 101
and freezing point 101
equations of 112
extent of 113

Distillation 50

Dogtooth spar 306

Dolomite 319

Double decomposition 71

Drummond light 38

Dyeing 333

Dynamite 409

Earth metals 327

Efflorescence 54

Electric furnace 221

Electro-chemical industries 269

Electrode 99

Electrolysis 99
of sodium chloride 102
of sodium sulphate 103
of water 41, 102

Electrolytes 99

Electrolytic dissociation 99

Electroplating 366

Electrotyping 359

Elements, definition 8
atomic weights 232
earlier classification 165
names 11
natural groups 165
number of 9
occurrence 10
periodic division 166
physical state 10
symbols of 11

Emery 331

Energy 4
and plant life 89
chemical 5
conservation of 4
transformation of 5

Enzyme 405

Epsom salts 320

Equations 68
are quantitative 72
knowledge requisite for 69
not algebraic 74
reading of 69

Equilibrium 138
chemical 138
in solution 139
point of 138

Equivalent 224
determination of 224
elements with more than one 225
relation to atomic weight 224

Etching 177

Ether 411

Ethereal salts 409

Ethers 411

Ethylamine 412

Ethylene series 399

Eudiometer 43

Evaporation 11

Families in periodic groups 170
triads 165

Family resemblances 170

Fats 409

Fatty acid series 405

Feldspar 261, 335

Fermentation 404
acetic 406
alcoholic 404, 405
lactic 414

Ferric chloride 352
hydroxide 352
salts 351
reduction 353
sulphate 352

Ferrochromium, 383

Ferromanganese 343

Ferrosilicon 259

Ferrous carbonate 351
salts 350
oxidation of 353
sulphate 350
sulphide 350

Fertilizers 245

Filtration 6, 51
beds 52

Fire damp 202

Flames 213
appearance 214
blowpipe 216
Bunsen 214
conditions for 213
hydrogen 34
luminosity 216
oxidizing 214
oxyhydrogen 37
reactions 296
reducing 214
structure 214

Flash lights 317

Flint 260

Fluorides 177

Fluorine 175

Fluorspar 175, 308

Fluosilicic acid 259

Flux 340

Fool's gold 351

Formaldehyde 405

Formalin 405

Formic acid 406

Formulas 68
how determined 234
structural 119

Fractional distillation 51

Franklinite 321

Fuels 220

Furnace, arc 221
electric 221
resistance 221

Fusion methods 271

Galena 373

Gallium 327

Galvanized iron 323

Gas, collection of 15
coal 217
fuel 217
illuminating 217
measurement of 23
natural 219
purification of 218
water 219

Gases, table 220

Gasoline 400

German silver 323, 359

Germanium 370

Germs, effect of cold on 53
in air 84
in water 52

Glass 262
coloring of 263
etching of 177
molding of 263
nature of 263
varieties 263

Glauber's salt 281

Glazing 336

Glucose 414

Glycerin 405
nitrates of 409

Gold 393
alloys 396
chloride 396
coin 359
extraction of 394
in copper 358
mining 394
occurrence 393
properties 396
refining of 395
telluride 394

Goldschmidt method 269, 330

Gram-molecular weight 236

Granite 336

Graphite 198

Gun cotton 415
metal 359
powder 292

Gypsite 308

Gypsum 308

Halogens 174

Hard water 309

Heat of reaction 75

Helium 80, 314

Hematite 339, 349

Homologous series 398

Hydriodic acid 193

Hydrobromic acid 189

Hydrocarbons 201, 398
properties 400
series 398
substitution products 401

Hydrochloric acid 182
composition 183
oxidation of 185
preparation 182
properties 184
salts 186

Hydrocyanic acid 210

Hydrofluoric acid 176
etching by 177
salts of 177

Hydrogen 28
dioxide 56
explosive with oxygen 35
occurrence 28
preparation from acids 30
preparation from water 28
properties 32
standard for atomic weights 66
standard for molecular weights 227
sulphide 146
uses 38

Hydrolysis 254
conditions affecting 255
partial 255

Hydrosulphuric acid 146

Hydroxyl radical 112

Hypochlorous acid 187

Hypothesis 61
Avogadro's 226
Dalton's 61

Ice manufacture 125

Iceland spar 305

Indigo 418

Indium 327

Insoluble compounds 272

Iodic acid 194

Iodides 193

Iodine 190
oxygen compounds 193
preparation 191
properties 192
tincture 192

Iodoform 192, 401

Ions 100
and electrolytes 104

Iridium 393

Iron 339
alum 352
cast 343
compounds 349
cyanides 352
disulphide 351
family 338
metallurgy 339
occurrence 339
ores 339
oxides 349
pure 348
varieties 342, 347
wrought 343

Jasper 260

Kainite 288

Kaolin 261, 335

Kerosene 400

Ketones 411

Kieserite 288

Kindling temperature 17

Krypton 80

Lactic acid 408

Lampblack 200

Laughing gas 132

Law, definition 61
of Boyle 24
of Charles 23
of combining volumes 194
of conservation of energy 4
of conservation of matter 5, 59
of definite composition 59
of Dulong and Petit 233
of Gay-Lussac 194
of multiple proportion 60
of Raoult 233
periodic 169

Lead 373
acetate 375, 407
alloys 375
basic carbonate 376
carbonate 376
chloride 377
chromate 377
insoluble compounds 376
metallurgy 373
nitrate 375
occurrence 373
oxides 375
peroxide 375
properties 374
red 375
soluble salts 375
sugar of 375
sulphate 377
sulphide 377
white 376

Le Blanc soda process 282

Levulose 415

Lime 302
air-slaked 303
hypochlorite 307
kilns 303
slaked 303

Lime light 38

Limestone 305

Limewater 303

Limonite 339

Litharge 375

Lithium 294

Luminosity of flames 216

Lunar caustic 366

Magnesia 318
alba 319
usta 318

Magnesite 318

Magnesium 317
basic carbonate 319
carbonate 318
cement 318
chloride 319
family 316
hydroxide 318
oxide 318
silicates 321

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