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Book online Β«English Synonyms and Antonyms by James Champlin Fernald (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) πŸ“–Β». Author James Champlin Fernald

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And he gained the solid land
And the cover of the mountains
And the carbines of his band.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; β€”β€” and female created he them.


1. What is massacre? butchery? havoc? 2. To what does carnage especially refer? slaughter? 3. Which of these words can be used of the destruction of life in open and honorable warfare?[464]

Mark! where his β€”β€” and his conquests cease!
He makes a solitude and calls it peace!
Forbade to wade through β€”β€” to a throne,
And shut the gates of mercy on mankind.

The capture of Port Arthur was followed by a terrible β€”β€”.


1. What is the conduct specially characteristic of a meddlesome person? of an intrusive person? of one who is obtrusive? officious? 2. To what is obtrusive chiefly applied? intrusive? officious? meddlesome?

Where sorrow's held β€”β€” and turned out,
There wisdom will not enter nor true power,
Nor aught that dignifies humanity.

A β€”β€” monkey had been among the papers.


1. What is harmony? melody? In what special feature does the one differ from the other? 2. How many parts are required for harmony? how many for melody? 3. What is unison? 4. What does music include?

Sweetest β€”β€”
Are those that are by distance made more sweet.
β€”β€”, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory.
Ring out ye crystal spheres
And with your ninefold β€”β€”
Make up full consort to the angelic β€”β€”.

1. What is memory in the special and in the general sense? 2. What is remembrance, and how distinguished from memory? 3. Is remembrance voluntary or involuntary? 4. What is recollection, and what does it involve? 5. What is reminiscence? retrospection? How do these two words differ?


β€”β€” like a purse, if it be over-full that it can not shut, all will drop out of it; take heed of a gluttonous curiosity to feed on many things, lest the greediness of the appetite of thy β€”β€” spoil the digestion thereof.

β€”β€” wakes with all her busy train,
Swells at my breast, and turns the past to pain.

It is a favorite device of eminent men to devote their old age to writing their β€”β€”s, thus quietly living over again a busy or tumultuous life.


MERCY (page 239). QUESTIONS.

1. What is mercy in the strictest sense? 2. To what class is grace shown? 3. To what class are mercy, forgiveness, and pardon extended? 4. In what wider significations is mercy used? 5. What is clemency? leniency or lenity? How do these words compare with mercy?

How would you be,
If He, which is the top of judgment, should
But judge you as you are? O, think on that;
And β€”β€” then will breathe within your lips,
Like man new made.

The only protection which the conquered could find was in the moderation, the β€”β€”, and the enlarged policy of the conquerors.

To favor sin is to discourage virtue; undue β€”β€” to the bad is unkindness to the good.

METER (page 240). QUESTIONS.

1. What is euphony? How does it differ from meter, measure, and rhythm? 2. How are rhythm and meter produced? 3. How does meter differ from rhythm? 4. What is a verse in the strict sense? In what wider sense is the word often used?


β€”β€” is a very vague and unscientific term. Each nation considers its own language, each tribe its own dialect, euphonic.

β€”β€” may be defined to be a succession of poetical feet arranged in regular order according to certain types recognized as standards, in verses of a determinate length.

We have three principal domains in which β€”β€” manifests its nature and powerβ€”dancing, music, poetry.

MIND (page 241). QUESTIONS.

1. What is mind? How does it differ from intellect? 2. What does consciousness include? Is it attended with distinct thinking and willing? 3. What is the soul? 4. From what is spirit used in special contradistinction? How does it differ from soul? 5. What is Paley's definition of instinct? 6. In what contrasted meanings is the word sense employed? 7. What is thought?


A great β€”β€” will be strong to live, as well as to think.

God is a β€”β€”: and they that worship him must worship him in β€”β€” and in truth.


1. What is the meaning of minute? 2. When is a thing said to be comminuted? 3. How does fine differ from comminuted? 4. What terms are applied to an account extended to minute particulars? to an examination similarly extended?[466]

No β€”β€” room so warm and bright,
Wherein to read, wherein to write.

Life hangs on, held by a β€”β€” thread.

An organism so β€”β€” as to be visible only under the microscope, yet possessed of life, motion, and seeming intelligence is a source of ceaseless wonder.


1. What is misfortune? Is the sufferer considered blameworthy for it? 2. What is calamity? disaster? 3. In what special sense are the words affliction, chastening, trial, and tribulation used? How are these four words discriminated the one from another?

He's not valiant that dares die,
But he that boldly bears β€”β€”.

I never knew a man in life who could not bear another's β€”β€” perfectly like a Christian.

MODEL (page 243). QUESTIONS.

1. What is a model? a pattern? How are they distinguished from one another? 2. Which admits of freedom or idealization?

Things done without β€”β€”, in their issue
Are to be fear'd.

Be a β€”β€” to others, and then all will go well.

Washington and his compeers had no β€”β€” of a federal republic with constitutional bonds and limitations.

Moses was admonished, See that thou make all things according to the β€”β€” shewed to thee in the mount.


1. What is modesty in the general sense? In what specific sense is the word also used? 2. What is bashfulness? diffidence? coyness? reserve?


For silence and chaste β€”β€” is woman's genuine praise, and to remain quiet within the house.

If a young lady has that discretion and β€”β€”, without which all knowledge is little worth, she will never make an ostentatious parade of it.

His shrinking β€”β€” was often mistaken for a proud β€”β€”.

MONEY (page 244). QUESTIONS.

1. What is money? specie? cash? 2. How does property differ from money? 3. What is bullion? capital?[467]

I am not covetous for β€”β€”;
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost.

For the love of β€”β€” is the root of all evil.

He converted all his β€”β€” into ready β€”β€”.

One who undertakes to do business without β€”β€” is likely to be speedily straitened for β€”β€”.

β€”β€” in reversion may be of far less value than β€”β€” in hand.


1. By what characteristics are the morose distinguished? the sullen and sulky? 2. How does sullen differ from sulky? 3. What is the meaning of surly? 4. Which of these words denote transient moods and which denote enduring states or disposition?

My master is of β€”β€” disposition,
And little recks to find the way to heaven
By doing deeds of hospitality.

A poet who fails in writing, becomes often a β€”β€” critic.

He answered with a β€”β€” growl.

Achilles remained in his tent in β€”β€” inaction.


1. What is motion? 2. How does motion differ from movement? Give examples. 3. In what sense is move employed? 4. What is the special sense of motion in a deliberative assembly? 5. Is action or motion the more comprehensive word? Which is commonly used in reference to the mind?


That β€”β€” is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers.

There is no death! What seems so is β€”β€”;
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life elysian,
Whose portal we call Death.

The Copernican theory first clearly explained the β€”β€” of the planets.


1. What is the meaning of common? mutual? reciprocal? 2. Is it correct to speak of a mutual friend?


β€”β€” friendships will admit of division, one may love the beauty of this, the good humor of that person.[468]

In all true family life there is a β€”β€” dependence which binds hearts together.

β€”β€” action is the rule in the human body, where every part is alternately means and end, and every action both cause and effect.

NAME (page 247). QUESTIONS.

1. What is a name in the most general sense? 2. In the more limited sense, how does a name differ from an appellation? a title? Give instances of the use of these three words. 3. From what language is epithet derived? What is its primary meaning? 4. What does epithet signify in literary use? 5. What part of speech is an epithet? Is it favorable or unfavorable in signification? 6. What is a cognomen? How does it differ from a surname? 7. What is style considered as a synonym of name?

Those he commands, move only in command
Nothing in love: now does he feel the β€”β€”
Hang loose about him, like a giant's robe
Upon a dwarfish thief.

O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his β€”β€” together.


1. What does native denote? natal? natural? 2. What examples are given in the text of the correct use of these words?


I would advise no child's being taught music who has not a β€”β€” aptitude for it.

It was the 4th of July, the β€”β€” day of American freedom.


1. From what is marine derived? maritime? What do these two words respectively signify? 2. From what is naval derived? nautical? How do these words differ in meaning? 3. How does ocean, used adjectively, differ from oceanic?

That sea-beast,
Leviathan, which God of all his works
Created hugest that swim the β€”β€” stream.
NEAT (page 249). QUESTIONS.

1. What does clean signify? 2. Does orderly apply to persons or things, and in what sense? 3. What does tidy denote? 4. What is the meaning of neat? 5. How does nice compare with neat? 6. What is the significance of spruce? trim? dapper?[469]


If he (Jefferson) condescended to turn β€”β€” sentences for delicate earsβ€”still, he was essentially an earnest man.

Still to be β€”β€”, still to be drest,
As you were going to a feast,
Still to be powder'd, still perfum'd.

1. When is a thing properly said to be necessary? 2. What is the meaning of essential? How does it differ from indispensable? 3. With reference to what is a thing said to be requisite? How does requisite compare with essential and indispensable? 4. How do inevitable and unavoidable compare? To what kind of things are both these words applied? 5. How do needed and needful compare with necessary?


As you grow ready for it, somewhere or other you will find what is β€”β€” for you in a book.

The ideas of space and time are called in philosophy β€”β€” ideas.


1. What is necessity? 2. What do need and want imply? How does need compare with want? 3. How

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