Author's e-books - Baptism. Page - 1

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

In one testimony Jesus told Ricardo Cid the following:
The Lord told me to come back and tell you that there are streets of gold in Heaven.
"All this belongs to My people," the Lord said, "but, in My church there are many thieves who steal My tithes and offerings! Tell My people that no thief will enter My Kingdom in Heaven!"

Hebrews 7:8. In this case mortal men receive tithes, but in that case One receives them, of whom it is witnessed that He [Jesus] lives on.”
There were 500 witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection – “that he lives on”. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8) Since Jesus is the only one permanently resurrected so far, this verse can only be referring to Jesus. Also note that because Jesus is permanently resurrected, Heb 7:8 can only apply to Jesus and no one else in history. No one else in history lives on except Jesus, our High Priest and King – the King of kings.
So we now, in New Testament times, tithe to our King and High Priest JESUS !
As spiritual faith children of Abraham we are expected to tithe to our High Priest and King – Jesus! Also, as Psalm 110 shows, we should obey and tithe with a willing heart as an act of worship and to honor our King, Jesus – Just like Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, a king – and priest of the Most High God. What a beautiful, and perfect example that Abraham set for us.

The book will be a warning for those the Lord called, but they did not answer the Lord’s call in obedience. For My Davids will receive double the portion, because I have removed the anointing, authority and kingship from the Sauls. My Davids listen to and obey Me. Choose! Do you want to be called My son David?

Have you ever wondered:
• Do Backsliders go to Hell?
• Can Names be Erased from the Book of Life?
• Will Sex with my Boyfriend or Girlfriend send me to Hell?
• Will Pornography or Lust send me to Hell?
• Will Drunkenness or Drugs send me to Hell?
These questions are seriously addressed in this book.
Don’t leave it to chance to find out at the moment of your death. Learn from the Bible what God says about these issues.

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

In one testimony Jesus told Ricardo Cid the following:
The Lord told me to come back and tell you that there are streets of gold in Heaven.
"All this belongs to My people," the Lord said, "but, in My church there are many thieves who steal My tithes and offerings! Tell My people that no thief will enter My Kingdom in Heaven!"

Hebrews 7:8. In this case mortal men receive tithes, but in that case One receives them, of whom it is witnessed that He [Jesus] lives on.”
There were 500 witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection – “that he lives on”. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8) Since Jesus is the only one permanently resurrected so far, this verse can only be referring to Jesus. Also note that because Jesus is permanently resurrected, Heb 7:8 can only apply to Jesus and no one else in history. No one else in history lives on except Jesus, our High Priest and King – the King of kings.
So we now, in New Testament times, tithe to our King and High Priest JESUS !
As spiritual faith children of Abraham we are expected to tithe to our High Priest and King – Jesus! Also, as Psalm 110 shows, we should obey and tithe with a willing heart as an act of worship and to honor our King, Jesus – Just like Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, a king – and priest of the Most High God. What a beautiful, and perfect example that Abraham set for us.

The book will be a warning for those the Lord called, but they did not answer the Lord’s call in obedience. For My Davids will receive double the portion, because I have removed the anointing, authority and kingship from the Sauls. My Davids listen to and obey Me. Choose! Do you want to be called My son David?

Have you ever wondered:
• Do Backsliders go to Hell?
• Can Names be Erased from the Book of Life?
• Will Sex with my Boyfriend or Girlfriend send me to Hell?
• Will Pornography or Lust send me to Hell?
• Will Drunkenness or Drugs send me to Hell?
These questions are seriously addressed in this book.
Don’t leave it to chance to find out at the moment of your death. Learn from the Bible what God says about these issues.