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Frightening Look At The Future That's Both Funny And Romantic!
Plenty of Chills & Thrills for Both Horror AND Romance Fans!

After a night out at their favorite Manhattan club, Mallory Alexandria is kidnapped right in front of her soul mate, Zachary Zemeritus. Zachary calls the law and the nearest cop bot, Chief Inspector Anthony Borgnine, buzzes to the scene.

❝Zach hung up and gazed at the police bot, its blue-metallic casing shining in the early dawn, as it descended with deliberation to hover at about Zach's eye height. 'Well now, citizen,' the bot squawked. 'It would appear we have work to do!'❞

The year is 2035 and Earth is under attack by giant demons from outer space!
Demons as tall as houses with multiple heads, arms, and legs.

❝The eyes on the first of its three heads had a serpent's split pupils, puke green. The eyes on the second head (which grew not beside the first head, but on top of it the way a cyst would) were as red as a poison frog's. The third head was stacked on top of its brothers, but this head was not worth talking about. It was a baby's head--and it was dead.❞

As they search for Mallory, Zach and Borgnine are attacked by one of these demons and Zachary winds up in the hospital. With most of his bones broken and his insides crushed, Zach slips into a coma, close to death.

Expert scientists and surgeons from around the globe arrive to operate on Zachary, turning him into something more machine than man. He can fly, deflect bullets, and is all but indestructible. However, his memory is gone -- he doesn't know who he is or why he's now metallic.

Despite his ability to launch bombs and bullets from his armor, the demons capture him.The beasts beat him until his nano-circuits begin to shut down and his carbon-fiber suit begins to fail. First the original beat-down and coma. And now this!

New York City is being destroyed!They've paved Central Park and turned it into a military base!
☠Zachary and Mallory's friends have been captured!
Will Mallory and Zachary be reunited?
Can Zachary conquer the demons from out of space?
Can the world be saved from dying?

History will fail to list the dead and the valiant as time goes on but the battles for the tumbleweed forts will live in the hearts of the desert knights 'til memories are no more.
When Joshua learns his family must once again move to a new home, he is not at all happy. Such is the lifestyle for families in which the father is a "knight of the sky" who flies the "thundering airships," but that makes it no easier for Joshua to bear. His desert home is his "mother," and he is distraught at the prospect of leaving, of having to face the fact that the "tumbleweed forts of his youth were being taken away by stepmothers of trees and forests of snow."
Joshua decides to have one last desert adventure, one last visit to the tumbleweed fort built with such care and precision by Joshua and his fellow "desert knights." Once he ventures out into the desert, however, the wind increases; he is caught in a sandstorm , and he struggles to reach his fort. Finally stumbling upon it, he gratefully crawls inside, his energy completely spent, and falls into a deep sleep. But when he awakes ... ah, then his most fantastical adventure begins.
Author Daniel Ferry has created a captivating story of a young boy's journey into another dimension. With scintillating descriptions and intriguing metaphors, Ferry paints a vivid picture of Joshua's adventure. The boy meets the ethereal Zaleen, a vision who guides him on his travels across many planes. He must evade the "Durs" ... guards whose punishment for "dimensional travel" is death to the traveler ... and battle dark knights, all the while keeping his wits about him as he learns the many lessons from the challenges Zaleen presents to him.
The satisfying and unexpected conclusion to this story is just another of Ferry's talents in weaving together the many threads of this mystical tale.

Prepare to meet physicist David Oster, a big thinker, a charming cad who flees Caltech and his three girlfriends for the Pacific Northwest, pastoral fantasy firmly in hand. Whatever will he do with all that rain, yet another beautiful woman, and several crazy physicists intent on his ruin? Obviously he needs to discover some entirely new physics principle, as yet unnamed, but can he deliver?

A prognosis of six months to live turns out to be a gift. In this memoir, Muriel Vasconcellos tells the story leading up to the news that her breast cancer has spread and takes the reader on the path that eventually leads her to health and peace of mind. Thirty years later, she has outlived the doctors who believed she was about to die.

The memoir focuses on a 20-year arc in the author's life with flashbacks to a tragedy in her childhood that left her with lifelong corrosive guilt and to a deeply painful experience as a young adult that has haunted her with remorse.

She eventually finds love and happiness when she meets her soul mate, Sylvio. Their life together is magic - a true love story. His unconditional support infuses her with confidence and self-trust. They have six happy years together - until she finds a lump in her breast and learns that she has cancer. Just when they think they have overcome this hurdle, life turns dark again: Sylvio asks her to take him to the Emergency Room, and he never comes home. As he struggles to die, he begs her to help him make his passage. The doctors agree to withdraw life support, but she cannot come to terms with the decision. Soon afterwards, she is told that cancer has spread to her bones. Unremitting pain, both physical and psychological, sends her to the depth of despair, where she seeks to end her life.

Instead, something shifts inside and she embarks on a courageous quest for health that includes not only her body but also her psyche and spirit. She releases the limiting beliefs and self-punishing thoughts that have trapped her for most of her life and discovers that all aspects of her being are a single tapestry; when one part heals, so do the others. Her pain disappears and her medical tests stabilize. New insights constantly expand her awareness and understanding. They always seem to appear at the moment she is ready.

As she continues her journey, she has her third bout with cancer. This time she has the understanding and tools to walk away from conventional treatment and practice gentle approaches to becoming and staying well. In the end, she finds deep inner joy and serenity - her invincible summer.

Why Wait Another Minute? MAD ABOUT UNDEAD YOU Delivers Scares And Romance Now!

Cathren Whitney and Donovan Codell are twenty-something lovers whose relationship is on the rocks. When a zombie outbreak occurs (and we all know how that can put a wrench in a love affair), they must run for their lives. Along the way, the couple attempts to heal their broken connection, but before they can decide what's next for them, Cathren finds herself bitten by an enraged frozen head.

Hold on. Let's take a step back...

As it turns out, the zombie epidemic was caused by a chemical leakage into the aquifer from the local factory specializing in cryogenics (freezing and storing people after death, typically just the head). The cryogenics firm was able to reanimate some heads. Unfortunately, they are not happy about being brought back from the beyond, and have the disposition of rabid dogs.

❝The head dropped out of the scientist's hands and plopped onto the floor. The thing skidded across the lab and spun to a stop at the feet of a terrified Cathren Whitney. She screamed again. The head lay there, looking up at her, snarling, drooling, foaming at the mouth, eyes wild. Then, it bit her.❞

After the bite from the frozen head, and in combination with her unique DNA, Cathren morphs into a half-zombie. Burkhart Egesa, a diabolical but well-intentioned fiend, has decided the only way to end the zombie breakout is to dissect Cathren--alive!

❝'I must have living organs,' Egesa said. 'The heart still beating, the lungs still breathing. Don't worry, she won't feel a thing. She can't move; she can't awaken. She couldn't sense pain even if I did this crudely. But I'm an expert. A man of science.' With that, he switched on the tiny buzz saw and slowly lowered it towards Cathren's chest.❞

Somehow, Cathren and Donovan escape to Alcatraz, their new home. Unfortunately, the island is overrun by zombies, too, and they must flee again. They are chased by zombie Native Americans, hired goons, mobs of zombies and survivalists--even zombie sharks! Cathren and Donovan survive and paddle to Treasure Island, but the island's been overrun by zombie librarians! The young couple are captured again and face certain death. Zombies pound at the door, the mob of the undead crushing against the metal doors, forcing them open.

❝With an agonized screech, one hinge burst off the left door, allowing the first monster to surge into the room. The stench of rotting flesh wafted in, and most everyone present gagged. The creature stood there, panting, eyeing the group. Then it attacked.❞

Can San Francisco be saved? Can love conquer the undead? Will Cathren and Donovan find freedom, safety, and true love?

Find out for yourself! Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Sure, Johnny Von is a real life movie star on the rise,
but that's no reason to think he won't fall in love with Estella?


I'm mean, she's nice, and genuine, and probably pretty enough. After all, this could be what the universe has been planning for her, placing her on the quiet, light dappled street where he lives, walking dogs in the Hollywood Hills. This could be why, at 33, she is still single, why the International Playboy wasn't the 'one!' The universe has been saving her for THIS!

The only hitch is that in order to fall in love, Estella will have to talk to Johnny Von. It's going to be a problem. And not just a logistics problem, being that she is a dog walker with tendencies towards shyness and he is a big, beautiful movie star. Creating a meeting is one thing, but actually opening her mouth to speak to him is going to be an Everest of a challenge for Estella!

If only he were someone like, say, Johnny Von the Priest, battling his faith in 1574 in love with a young orphaned Estella, or Johnny Von the Bossman in 1901 and Estella was a young girl running the plantation, all on her own. Yep. That would be easier. If it was 1592 and he was a Venetian Silk Trader and she was a famous courtesan! She would really have confidence then. Or 2574, and Johnny Von the Scientist is about to save the world by solving Xbox 6000!
So, maybe Estella doesn't have a network of supportive girl friends to bolster her confidence, but she has the dogs. She has Moochie. And, she is about to learn that sometimes that's all you need, the love of a good dog and a little get you where you need to be; to get you home to the big love that's meant to be yours.

Ten year old Madeline wondered why her Grandpa sat on the beach every day gazing out to sea. Family and neighbors suspected dementia, but Grandpa finally shared his secret with Maddie....

Frightening Look At The Future That's Both Funny And Romantic!
Plenty of Chills & Thrills for Both Horror AND Romance Fans!

After a night out at their favorite Manhattan club, Mallory Alexandria is kidnapped right in front of her soul mate, Zachary Zemeritus. Zachary calls the law and the nearest cop bot, Chief Inspector Anthony Borgnine, buzzes to the scene.

❝Zach hung up and gazed at the police bot, its blue-metallic casing shining in the early dawn, as it descended with deliberation to hover at about Zach's eye height. 'Well now, citizen,' the bot squawked. 'It would appear we have work to do!'❞

The year is 2035 and Earth is under attack by giant demons from outer space!
Demons as tall as houses with multiple heads, arms, and legs.

❝The eyes on the first of its three heads had a serpent's split pupils, puke green. The eyes on the second head (which grew not beside the first head, but on top of it the way a cyst would) were as red as a poison frog's. The third head was stacked on top of its brothers, but this head was not worth talking about. It was a baby's head--and it was dead.❞

As they search for Mallory, Zach and Borgnine are attacked by one of these demons and Zachary winds up in the hospital. With most of his bones broken and his insides crushed, Zach slips into a coma, close to death.

Expert scientists and surgeons from around the globe arrive to operate on Zachary, turning him into something more machine than man. He can fly, deflect bullets, and is all but indestructible. However, his memory is gone -- he doesn't know who he is or why he's now metallic.

Despite his ability to launch bombs and bullets from his armor, the demons capture him.The beasts beat him until his nano-circuits begin to shut down and his carbon-fiber suit begins to fail. First the original beat-down and coma. And now this!

New York City is being destroyed!They've paved Central Park and turned it into a military base!
☠Zachary and Mallory's friends have been captured!
Will Mallory and Zachary be reunited?
Can Zachary conquer the demons from out of space?
Can the world be saved from dying?

History will fail to list the dead and the valiant as time goes on but the battles for the tumbleweed forts will live in the hearts of the desert knights 'til memories are no more.
When Joshua learns his family must once again move to a new home, he is not at all happy. Such is the lifestyle for families in which the father is a "knight of the sky" who flies the "thundering airships," but that makes it no easier for Joshua to bear. His desert home is his "mother," and he is distraught at the prospect of leaving, of having to face the fact that the "tumbleweed forts of his youth were being taken away by stepmothers of trees and forests of snow."
Joshua decides to have one last desert adventure, one last visit to the tumbleweed fort built with such care and precision by Joshua and his fellow "desert knights." Once he ventures out into the desert, however, the wind increases; he is caught in a sandstorm , and he struggles to reach his fort. Finally stumbling upon it, he gratefully crawls inside, his energy completely spent, and falls into a deep sleep. But when he awakes ... ah, then his most fantastical adventure begins.
Author Daniel Ferry has created a captivating story of a young boy's journey into another dimension. With scintillating descriptions and intriguing metaphors, Ferry paints a vivid picture of Joshua's adventure. The boy meets the ethereal Zaleen, a vision who guides him on his travels across many planes. He must evade the "Durs" ... guards whose punishment for "dimensional travel" is death to the traveler ... and battle dark knights, all the while keeping his wits about him as he learns the many lessons from the challenges Zaleen presents to him.
The satisfying and unexpected conclusion to this story is just another of Ferry's talents in weaving together the many threads of this mystical tale.

Prepare to meet physicist David Oster, a big thinker, a charming cad who flees Caltech and his three girlfriends for the Pacific Northwest, pastoral fantasy firmly in hand. Whatever will he do with all that rain, yet another beautiful woman, and several crazy physicists intent on his ruin? Obviously he needs to discover some entirely new physics principle, as yet unnamed, but can he deliver?

A prognosis of six months to live turns out to be a gift. In this memoir, Muriel Vasconcellos tells the story leading up to the news that her breast cancer has spread and takes the reader on the path that eventually leads her to health and peace of mind. Thirty years later, she has outlived the doctors who believed she was about to die.

The memoir focuses on a 20-year arc in the author's life with flashbacks to a tragedy in her childhood that left her with lifelong corrosive guilt and to a deeply painful experience as a young adult that has haunted her with remorse.

She eventually finds love and happiness when she meets her soul mate, Sylvio. Their life together is magic - a true love story. His unconditional support infuses her with confidence and self-trust. They have six happy years together - until she finds a lump in her breast and learns that she has cancer. Just when they think they have overcome this hurdle, life turns dark again: Sylvio asks her to take him to the Emergency Room, and he never comes home. As he struggles to die, he begs her to help him make his passage. The doctors agree to withdraw life support, but she cannot come to terms with the decision. Soon afterwards, she is told that cancer has spread to her bones. Unremitting pain, both physical and psychological, sends her to the depth of despair, where she seeks to end her life.

Instead, something shifts inside and she embarks on a courageous quest for health that includes not only her body but also her psyche and spirit. She releases the limiting beliefs and self-punishing thoughts that have trapped her for most of her life and discovers that all aspects of her being are a single tapestry; when one part heals, so do the others. Her pain disappears and her medical tests stabilize. New insights constantly expand her awareness and understanding. They always seem to appear at the moment she is ready.

As she continues her journey, she has her third bout with cancer. This time she has the understanding and tools to walk away from conventional treatment and practice gentle approaches to becoming and staying well. In the end, she finds deep inner joy and serenity - her invincible summer.

Why Wait Another Minute? MAD ABOUT UNDEAD YOU Delivers Scares And Romance Now!

Cathren Whitney and Donovan Codell are twenty-something lovers whose relationship is on the rocks. When a zombie outbreak occurs (and we all know how that can put a wrench in a love affair), they must run for their lives. Along the way, the couple attempts to heal their broken connection, but before they can decide what's next for them, Cathren finds herself bitten by an enraged frozen head.

Hold on. Let's take a step back...

As it turns out, the zombie epidemic was caused by a chemical leakage into the aquifer from the local factory specializing in cryogenics (freezing and storing people after death, typically just the head). The cryogenics firm was able to reanimate some heads. Unfortunately, they are not happy about being brought back from the beyond, and have the disposition of rabid dogs.

❝The head dropped out of the scientist's hands and plopped onto the floor. The thing skidded across the lab and spun to a stop at the feet of a terrified Cathren Whitney. She screamed again. The head lay there, looking up at her, snarling, drooling, foaming at the mouth, eyes wild. Then, it bit her.❞

After the bite from the frozen head, and in combination with her unique DNA, Cathren morphs into a half-zombie. Burkhart Egesa, a diabolical but well-intentioned fiend, has decided the only way to end the zombie breakout is to dissect Cathren--alive!

❝'I must have living organs,' Egesa said. 'The heart still beating, the lungs still breathing. Don't worry, she won't feel a thing. She can't move; she can't awaken. She couldn't sense pain even if I did this crudely. But I'm an expert. A man of science.' With that, he switched on the tiny buzz saw and slowly lowered it towards Cathren's chest.❞

Somehow, Cathren and Donovan escape to Alcatraz, their new home. Unfortunately, the island is overrun by zombies, too, and they must flee again. They are chased by zombie Native Americans, hired goons, mobs of zombies and survivalists--even zombie sharks! Cathren and Donovan survive and paddle to Treasure Island, but the island's been overrun by zombie librarians! The young couple are captured again and face certain death. Zombies pound at the door, the mob of the undead crushing against the metal doors, forcing them open.

❝With an agonized screech, one hinge burst off the left door, allowing the first monster to surge into the room. The stench of rotting flesh wafted in, and most everyone present gagged. The creature stood there, panting, eyeing the group. Then it attacked.❞

Can San Francisco be saved? Can love conquer the undead? Will Cathren and Donovan find freedom, safety, and true love?

Find out for yourself! Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Sure, Johnny Von is a real life movie star on the rise,
but that's no reason to think he won't fall in love with Estella?


I'm mean, she's nice, and genuine, and probably pretty enough. After all, this could be what the universe has been planning for her, placing her on the quiet, light dappled street where he lives, walking dogs in the Hollywood Hills. This could be why, at 33, she is still single, why the International Playboy wasn't the 'one!' The universe has been saving her for THIS!

The only hitch is that in order to fall in love, Estella will have to talk to Johnny Von. It's going to be a problem. And not just a logistics problem, being that she is a dog walker with tendencies towards shyness and he is a big, beautiful movie star. Creating a meeting is one thing, but actually opening her mouth to speak to him is going to be an Everest of a challenge for Estella!

If only he were someone like, say, Johnny Von the Priest, battling his faith in 1574 in love with a young orphaned Estella, or Johnny Von the Bossman in 1901 and Estella was a young girl running the plantation, all on her own. Yep. That would be easier. If it was 1592 and he was a Venetian Silk Trader and she was a famous courtesan! She would really have confidence then. Or 2574, and Johnny Von the Scientist is about to save the world by solving Xbox 6000!
So, maybe Estella doesn't have a network of supportive girl friends to bolster her confidence, but she has the dogs. She has Moochie. And, she is about to learn that sometimes that's all you need, the love of a good dog and a little get you where you need to be; to get you home to the big love that's meant to be yours.

Ten year old Madeline wondered why her Grandpa sat on the beach every day gazing out to sea. Family and neighbors suspected dementia, but Grandpa finally shared his secret with Maddie....