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In our online library you can read for free books by the author Werewolf. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

I woke up to the sound of my heart beating excessively. I looked at the clock and saw I should have woken up 15 minutes ago. The words from the vulgar nightmare still haunted my senses and it wouldn't go away. "Run Lilliana. Run from the vampire that cursed your father. Run from the same thing that killed your brother. Run from me."

Cecelia White is a 19 year old werecat. At the young age of 9 her pride were murdered in front of her eyes by a pack of werewolves. Cecelia's mission is to hunt down that pack, and kill them all. One by one, until they are all dead.

Cecelia will have revenge. And There Will Be Blood.

its about a girl who is funny weird and has to many friends but then when every thing starts getting better it all falls to the ground...... half werewolf, half vampire and 12 witch

Many legends tell of two white wolves who roam the forest without a pack. Some say they are spirits who guard the woods from those who wish it harm, others say they are spirits of their deceased who have taken on the wolf form to watch over them. Many believe them to just be legends, figments of imagination for just stories and entertainment. When a man comes to the Northern Woods to get the full story on the two wolves, he meets up with an Indian Tribe who tell him the most ancient story that could prove too impossible for the man to believe. Will the legends soon be proven real? Or will it just be that? A legend?

Talia is running from the past that she can't control but her future seems to be mixed with the dark secrets her parents held from her 

Anna's been travelling for most of her life with her aunt, after her parents death, never staying in one place too long, no friends, no life, no reason to stay - until she meets Aiden. Now she must make a decision and choosing wrong could lead to deadly consequences.
Aiden has a secret he's not willing to share, however when the new girl in towns life is on the line will he risk what his family have fought generations to protect to save her and how can one relationship start a war?

- Find out in The Dark Horizon.

High school is rough, but what about for a werewolf? Maybe it makes it easier, maybe it makes it harder. Either way, Alex and Jackson have each other through it all, despite not acting like it. Some secrets are meant to be kept a secret, others... Not so much. Will these two run from the stress and and confusion, or attack it at full speed? Follow Alex and Jackson on their journey, in the sequel of, Leader of the Pack!

I'm a Vampire,He's a Werewolf.I'm deeply in love with him,but this love is deadly

Amber starts her night with a nightmare. When she wakes up she starts throwing up. Could it be possible? Hunter wakes up to a nice dream but a bad phone call. Brittany and Bryan get together but could Bryan be dead if the leader of vampires find out that he’s with Brittany and kill him? And will Adrian soon find out his little girlfriend is lying other men down and the fact that his lover is alive?

(n.) the phobia of losing someone you love

Samantha, 'Sami' Morgan was blinded by the cruelty of the world. She was a hunter. She hunted down rouge werewolves and vowed to keep hunting them down until each and every one of them would disappear off the face of the earth. Why? Because they killed her family. All that mattered to her now was revenge and she would not stop at anything to get it.

But what about a mate?

I woke up to the sound of my heart beating excessively. I looked at the clock and saw I should have woken up 15 minutes ago. The words from the vulgar nightmare still haunted my senses and it wouldn't go away. "Run Lilliana. Run from the vampire that cursed your father. Run from the same thing that killed your brother. Run from me."

Cecelia White is a 19 year old werecat. At the young age of 9 her pride were murdered in front of her eyes by a pack of werewolves. Cecelia's mission is to hunt down that pack, and kill them all. One by one, until they are all dead.

Cecelia will have revenge. And There Will Be Blood.

its about a girl who is funny weird and has to many friends but then when every thing starts getting better it all falls to the ground...... half werewolf, half vampire and 12 witch

Many legends tell of two white wolves who roam the forest without a pack. Some say they are spirits who guard the woods from those who wish it harm, others say they are spirits of their deceased who have taken on the wolf form to watch over them. Many believe them to just be legends, figments of imagination for just stories and entertainment. When a man comes to the Northern Woods to get the full story on the two wolves, he meets up with an Indian Tribe who tell him the most ancient story that could prove too impossible for the man to believe. Will the legends soon be proven real? Or will it just be that? A legend?

Talia is running from the past that she can't control but her future seems to be mixed with the dark secrets her parents held from her 

Anna's been travelling for most of her life with her aunt, after her parents death, never staying in one place too long, no friends, no life, no reason to stay - until she meets Aiden. Now she must make a decision and choosing wrong could lead to deadly consequences.
Aiden has a secret he's not willing to share, however when the new girl in towns life is on the line will he risk what his family have fought generations to protect to save her and how can one relationship start a war?

- Find out in The Dark Horizon.

High school is rough, but what about for a werewolf? Maybe it makes it easier, maybe it makes it harder. Either way, Alex and Jackson have each other through it all, despite not acting like it. Some secrets are meant to be kept a secret, others... Not so much. Will these two run from the stress and and confusion, or attack it at full speed? Follow Alex and Jackson on their journey, in the sequel of, Leader of the Pack!

I'm a Vampire,He's a Werewolf.I'm deeply in love with him,but this love is deadly

Amber starts her night with a nightmare. When she wakes up she starts throwing up. Could it be possible? Hunter wakes up to a nice dream but a bad phone call. Brittany and Bryan get together but could Bryan be dead if the leader of vampires find out that he’s with Brittany and kill him? And will Adrian soon find out his little girlfriend is lying other men down and the fact that his lover is alive?

(n.) the phobia of losing someone you love

Samantha, 'Sami' Morgan was blinded by the cruelty of the world. She was a hunter. She hunted down rouge werewolves and vowed to keep hunting them down until each and every one of them would disappear off the face of the earth. Why? Because they killed her family. All that mattered to her now was revenge and she would not stop at anything to get it.

But what about a mate?