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Shadows. A place where no human would not want to see or be. But there's more to the shadows than you think. It's not always dark. There's a code a solitude in the shadows that the great one speaks of. A rule for the mankind. For the one's that fear darkness, they have created a greater darkness. He speaks for every 300 years for a group of humans. To be reborn into darkness. To realize the world of greater darkness the Evil, Angels, and Demons. This group to be told well hide in the shadows in till of what becomes of them. They would hold the powers of the Grim Reaper's eyes, The Ghosts eyes, A Demon eye, Graceful Plasma and the blade of fate. These are the shadow codes to the unseen legion. Before the time when there was Survival, Defense of castles, ancient Homes and Wars. The unseen legion defended a long time ago the four lands we now live in. Strong as a pack of wolves. They sacrificed their lives and fought the prince of darkness. Giving away the shadow codes. Which that power will transcend into their new owners. We would call now the present day. The Unseen Legion will be reborn.

Jen Tate the girl who is torn between Oblivion and mortalis. Oblivion the demon world and mortalis our world we humans. Jen is a lost girl. tough as a bear she works hard to save for her and her boyfriend Luis who mysteriously dissapears with a monster. Jen also at the verge of death is found by scrige a gargole demon who turns into a rock. He helps save Luis and shows her who she really is.

In a world ruled over by demons such as Vampires, Werewolves, Black mists, Heat rays and us humans. We humans have been destroyed by the humans who thirst for blood we call Vampires. We have risen up to defend our territory we call Vicion. For the werewolves is called Oda-uf. Lastly, A Scary land we call Drawde in which the Black mist and Heat ray protect at. A former Ancestor human dared to enter Drawde in which in the end he promised the monster of Heat if he can build a school for he's people so they can learn to be strong and in which they can also fight off monsters like him so they can be remembered as the monster hunters. The monster agreed in one condition if he sacrificed his own life meaning turning him into a monster himself for the prize of a hidden land for humans and their safety. The human became the Black mist monster. Over a thousand years passed, And two monster hunters were on a mission to dispose of female Vampires hidden in a cave. They fought together, they gained together they couldn't be anymore happy. Mina and Zakess then fell in love. Only to at the end to be I'll Fate. The Queen Lora of Vampires felt wronged. One day Mina and Zakess have been trapped by their former monster hunter friend Lionel who passed on their first mission. His spirit flew around them leaving them vunerable the Queen then attacked throwing Mina off a cliff and in the end turning Zakess into a Vampire. Lora forced Zakess to Heir her a prince of vampires Zake. But what Queen Lora did not know about was that Mina survived the fall and she also bore Zakess a child Isanex. Though the two fated were separated they will surely meet again with a bad omen Queen Lora sat upon on a Red veil. The bad omen of the Red veil in which will take you to the person who will destroy you or love you. Does starting The Red Veil in which Zake and Isanex will have to fix together. In restoring all humankind. Will they doom all demons and humans or will they save their parents and their world.

In a nutshell, the story offers a short glimps into the life of Brianna, a sixteen year old Junior at Turner High who finds herself completely enveloped in the wonder that is young love. However, Nothing in live can ever be as good as this. Over the course of four days Brianna gets a dose of hard reality when she's forced to learn that life just isn't fair. Sometimes it really is just too good to be true...

So you maybe thinking this story is about a girl (particularly named Dorothy) you goes through a hurricane, then meets someone called the Good Witch, you guides her to the yellow brick road then she gets attacks and- well you get the point. But its not. This is a story- my story- about my life or as you can say my evil rich step-mom life she wants me to have. I have 2 evil stepbrothers and our family goes through a hurricane then we see the headless horseman- and I'll stop there. This is my l life when I begin walking the yellow brick road.

Shadows. A place where no human would not want to see or be. But there's more to the shadows than you think. It's not always dark. There's a code a solitude in the shadows that the great one speaks of. A rule for the mankind. For the one's that fear darkness, they have created a greater darkness. He speaks for every 300 years for a group of humans. To be reborn into darkness. To realize the world of greater darkness the Evil, Angels, and Demons. This group to be told well hide in the shadows in till of what becomes of them. They would hold the powers of the Grim Reaper's eyes, The Ghosts eyes, A Demon eye, Graceful Plasma and the blade of fate. These are the shadow codes to the unseen legion. Before the time when there was Survival, Defense of castles, ancient Homes and Wars. The unseen legion defended a long time ago the four lands we now live in. Strong as a pack of wolves. They sacrificed their lives and fought the prince of darkness. Giving away the shadow codes. Which that power will transcend into their new owners. We would call now the present day. The Unseen Legion will be reborn.

Jen Tate the girl who is torn between Oblivion and mortalis. Oblivion the demon world and mortalis our world we humans. Jen is a lost girl. tough as a bear she works hard to save for her and her boyfriend Luis who mysteriously dissapears with a monster. Jen also at the verge of death is found by scrige a gargole demon who turns into a rock. He helps save Luis and shows her who she really is.

In a world ruled over by demons such as Vampires, Werewolves, Black mists, Heat rays and us humans. We humans have been destroyed by the humans who thirst for blood we call Vampires. We have risen up to defend our territory we call Vicion. For the werewolves is called Oda-uf. Lastly, A Scary land we call Drawde in which the Black mist and Heat ray protect at. A former Ancestor human dared to enter Drawde in which in the end he promised the monster of Heat if he can build a school for he's people so they can learn to be strong and in which they can also fight off monsters like him so they can be remembered as the monster hunters. The monster agreed in one condition if he sacrificed his own life meaning turning him into a monster himself for the prize of a hidden land for humans and their safety. The human became the Black mist monster. Over a thousand years passed, And two monster hunters were on a mission to dispose of female Vampires hidden in a cave. They fought together, they gained together they couldn't be anymore happy. Mina and Zakess then fell in love. Only to at the end to be I'll Fate. The Queen Lora of Vampires felt wronged. One day Mina and Zakess have been trapped by their former monster hunter friend Lionel who passed on their first mission. His spirit flew around them leaving them vunerable the Queen then attacked throwing Mina off a cliff and in the end turning Zakess into a Vampire. Lora forced Zakess to Heir her a prince of vampires Zake. But what Queen Lora did not know about was that Mina survived the fall and she also bore Zakess a child Isanex. Though the two fated were separated they will surely meet again with a bad omen Queen Lora sat upon on a Red veil. The bad omen of the Red veil in which will take you to the person who will destroy you or love you. Does starting The Red Veil in which Zake and Isanex will have to fix together. In restoring all humankind. Will they doom all demons and humans or will they save their parents and their world.

In a nutshell, the story offers a short glimps into the life of Brianna, a sixteen year old Junior at Turner High who finds herself completely enveloped in the wonder that is young love. However, Nothing in live can ever be as good as this. Over the course of four days Brianna gets a dose of hard reality when she's forced to learn that life just isn't fair. Sometimes it really is just too good to be true...

So you maybe thinking this story is about a girl (particularly named Dorothy) you goes through a hurricane, then meets someone called the Good Witch, you guides her to the yellow brick road then she gets attacks and- well you get the point. But its not. This is a story- my story- about my life or as you can say my evil rich step-mom life she wants me to have. I have 2 evil stepbrothers and our family goes through a hurricane then we see the headless horseman- and I'll stop there. This is my l life when I begin walking the yellow brick road.