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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Pain & Love by Hannah Garcia (13 inch ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Pain & Love by Hannah Garcia (13 inch ebook reader .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Hannah Garcia

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Three Months Later

   Hunter kissed my nose and went to the glass mirror. I started crying.
  “HUNTER! DON’T DO IT!” However, it was too late. Hunter was swallowed and dead. I dropped to my knees and cried

   I sat up, gasping. Oh gosh! Not that dream again. It was horrible. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I opened the toilet and threw up. I did not feel good. It was probably from that Japanese restaurant where I went with Shay, Luke, and Hunter. It was a double date set up by the guys. I stopped and flushed the toilet. I looked through my storage box and saw my pads for my period days. I count on my fingers. I messed up and counted again. I gasped and closed the box. MY PERIOD WAS LATE! I got up and looked through my counter. I looked for my pregnancy test and grabbed the box. I opened it and did it.
    After a few minutes, I saw that the test had a plus sign. What did that mean? I grabbed the box and looked at it. I looked all over for the plus sign. I then gasped.
“This can’t be. Why me God? Just why me?” I said and cried. I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. Hunter would be so furious. Oh gosh! 


Amber kissed my neck. It felt so good. Then the scene changed to a hospital. Amber was sweating and a baby came out. It was adorable. She held it and kissed its forehead. Then she died

  I woke up and sighed.  I ran my hand in my hair. Thank God, Amber wasn’t pregnant. I didn’t want a child now. It seemed too frustrating and I can’t handle children. My phone rang and I saw it was Shay.
  “Hey Shay.” I said. I heard Amber in the background. She was crying.
  “Hey Hunter. Umm. You need to get your ass over here now. Your girl is crying.” I got out of bed and got dressed.
  “I’ll be there in a second. Just tell her to hang on ok.”
  “Mhmm. Will do. But make it quick.” I ran to my car and hopped in it. I then sped to Amber’s.
   When I got to Amber’s Shay led me to Amber’s room. I saw Amber crying on her bed and I went to her. Shay left us alone.
   “Amber. Babe. What’s wrong?” Amber looked at me and handed me a pregnancy test.
   “I’m pregnant to you Hunter.” I looked at it. It had a plus sign meaning she’s pregnant to me. I sighed and hugged her.
  “But I always had a condom on.” Amber gasped and looked at me.
   “The first time we had sex. Y-you didn’t have a condom on. We just went straight to the bed without thinking.”
    “And the time you said you were sorry for cheating on me. Damn it.” Amber sighed and looked at her stomach.
   “And I don’t want to take pills. The birth control pills seem scary and I don’t want to take them.” I kissed her stomach.
   “I guess we let the little one live.” Amber looked at me, surprised. She seemed super surprised.
  “But you said you didn’t want a child at the moment.”
  “Yea. Well I changed my mind about that babe.” She giggled and hugged me. I enfolded my arms around her.
   “I love you Hunter,” she said, closing her eyes. I kissed her hair and ruffled her head.
   “I love you too my beautiful Amber.” I just couldn’t believe she was pregnant to me. I kissed her hair. I stroked her hair and Amber looked at me.
   “What do we do then? Do we keep the little one or what?” I sighed and kissed her mouth softly.
    “We’ll keep it. We’ll find a place for both of us to stay at with the baby. Ok. I’ll do anything for you and your needs for the baby. I’ll even help you do the fucking dishes if that’s what it takes to do.” Amber smiled and gave me a kiss. Just a little one.
    “Thank you. And I thought you’d be mad at me for getting pregnant.”
   “Well, that is my punishment for fucking you so many times. Though it was fun too.” Amber hits my chest and I kissed her brunette hair.
   “You know you enjoyed it too.” I whispered in her ear. Amber giggled and we kissed again.


 I was walking around town at like ten at the morning. It was a beautiful day outside. As I was walking around town, I saw Shay and Luke holding hands. They were cuddled together and smiling. Shay was looking at him vaguely. They were madly in love and nothing would break them apart. In addition, they never had sex. Except maybe Luke. His ex was Sage’s sis Heaven was a slut and all she wants was sex with a hot guy.
  I watched them closely. Luke had his arm around her shoulders and she had hers around his waist since she was shorter. They mashed their mouths together and kissed. It looked cute on how they kissed. Besides, it was December and it was surely cold. Then I saw something. My, my. Shay wore a purple St. PanamĂĄ t-shirt that had the mascot, which was a wolf, black short shorts, purple thigh-highs, and black knee-high converse. She looked cute with her new hair. It was long in the back and the front was like short. It was in layers. Her hair reached her between her breast and shoulder. She also had bangs.
   They stopped by Starbucks and Shay stood in front of him. Her hands were in his jacket pockets and they kissed. Luke pulled her closer and Shay wrapped her arms around his neck. Luke held her head as they kissed. Shay had to stand on her tiptoes just to kiss him. They stopped and smiled. I went to them and Luke looked at me. He waved and I went to them.
  “Hey Luke. Hey Shay.” I said and Shay smiled.
 â€œHey Britt. Where’s Angie and her sister?” I shrugged. I saw Amber and Hunter walking in Bath &Body Works. I pointed to Bath & Body Works.
  “Well, Amber and Hunter just entered Bath & Body Works.” Luke looked at Shay.
  “They walk so slowly,” said Shay. Luke nodded and shrugged.
   “They need their privacy. They still are a little worried about the baby they are having,” he said. I looked at him astonished.
  “Did you just say the baby that they are having?” I asked. Shay nodded and sighed.
   “I feel so sorry for both of them. They didn’t want a child so early but you know how it is when you have sex without a condom. I’ve never had it but I heard a lot of rumors lately.” said Shay.
   “I almost got Heaven pregnant since she wasn’t responsible enough to go buy condoms. Damn. She get my damn nerves. Shit.” said Luke.
   “Well, I’ll see you two later.” I said. Luke wrapped his arm around Shay and they walked away. I went straight to Bath & Body Works and entered it. Amber and Hunter were kissing. I noticed Amber had got a little bit fatter. She did look pregnant. They stopped and Amber puts lotion on Hunter’s nose. He rubbed it and smiled.
   “You want lip gloss now.” said Amber.
  “No. I’m not gay thank you very much.” Amber giggled and I went to them. I ‘accidentally’ bumped to Amber.
  “Oh my. Sorry.” I looked at her. Amber gasped and hugged me.
  “Britt! Haven’t seen you since like last month. Where were you?” she said. I hugged her and sighed.
  “I went to visit Bryan’s parents. They are really nice and they like me. Bryan told them all about me so now they like me. Especially because I’m a dancer and singer just like his mom and grandma.” I said and Amber went in Hunter’s arms.
  “Lucky. I barely met Hunter’s parents yet. However, their coming in like two days because they want to see Hunter and Luke. They both know Shay and like Shay but me, they don’t know me Hunter has mentioned me a lot to them and they don’t know something that I found out yesterday at night.”
  “What is it?” I asked, pretending not to know. Hunter sighed and touched her belly.
   “She’s pregnant to me and now I’m going to live with her but first I want to ask this once and for all.” he said. We looked at him confused. When he got on one knee, the customers and workers of Bath & Body Works gasped. Even I did. Hunter pulled out a small box and opened it.
  “Amber Rose. Would you marry me?” Amber’s eyes turned to tears of joy and she nodded.
  “I will.” Hunter slid the ring on and everyone cheered. They kissed and I smiled. My best friend was now getting married, and having a baby. Aw! That’s so cute.
  We got out of Bath & Body Works with free stuff from the workers. They loved the fact that Hunter made a proposal in the store. Amber cuddled in Hunter’s arm as we walked.
   “I can’t believe that you proposed to her Hunter. Right in front of the whole store.” Hunter shrugged and kissed Amber’s hair.
   “So. I wasn’t afraid to ask her because it was a crowd of people. I was only nervous because I thought Amber might say no but instead she said yes. Which I’m happy she did though.” Amber blushed and kissed his cheek.
  “Well, we have to go to the doctor now. I have to check if it’s true or not and I think it is so yea.” I patted her belly.
  “It’s showing too.” Amber frowned and sighed.
    “Well not my fault that his sperm entered my ovum.” Hunter chuckled and kissed her hair.
   “Get over it. It’s just a baby. Not like it’ll do damage to a Plano.”
   “True. It won’t do any damage at all after the baby is out. My stomach will go back to the shape it was when I wasn’t pregnant.”
   “Don’t y’all have to go?” I said. They nodded and left. Amber was laughing and Hunter hugged her by the waist.

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