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Book online «Failed Summoner & Her Weak Summon by Nick Venom (top 10 novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "Failed Summoner"

In my village in order for you to become a successful and respected summoner, you must follow the three rules. The first rule is to summon a beast by the age of fifteen. The second rule is constant training of your beast and yourself. The third and last rule is to use your powers for good and keep a good reputation. Unfortunately, as time passed these rules were slowly being forgotten or have gone unused and disrespected. Now the only way to be successful and respected, in our village, is to summon a legendary beast. That’s the only way to get to the top. Those who summon lowly beast are ridiculed. In my village, nearly every summoner, at age fifteen, summoned legendary beasts. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in the same group as the successful summoners. Four years past my prime I still haven’t summoned anything. When news broke that I couldn’t summon anything I was bullied for that fact. I was shrugged off and laughed at. Jokes were made of my situation. I was even given the nickname of “Failed Summoner.” I remained in my room crying out for help. I felt the pressure of everybody and the constant bullying rip into me. Then it happened. While I was on the floor crying and praying to god, a light emerged from the darkness of my house. I looked up with my face drenched in tears. A human appeared. He was wielding a baseball bat and had torn clothes. He was a human boy around sixteen with blue hair. “Where am I?” He asked in an almost girly voice. “I-I… summ-summon a hu-human.” I stuttered. Humans are known to be on the lower tier of summonable beast. A common summon is a normal human while uncommon summons are human heroes. “Who are you?” The boy asked. “I’m Ashanti,” I responded. That’s how we first met. If I only knew how far we would go.

Episode Two "Weak Summon"

A human boy around sixteen with light blue hair wearing what resembles a school uniform appeared in front of me. “Where am I?” The boy asked. “U-Uh you’re in the village of Trimin. I-I’m your summoner Ashanti Min.” I stuttered while saying. I was nervous and excited at the same time. “I’m in a different world?” The boy asked. “Yes. You are now in Altzin. This is the village of Trimin.”I informed him. He looked around and noticed the bareness of my house. “Was I summoned to be some kind of hero?” He asked. “I’m sorry, no,” I said with tears in my eyes. I was ashamed to think that now this young boy must undergo my punishments. I wasn’t even strong enough to summon a hero. All I could do was summon this younger boy who doesn’t look strong enough to defeat a slime. “It’s okay. I actually didn’t want to deal with the demon lord.” He reassured me. “Why?” I asked him with a face full of snot and tears. “I am a disgrace. I am a failed summoner. All I can summon is a common human!” I shouted. I fell to the floor crying even more than usual. “He will be ridiculed the same as me.” I thought. “I ruined his life.” The boy grabbed me and force me to look at him. “Are you okay miss? You are not a disgrace. Please get up. Don’t worry about anything.” He reassured me. “Such a nice child. Yet his fate isn’t any better than mine.” I thought. Then somebody started knocking at the door. “Hey Ashanti!” Somebody shouted. “Could that be a friend of yours?” He asked. He went to open the door to reveal three summoners. Mikael, Lin, and Alexia. The three that, single-handedly, ruined my life. Bullies are what anyone who knows them calls them. After finding out that I didn’t summon anything when I was fifteen they often bullied me for it. Sometimes they took it too far and I would have to go to the medic’s tent. Nobody can do anything about them as they all have summoned legendary beast. Mikael summoned an Elemental Feline, Lin summoned a Nine Tail Fox, while Alexia summoned a Fenrir. These summoned beasts can take on anybody else which is why nobody speaks up. “She actually summoned something,” Mikael said with an exaggerated surprised face. “Took her four years.” Lin scoffed. “What makes it better is that it’s a common human that she summoned,” Alexia added. The boy stared dumbfounded at the three girls. He glanced at me then looked back at the three. “So there are jerks here. Hey, gentlemen mind leaving. I don’t want you to dirty this house. Also, I feel like I’m going to throw up if I see your faces any longer.” The boy said while smiling at me and the girls. “Gentlemen?” Alexia shrieked. “That takes a lot of courage,” Mikael said. “Kill them!” Lin shouted. “Well, goodbye.” The boy said slamming the door shut. “Well, now that that's over let’s reintroduce ourselves.” The boy said. He looked at me and extended his hand. He wanted us to shake hands and so we did. “I’m Chase Royce.” He told me. “U-uh I’m Ashanti Min,” I told him. “It’s nice to meet you. I hope you’ll let me stay here for a while.” He said. “O-Of course!” I stammered. “I finally met someone who will stand up for me. That’s all I need.” I thought.


Episode Three "Uncaged Beasts"


Ashanti is known as a “failed summoner” because she is unable to summon anything when she reached fifteen. Four years later and she is still bullied by summoners who were lucky enough to be able to summon a beast. This drives Ashanti into the darkness. She cannot get out of the darkness caused by bullying, but one night when she was releasing her pain, a human named Chase appears. He is her only light and hope for getting out of the darkness. The three summoners, Mikael, Lin, and Alexia, appear and try to harass Ashanti again, but Chase stands up to the bullies and slams the door when they try to threaten them. This action shows Ashanti that he’s her only hope of leaving the darkness. Now Chase must figure out how to get stronger in this new world he lives in. 


Chase decided to leave Ashanti’s house the following day to investigate the rather small village. The village consisted of the chief's house, fifteen small huts, and a common area for meetings and for kids to play at. Chase walked through the dirt roads meeting people that looked similar to him, but also different. He saw many other summoned beasts walk around as well. Fenrir's, small hydras, and even monsters that he couldn’t recognize like the Elemental Felines or Slither Snakes. “Hey! You!” Somebody shouted. Chase looked around to see if it was him being called. He noticed a guy with gray short curly hair, has green eyes, wears brown work pants, and a gray dirty t-shirt walking up to him. “Who are you?” Chase asked. “I’m Lucas, Ashanti’s brother,” Lucas said. Chase did see a resemblance with Lucas and Ashanti. Ashanti has long curly gray hair, wears a black jumpsuit, and has green eyes. “My sister actually summoned something.” He thought aloud. “Yeah, I’m Chase. A common summon apparently.” Chase told him. “Introductions out of the way, I want to know if you believe you’re strong enough to protect my sister,” Lucas said cutting to the chase. “No,” Chase responded without hesitation. “That’s good. At least you aren’t kidding yourself. I have an idea on how to get you stronger.” He told him. “What is it?” Chase asked. “There’s an event called ‘Uncaged Beasts’ where everyone’s summoned beast will fight it out. This year’s prize is a dagger known as “Jagged Edge Blade” which nobody, in the village, has been able to figure out how to use the dagger’s full potential. Maybe it’ll help you get stronger.” Lucas said. “Maybe?” Chase questioned. “Aside from that, I’ll teach you ways to protect yourself. Find me at my house tomorrow for your answer. You may want to talk it over with Ashanti about the battle, but not about our secret training.” Lucas said starting to walk away. “Wait! Why are you helping me?” Chase asked. “It’s to repent for my sins. If I help you at least, then it’s like I’m helping my sister out. Maybe it’s so I could believe that I was a good brother.” Lucas said walking off. Chase stood there dumbfounded at Lucas’ words.

Episode Four "Signup Sheet"


Ashanti is known as a “failed summoner” because she is unable to summon anything when she reached fifteen. Four years later and she is still bullied by summoners who were lucky enough to be able to summon a beast. This drives Ashanti into the darkness where she is stuck. She cannot get out of the darkness caused by bullying, but one night when she was releasing her pain, a human named Chase appears. He is her only light and hope to get out of the darkness. The three summoners, Mikael, Lin, and Alexia, appear and try to harass Ashanti again, but Chase stands up to the bullies and slams the door when they try to threaten them. Chase brings hope to Ashanti by protecting her from the bullies’ attacks. The next day, Chase is looking around his new home when he’s confronted by Ashanti’s older brother Lucas who seems to want to train Chase to fight in the cage fights known as the

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