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Alpha is a time officer who has his sins and a past he wants to forget, but no matter what, they seem to prevail. Rachel needs Alpha's help to fix the past and prevent her family from dying. She lost her family to the government after a planned massacre went down.

Vampires are humanity’s enemies. They have been ever since the world was created. The world was created by two gods: The God of Light and God of Darkness. Humans had the Light God “Angelina” while the vampires prayed to the Darkness God “Ulysses”. These two gods fought against each other as they had completely different ideologies from each other. This rift between the gods motivated their underlings (the humans and vampires) to fight. Humans launched a series of crusades against the vampires under the idea that “vampires are monsters and only humans can defeat them”. This idea led to bloodshed on the battlefield. Then, in retaliation, vampires launched their own attacks against humans and their kingdoms. This caused the downfall of numerous smaller kingdoms and huge hits on the bigger kingdoms. This cycle of bloodshed continues centuries and centuries after the world was made. The only difference between the present and past is that there are new weapons of mass destruction. The human’s new weapon is the new recruits who joined the army or become an adventurer. The vampire’s new weapons are the hunters and the Vampire King whose power matches that of a demi-god.

“Where am I?” Jeff thought aloud. He stood on a red and gold carpet. He looked up at the man in front of him. The man stood up from his gold throne. His scruffy beard and rough voice was the first thing he saw. His height reached 6’2 and his muscles popped out of his clothes. His straight grey hair flowed to his shoulder. Next to him stood a woman in her twenties. Her long straight gray hair reached her waist. She had a smaller build than the man. She seemed more fragile. Her ruby eyes matched her tan skin in appearance.

He took the guard by surprise by plunging the dagger into his leg, knocking him down to the ground. The other guard looked over at the fallen guard with a surprised look. “You okay? What happened?” The guard went over to the fallen guard and checked his wound. “You got a dagger in your leg!” He exclaimed, crouching down, and creating more darkness. Hollow utilized the darkness to create more daggers that went straight for both of the guards' necks, killing them. Hollow went around the building finding a guard covering the fuze box. He summoned a dagger from a small shadow formed behind the fuze box and killed the guard. He went up to the fuze box and disconnected the lights. He went back to the front entrance and sneaked inside with the cover of darkness hiding him. He stood in the biggest room with the majority of guards standing around idly shouting orders. He summoned forty daggers from the darkness and... 

You have one week before humankind becomes extinct. What would you do during this time? Would your mind go insane or would you become a bandit and fulfill your illegal fantasies? This is the reality for the seven billion people on Earth who will suffer this fate.

“Hackman, what is happening? Why shouldn’t we return?”

Have you ever wondered if you weren't you? If the real you was made out of five pieces. Would you venture the world to find your other parts or forget about them? What would you do if your conscience would disappear when fusing with your other parts? Would you reject the idea of leaving your individual mind and fuse to become one mind or would you go along with the fusing and lose your body? 

“We only need to find five more killer rabbits before we complete the quest,” I told my sister, Lindsay. “How many more quest do we need to finish to rank up?” She asks me. “Uh, two more. How about this, if we rank up then we can go get ice cream as a reward.” I tell her. “Yay!” She shouts. I pat her head. “I’m not a little kid anymore. We’re the same age.” She says with a pout. “We may be the same age, but I'm taller.” I joked. She starts swinging, but I easily defend myself from her attacks. I started laughing as Lindsay’s cheeks were getting red. “Hey!” Somebody shouted. I turned around to see a man in his forties staring at us. He has red clothing and is wielding a sword. He has a disgusting look on his face as he stares us down. Then a rustling noise could be heard behind me. Somebody was using the forest surrounding the road to the capital as a way to sneak upon us. I wasn’t liking this. I pulled out my scythe and pointed it at the first guy. “An ambush?” I said aloud. The guy stepped back shocked at my detection of his friends. “Well, a genius like you will sell more at the slave auction.” The guy said. “Of course. He’s trying to sell us to the slave traders.” I thought. Ten guys then appeared. “You can’t fight all of us kid. We’re the bandit group known as the “Red Killers.” He announced.  “Brother?” Lindsay asked scared. “I want to see her smile not cry or be scared.” I thought. “Get him!” The guy shouted. The ten guys rushed towards me. I smiled as I readied my scythe.

  “I’m Crow,” he stated before motioning to the girl standing beside him. “This is Alice… ” The girl had flowing light brown hair that extended to her shoulders; she wore a brown leather jacket with a blank tee-shirt under it as well as brown leather pants. Her tee-shirt was infused with a metal plate to protect her vitals. “... and this is Yang,” Crow said, motioning towards a redheaded guy wearing a thin red jacket with black pants.

Alpha is a time officer who has his sins and a past he wants to forget, but no matter what, they seem to prevail. Rachel needs Alpha's help to fix the past and prevent her family from dying. She lost her family to the government after a planned massacre went down.

Vampires are humanity’s enemies. They have been ever since the world was created. The world was created by two gods: The God of Light and God of Darkness. Humans had the Light God “Angelina” while the vampires prayed to the Darkness God “Ulysses”. These two gods fought against each other as they had completely different ideologies from each other. This rift between the gods motivated their underlings (the humans and vampires) to fight. Humans launched a series of crusades against the vampires under the idea that “vampires are monsters and only humans can defeat them”. This idea led to bloodshed on the battlefield. Then, in retaliation, vampires launched their own attacks against humans and their kingdoms. This caused the downfall of numerous smaller kingdoms and huge hits on the bigger kingdoms. This cycle of bloodshed continues centuries and centuries after the world was made. The only difference between the present and past is that there are new weapons of mass destruction. The human’s new weapon is the new recruits who joined the army or become an adventurer. The vampire’s new weapons are the hunters and the Vampire King whose power matches that of a demi-god.

“Where am I?” Jeff thought aloud. He stood on a red and gold carpet. He looked up at the man in front of him. The man stood up from his gold throne. His scruffy beard and rough voice was the first thing he saw. His height reached 6’2 and his muscles popped out of his clothes. His straight grey hair flowed to his shoulder. Next to him stood a woman in her twenties. Her long straight gray hair reached her waist. She had a smaller build than the man. She seemed more fragile. Her ruby eyes matched her tan skin in appearance.

He took the guard by surprise by plunging the dagger into his leg, knocking him down to the ground. The other guard looked over at the fallen guard with a surprised look. “You okay? What happened?” The guard went over to the fallen guard and checked his wound. “You got a dagger in your leg!” He exclaimed, crouching down, and creating more darkness. Hollow utilized the darkness to create more daggers that went straight for both of the guards' necks, killing them. Hollow went around the building finding a guard covering the fuze box. He summoned a dagger from a small shadow formed behind the fuze box and killed the guard. He went up to the fuze box and disconnected the lights. He went back to the front entrance and sneaked inside with the cover of darkness hiding him. He stood in the biggest room with the majority of guards standing around idly shouting orders. He summoned forty daggers from the darkness and... 

You have one week before humankind becomes extinct. What would you do during this time? Would your mind go insane or would you become a bandit and fulfill your illegal fantasies? This is the reality for the seven billion people on Earth who will suffer this fate.

“Hackman, what is happening? Why shouldn’t we return?”

Have you ever wondered if you weren't you? If the real you was made out of five pieces. Would you venture the world to find your other parts or forget about them? What would you do if your conscience would disappear when fusing with your other parts? Would you reject the idea of leaving your individual mind and fuse to become one mind or would you go along with the fusing and lose your body? 

“We only need to find five more killer rabbits before we complete the quest,” I told my sister, Lindsay. “How many more quest do we need to finish to rank up?” She asks me. “Uh, two more. How about this, if we rank up then we can go get ice cream as a reward.” I tell her. “Yay!” She shouts. I pat her head. “I’m not a little kid anymore. We’re the same age.” She says with a pout. “We may be the same age, but I'm taller.” I joked. She starts swinging, but I easily defend myself from her attacks. I started laughing as Lindsay’s cheeks were getting red. “Hey!” Somebody shouted. I turned around to see a man in his forties staring at us. He has red clothing and is wielding a sword. He has a disgusting look on his face as he stares us down. Then a rustling noise could be heard behind me. Somebody was using the forest surrounding the road to the capital as a way to sneak upon us. I wasn’t liking this. I pulled out my scythe and pointed it at the first guy. “An ambush?” I said aloud. The guy stepped back shocked at my detection of his friends. “Well, a genius like you will sell more at the slave auction.” The guy said. “Of course. He’s trying to sell us to the slave traders.” I thought. Ten guys then appeared. “You can’t fight all of us kid. We’re the bandit group known as the “Red Killers.” He announced.  “Brother?” Lindsay asked scared. “I want to see her smile not cry or be scared.” I thought. “Get him!” The guy shouted. The ten guys rushed towards me. I smiled as I readied my scythe.

  “I’m Crow,” he stated before motioning to the girl standing beside him. “This is Alice… ” The girl had flowing light brown hair that extended to her shoulders; she wore a brown leather jacket with a blank tee-shirt under it as well as brown leather pants. Her tee-shirt was infused with a metal plate to protect her vitals. “... and this is Yang,” Crow said, motioning towards a redheaded guy wearing a thin red jacket with black pants.