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Book online «An Elementary Study of Chemistry by William McPherson (best beach reads .txt) 📖». Author William McPherson

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Magnetite 339, 349

Malachite 357

Manganates 381

Manganese 379
a base-forming element 380
an acid-forming element 381
in glass 263
occurrence 379
oxides 380

Manganic acid 381

Manganous salts 380

Marble 305

Marl 305

Marsh gas 202

Matches 242

Matte 358

Matter, classification 6
conservation 5
definition 5
kinds 9

Measurement of gases 23

Mechanical mixtures 6

Meerschaum 321, 336

Mercuric chloride 363
iodide 364
oxide 14, 362
sulphide 363

Mercurous chloride 363

Mercury 361
iodides 364
metallurgy 361
occurrence 361
oxides 362
uses 362

Metaboric acid 265

Metallurgy 268

Metals 165, 267
action on salts 271
definition 267
extraction 268
occurrence 267
preparation of compounds 269
reduction from ores 268

Metaphosphoric acid 245

Metarsenic acid 250

Metasilicic acid 261

Metastannic acid 371

Methane 202, 399

Methylamine 412

Mexican onyx 305

Mica 261, 336

Microcosmic salt 244

Milk 414

Minerals 267

Minium 375

Mixed salts 244

Molasses 413

Molecular weights 226
boiling-point method 233
compared with oxygen 228
determination 226
freezing-point method 233
oxygen standard 227
of elements 232
vapor-density method 229

Molecule 62

Molybdenum 388

Molybdic acid 388

Monazite sand 377

Mordants 333

Morphine 418

Mortar 304

Moth balls 418

Muriatic acid 182

Naphthalene 418

Naphthas 400

Nascent state 182

Natural gas 219
sciences 1

Neon 80

Neutralization 108
a definite act 109
definition 109
heat of 109
partial 111

Niagara Falls 269, 329

Nickel 354
coin 359
compounds 354
plating 354

Nicotine 419

Nitrates 131

Nitric acid, 128
action on metals 130
decomposition 129
oxidizing action 130
preparation 128, 140
properties 129
salts 131

Nitric oxide 133

Nitrites 132

Nitrobenzene 417

Nitrocellulose 415

Nitrogen 78
compounds 122
in air 87
occurrence 78, 122
oxides 132
preparation 78
properties 80

Nitroglycerin 409

Nitrosulphuric acid 155

Nitrous acid 132
oxide 132

Non-metals 165

Oil of myrbane 417
of vitriol 154

Oleic acid 408

Olein 409

Oleomargarine 410

Onyx 260

Opal 260

Open-hearth process 346

Opium 418

Ores 267

Organic bases 412
chemistry 201, 397
matter, decomposition 122

Orpiment 246

Orthoarsenic acid 250

Orthophosphates 244

Orthophosphoric acid 244

Orthosilicic acid 261

Osmic acid 393

Osmium 393
tetroxide 393

Oxalic acid 407

Oxidation 17, 353
definition 18

Oxidizing agent 37

Oxygen 13
and ozone 22
commercial preparation 16
history 13
importance 21
in air estimation, 85
in air function, 84
occurrence 13
preparation 13
properties 16
standard  for  atomic weights 66
two atoms in molecule 227

Oxyhydrogen blowpipe 37

Ozone 21, 137

Palladium 390

Palmitic acid 407

Palmitin 409

Paraffin 400

Paris green 250

Parkes's method for silver 364

Pearls 305

Perchloric acid 187

Periodic acid 194

Periodic division 166
groups 167
law 169
law, imperfections 172
law, value 171
table 168
table, arrangement 166

Permanent hardness 310

Permanganates 381

Permanganic acid 381

Peroxides 278

Petroleum 399

Pewter 372

Phenol 417

Philosopher's stone 9

Phlogiston 19

Phosphates 245

Phosphine 242

Phosphonium compounds 243

Phosphoric acid 244

Phosphorite 239

Phosphorous acid 244

Phosphorus 239
acids 243
family 238
hydrogen compounds 242
occurrence 239
oxides 243
preparation 239
properties 240
red 241
yellow 240

Photography 367

Physical changes 2
properties 3
properties and periodic groups 171
state 3

Physics 1, 4

Pitchblende 314

Plaster of Paris 308

Platinic chloride 393

Platinized asbestos 391

Platinous chloride 393

Platinum 391
a catalytic agent 152, 392

Pneumatic trough 16

Polyboric acid 265

Polyhalite 288

Polysilicic acids 261

Porcelain 336

Portland cement 304

Potash 293

Potassium 287
acid carbonate 294
acid sulphate 294
acid sulphite 294
alum, aluminium 334
alum, chrome 384
alum, iron 352
and plant life 287
aurate 396
bromide 290
carbonate 293
chlorate 291
chloride 290
chromate 385
cyanide 293
dichromate 386
ferricyanide 352
ferrocyanide 352
hydroxide 288
hydroxide, action of halogens 289
hypochlorite 289
iodide 290
manganate 381
nitrate 291
occurrence 287
permanganate 381
preparation 288
sulphate 294

Precipitated chalk 306

Precipitation 140

Properties, chemical 3
physical 3

Prussic acid 210

Puddling 343
furnace 344

Pyridine 412

Pyrites 351

Pyrolusite 380

Pyrophosphoric acid 245

Quantitative equations 72

Quartz 260

Quicklime 302

Quinine 418

Quinoline 412

Radical 112

Radium 313

Reaction, classes 70
addition 70
completed 139
heat of 75
of decomposition 70
of double decomposition 71
of substitution 70
reversible 137
steps in 131

Realgar 246

Red lead 375
phosphorus 241

Reducing agent 37

Reduction 36, 354

Rennin 414

Resemblances, family 170

Respiration 87

Rhodium 390

Rochelle salts 408

Rouge 349

Rubidium 294

Ruby 331

Ruthenium 390

Rutile 264

Safety lamp 202

Sal ammoniac 294
soda 282

Salt 280

Saltpeter 291
Chili 285

Salts, 109
acid, 112

Salts basic 111
binary 114
characteristics 109
definition 109
insoluble 272
mixed 244
nomenclature 113
normal 112
preparation  by  precipitation 270

Sand 260

Sandstone 260

Saponification 410

Sapphire 331

Satinspar 308

Scale 320

Schönite 288

Selenite 308

Selenium 161

Serpentine 320, 336

Shot 247, 375

Siderite 339

Silica 260

Silicates 261

Silicic acids 261

Silicides 259

Silicon 258
acids 261
dioxide 260
fluoride 258
hydride 258

Silver 364
amalgamation process 364
bromide 367
chloride 367
coin 359
German 359
in copper ores 358
iodide 367
metallurgy 364
nitrate 366
oxide 366
parting of 365
refining 365
sulphide 366

Slag 340

Smalt 355



Smokeless powder 293

Soaps 410

Soda ash 284

Soda lime 202

Sodium 276
acetate 407
bicarbonate 285
carbonate 282
carbonate, historical 284
chloride 280
chromates 386
hydrogen carbonate 285
hydroxide 278
hyposulphite 282
iodate 191
nitrate 285
occurrence 276
peroxide 277
phosphates 286
preparation 276
properties 277
sulphate 281
sulphite 281
tetraborate 287
thiosulphate 282

Solder 372, 375

Solubility of gases 95
of solids 96

Solution 94
and chemical action 53
boiling point 98
classes 94
distribution of solids in 98
electrolysis of 99
freezing point 99
of gases in liquids 94
of solids in liquids 96
properties 98
saturated 97
supersaturated 98

Solvay soda process 283

Sombrerite 239

Spectroscope 296

Sphalerite 325

Spiegel iron 343

Spinel 332

Spontaneous combustion 20

Stalactites 305

Stalagmites 305

Standard conditions 23

Stannates 372

Stannic acid 372
chloride 372

1 ... 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
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