Author's e-books - Pain. Page - 2

This poem was inspired by an intoxicating relationship than nearly drove me to irrationality. In my blindness, I loved this man, but my soul was crying out in pain, of which oozed through in this poem. Without my knoweldge, my pen had created a sonnet, in perfect rhythm and meter. Form was begging to return, and though it took months to acknowledge it, form was the victor.

In a world diferent from our own, there are to sides. Our world has been introduced to these consepts but, not of the truth. This is the world where Angels and Demons live but....Angels are ones of greed and horror, Demons belive that we are all equal. From a harsh begining these races tend to stay away from each other until, a pair of royals decide to journey to find out that the Angels new battle plans are. Heather one of these royals findds it hard to keep her mind on track even with all here years of experance.. A angel that had been showing up in her dreams decides to make a mess of there plans.

This poem was inspired by an intoxicating relationship than nearly drove me to irrationality. In my blindness, I loved this man, but my soul was crying out in pain, of which oozed through in this poem. Without my knoweldge, my pen had created a sonnet, in perfect rhythm and meter. Form was begging to return, and though it took months to acknowledge it, form was the victor.

In a world diferent from our own, there are to sides. Our world has been introduced to these consepts but, not of the truth. This is the world where Angels and Demons live but....Angels are ones of greed and horror, Demons belive that we are all equal. From a harsh begining these races tend to stay away from each other until, a pair of royals decide to journey to find out that the Angels new battle plans are. Heather one of these royals findds it hard to keep her mind on track even with all here years of experance.. A angel that had been showing up in her dreams decides to make a mess of there plans.