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Author's e-books - love. Page - 179

In our online library you can read for free books by the author love. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Selene Aurella Hemp

What the hell is going on!? The question kept screaming in my head, over and over as I thought I would die. The pain, oh god, the pain was unbearable. It made thousand of white dots fill my eyes to the point where I could see nothing but throbbing whiteness. I was numb to everything except the pain. It pulsed in my stomach with every frantic heart beat. I couldn’t feel the tears that I knew were streaming down my face. Ginger ran into the kitchen at the sound of glass breaking and almost had a heart attack as she saw her grandaughter lying on the floor, the orange shards from her cup cutting her as she writhed in utter agony. “Selene, oh god!”

The question of everyones life, whether your a boy or a girl, what is love? Taylor finds out what true love is but has a hard time figuring out if it is real. Will she finally admit that there is love in this world? Or will she lose it, forever...

My dear reader! Please forgive me! I beg your pardon myself and on behalf of all the Muslim brothers. Being induced by Satan– the greatest enemy of this earth, we could not convey you your most valuable asset. This Satan makes sinner hated instead of sin into man’s heart. As a result, the earth has been turned into a battle field. Verily thinking this mistake, I have taken my pen. I have thought to convey your right to your hand. I will tell you some talks of love and humanity. This offering is for the attraction of mind– not for any greed or self-interest.
The indwelling Lord is the witness– the purpose of my mini writing to you is only to satisfy the demand of pure sympathy! How many nights of mine have been passed without sleep as I cannot tell you such talks! If you do not believe, ask your heart! Heart does not tell a lie.

(not finished yet it's being dumb)
Caroline is locked and kept imprisoned by vampires when attacked she id saved finding a special ware-wolf discovers and unlocks many mysteries. Can Caroline and her new found mate survive with an all consuming love or fall apart?

Soccer has been my dream for years but only one then women come out of no were and love me but the only one i love is Soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

safire has been abused by her boyfriend her whole life. till she finnally get to know michael a vampire guy and starts to have feelings for him. will there secrets ruin there love

livian is a girl that believes something is behind the shadows, but no one believes her.

Ever since Lea left Los Angeles, things haven't been the same. Lea's father was taken by Tiffany, a crazy vampire who is out for revenge. Also, she is pregnant with Drake's baby. With no help from the Knight family, she is trying her best to find Tiffany and get her father back. But it is hard when she keep getting these visions of her own death.

Back in Los Angeles, Lea leave behind a heart broken Drake. Drake is still confused and hurt that Lea would leave suddenly without a good explanation. Now he is angry might be going back to his old ways, but he still can't stop the way he feel about Lea.

Will Lea finally listen to her heart? Will Drake and Lea finally work things out and their problems? Does Drake even know about the baby? Will things get better, or will it end in chaos?

When you're a teenager you don't know better. You live life carefree and with no need to focus on the responsabilites or consequences. Until reality hits you. . .That's what happens to Pop sensation Finn Harries after a one night stand with a girl he met in a bar. 

'My name is Cera. I am a young were wolf that has been forced to choose a alpha I don't love against my own will.'

After Cera's previous mate Fang was killed. Fang's younger brother Dison killed his own mate and forced her to make him alpha. But when Cera trys get rid of Dison an old 'friend' appers....

Selene Aurella Hemp

What the hell is going on!? The question kept screaming in my head, over and over as I thought I would die. The pain, oh god, the pain was unbearable. It made thousand of white dots fill my eyes to the point where I could see nothing but throbbing whiteness. I was numb to everything except the pain. It pulsed in my stomach with every frantic heart beat. I couldn’t feel the tears that I knew were streaming down my face. Ginger ran into the kitchen at the sound of glass breaking and almost had a heart attack as she saw her grandaughter lying on the floor, the orange shards from her cup cutting her as she writhed in utter agony. “Selene, oh god!”

The question of everyones life, whether your a boy or a girl, what is love? Taylor finds out what true love is but has a hard time figuring out if it is real. Will she finally admit that there is love in this world? Or will she lose it, forever...

My dear reader! Please forgive me! I beg your pardon myself and on behalf of all the Muslim brothers. Being induced by Satan– the greatest enemy of this earth, we could not convey you your most valuable asset. This Satan makes sinner hated instead of sin into man’s heart. As a result, the earth has been turned into a battle field. Verily thinking this mistake, I have taken my pen. I have thought to convey your right to your hand. I will tell you some talks of love and humanity. This offering is for the attraction of mind– not for any greed or self-interest.
The indwelling Lord is the witness– the purpose of my mini writing to you is only to satisfy the demand of pure sympathy! How many nights of mine have been passed without sleep as I cannot tell you such talks! If you do not believe, ask your heart! Heart does not tell a lie.

(not finished yet it's being dumb)
Caroline is locked and kept imprisoned by vampires when attacked she id saved finding a special ware-wolf discovers and unlocks many mysteries. Can Caroline and her new found mate survive with an all consuming love or fall apart?

Soccer has been my dream for years but only one then women come out of no were and love me but the only one i love is Soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

safire has been abused by her boyfriend her whole life. till she finnally get to know michael a vampire guy and starts to have feelings for him. will there secrets ruin there love

livian is a girl that believes something is behind the shadows, but no one believes her.

Ever since Lea left Los Angeles, things haven't been the same. Lea's father was taken by Tiffany, a crazy vampire who is out for revenge. Also, she is pregnant with Drake's baby. With no help from the Knight family, she is trying her best to find Tiffany and get her father back. But it is hard when she keep getting these visions of her own death.

Back in Los Angeles, Lea leave behind a heart broken Drake. Drake is still confused and hurt that Lea would leave suddenly without a good explanation. Now he is angry might be going back to his old ways, but he still can't stop the way he feel about Lea.

Will Lea finally listen to her heart? Will Drake and Lea finally work things out and their problems? Does Drake even know about the baby? Will things get better, or will it end in chaos?

When you're a teenager you don't know better. You live life carefree and with no need to focus on the responsabilites or consequences. Until reality hits you. . .That's what happens to Pop sensation Finn Harries after a one night stand with a girl he met in a bar. 

'My name is Cera. I am a young were wolf that has been forced to choose a alpha I don't love against my own will.'

After Cera's previous mate Fang was killed. Fang's younger brother Dison killed his own mate and forced her to make him alpha. But when Cera trys get rid of Dison an old 'friend' appers....