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Bismarck was the one great figure of all Europe, with more β€”β€” for good or evil than any other human being possessed at that time.

The soul, in its highest sense, is a vast β€”β€” for God.

I reckon it is an oversight in a great body of metaphysicians that they have been afraid to ascribe our apprehensions of β€”β€” to intuition. In consequence of this neglect, some never get the idea of β€”β€”, but merely of succession, within the bare limits of experience.


1. What is praise? By how many is it given, and how is it expressed? 2. What is applause? by how many given? and how expressed? 3. What is acclamation? How does it differ from applause? 4. How does approbation differ from praise? 5. What does approval add to the meaning of praise? 6. How does compliment compare with praise? 7. What is flattery?

The β€”β€” of listening senates to command,
The threats of pain and ruin to despise,
[482] To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land,
And read their history in a nation's eyes.

β€”β€” no man e'er deserved who sought no more.

Gladly then he mixed
Among those friendly powers, who him received
With joy and β€”β€”s loud.
PRAY (page 281). QUESTIONS.

1. What is it to pray in the religious sense? 2. In what lighter and more familiar sense may pray be used? Is this latter use now common?


Hesiod exhorted the husbandman to β€”β€” for a harvest, but to do so with his hand upon the plow.

I kneel, and then β€”β€” her blessing.


1. To what is the term uncertain applied? 2. What did precarious originally signify? How is it now used, and how does it differ from uncertain?

... Thou know'st, great son,
The end of war's β€”β€”.

Life seems to be β€”β€” in proportion to its value.


1. What is a precedent? 2. How does case fall short of the meaning of precedent? 3. What is an obiter dictum? How does it differ from a precedent?

Where freedom broadens slowly down
From β€”β€” to β€”β€”.

Let us consider the reason of the β€”β€”, for nothing is law that is not reason.


1. What is predestination? 2. How does fate differ from predestination? 3. What does necessity signify in the philosophical sense? 4. What is foreknowledge? Does it involve foreordination or predestination?


For β€”β€” has wove the thread of life with pain.

All high truth is the union of two contradictories. Thus β€”β€” and free-will are opposites; and the truth does not lie between these two, but in a higher reconciling truth which leaves both true.



1. What is a presumption? On what is it founded? 2. On what are prejudice and prepossession based? How do these two words differ from each other?


When the judgment's weak, the β€”β€” is strong.

The β€”β€” is always in favor of what exists.

His fine features, manly form, and perfect manners awakened an instant β€”β€” in his favor.


1. What is a pretense? How does it differ from a pretext? 2. What is a ruse?


The claim of a stronger nation to protect a weaker has commonly been but a β€”β€” for conquest.

It is not poverty so much as β€”β€” that harasses a ruined manβ€”the struggle between a proud mind and an empty purse.

The independent English nobility conspired to make an insurrection, and to support the prince's β€”β€”s.


1. What is the original meaning of prevent? 2. What word is now commonly used in that sense? 3. What is the meaning of obviate? preclude? 4. How is prevent at present used?


The contrary supposition is obviously β€”β€”.

When the Siberian Pacific Railway is finished, what is there to β€”β€” Russia from annexing nearly the whole of China?

There appears to be no way to β€”β€” the difficulty.


1. What does antecedent denote? 2. How does preceding differ from antecedent and previous? 3. How is anterior commonly used? prior? 4. Of what is former used? What does former always imply?


These matters have been fully explained in β€”β€” chapters of this work.

The reader will be helped to an understanding of this process by a careful study of the diagram on the β€”β€” page.

In β€”β€” times many things were attributed to witchcraft that now have a scientific explanation.


PRICE (page 285). QUESTIONS.

1. What is the cost of an article? the price? 2. How do cost and price ordinarily differ? 3. In what exceptional case may cost and price agree? 4. What does price always imply? 5. What is the meaning of value? How does market value differ from intrinsic value? 6. How does value differ from worth? 7. To what are charge and expense ordinarily applied?


β€”β€” is the life-giving power of anything; β€”β€”, the quantity of labor required to produce it; β€”β€”, the quantity of labor which its possessor will take in exchange for it.

No man can permanently do business by making the β€”β€” of his goods the same as their β€”β€” to him, however such a method may help him momentarily in an emergency.

PRIDE (page 286). QUESTIONS.

1. What is pride? haughtiness? arrogance? disdain? How do these qualities compare with pride? 2. What does superciliousness imply according to its etymology? 3. How do pride and vanity differ? 4. What difference is noted between self-conceit and conceit? 5. How do self-respect and self-esteem compare with each other and with the other words of the group?


β€”β€” may puff a man up, but never prop him up.

There is nothing β€”β€” can so little bear with as β€”β€” itself.

β€”β€” is as ill at ease under indifference, as tenderness is under the love which it can not return.


1. What is the derivation and signification of aboriginal? autochthonic? primeval? 2. What do prime and primary denote? What special sense has primary as in reference to a school? 3. How is primordial used? 4. What does primitive suggest, as in the expressions, the primitive church, primitive simplicity? 5. What is pristine? 6. How do native and indigenous compare?

Thou from β€”β€” nothingness didst call
First chaos, then existence, Lord.

The β€”β€” inhabitants of America are long since extinct, for even the races whom the white men conquered had themselves supplanted an earlier race.

All the later ages have wondered at and admired the whole-souled consecration of the β€”β€” church.


1. What are returns or receipts? 2. What is profit in the commercial sense? What in the intellectual and moral sense? 3. What is utility? 4. What does advantage[485] originally signify? Does it now necessarily imply having or gaining superiority to another person, or securing anything at another's expense? 5. What is gain? benefit? emolument? 6. To what does expediency especially refer?


Silence has many β€”β€”s.

No man can read with β€”β€” that which he can not learn to read with pleasure.

Godliness with contentment is great β€”β€”.


1. What is progress? 2. What do attainment, proficiency, and development imply? 3. What is advance? How does it differ from progress?


What is thy β€”β€” compared with an Alexander's, a Mahomet's, a Napoleon's?

And dreams in their β€”β€” have breath,
And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy.

Human β€”β€” consists in a continual increase in the number of those who, ceasing to live by the animal life alone and to feel the pleasures of sense only, come to participate in the intellectual life also.


1. What is it to prohibit? 2. How does forbid compare with prohibit? 3. How does prohibit compare with prevent?

Tho much I want which most would have,
Yet still my mind β€”β€” to crave.

The laws of England, from the early Plantagenets, sternly β€”β€” the conversion of malt into alcohol, excepting a small portion for medicinal purposes.

Human law must β€”β€” many things that human administration of law can not absolutely β€”β€”; is not this true also of the divine government?


1. What is it to promote? 2. To what does promote apply? To persons or things, and in what way?


The outlawed pirate of one year was β€”β€” the next to be a governor and his country's representative.

The imperial ensign, which full high β€”β€”ed,
Shone like a meteor streaming in the wind.



1. What did atonement originally denote? What is its present theological and popular sense? 2. What does expiation signify? propitiation? satisfaction?


β€”β€” has respect to the bearing which satisfaction has upon sin or the sinner. β€”β€” has respect to the effect of satisfaction in removing the judicial displeasure of God.

When a man has been guilty of any sin or folly, I think the best β€”β€” he can make is to warn others not to fall into the like.

Redemption implies the complete deliverance from the penalty, power, and all the consequences of sin; β€”β€” is used in the sense of the sacrificial work, whereby the redemption from the condemning power of the law was insured.


1. What does an offer or proposal do? 2. What does a proposition set forth? 3. For what is the proposition designed? the proposal? 4. In what way does proposition come to have nearly the sense of proposal in certain uses? 5. What is a bid? 6. What does an overture accomplish? In what special application is the word commonly used?


Garrison emphatically declared, "I can not listen to any β€”β€” for a gradual abolition of wickedness."

The theme in confirmation must always admit of being expressed in a logical β€”β€”, with subject, predicate, and copula.


1. How does propose in its most frequent use differ from purpose? 2. How is propose used so as to be nearly equivalent to purpose? What important difference appears in this latter use?


I know, indeed, the evil of that I β€”β€”, but my inclination gets the better of my judgment.

Man β€”β€”s, but God disposes.


1. What is it to protract? 2. What is the significance of defer and delay, and how do these words differ in usage from protract? 3. How does elongate differ from protract? 4. Is protract ordinarily favorable or unfavorable in sense? 5. Is continue favorable or unfavorable?[487]

Unseen hands β€”β€”
The coming of what oft seems close in ken.

Burton, a hypochondriac, wrote the "Anatomy of Melancholy," that marvel of learning, and β€”β€” his life to the age of sixty-four.


1. In what do the proverb and the adage agree? In what respects do they differ? 2. What is an apothegm? an aphorism? How do these two words differ? 3. What is a dictum? a saying? 4. What is a precept? How does it differ from a motto or maxim? 5. How do motto and maxim differ from each other?

The β€”β€” must be verified,
That beggars mounted, run their horse to death.

Books, like β€”β€”s, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they have passed.


1. What is the definition of prudence? 2. How does providence differ from prudence? 3. How does care compare with prudence and providence? 4. How is frugality related to

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