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   No matter who you are, no matter what your profession, if you are a student, no matter what you studying, you will rise to there top. Not only that. You will also become a indispensable person. Because the universe fills you with divine love. These are not just words. If you follow the guidance of the wisdom correctly, you will see that all this becomes a reality. Let me say something here that encourages you. That is, in this all activities the universes does certain things for you. It will open new doors for you.

Audiobook Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Serta Bahasa Inggris Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran.

Surah At-Tin (Arab: التِّينِ, "Tin") adalah surah ke-95 dalam al-Qur'an. Surah ini terdiri atas 8 ayat dan termasuk golongan surah Makkiyah. Surah ini diturunkan setelah surah Al-Buruj. Nama At-Tin diambil dari kata At-Tin yang terdapat pada ayat pertama surah ini yang artinya buah Tin.

Surah At-Tin merupakan salah satu surah Makkiyyah, yaitu surah yang diturunkan di kota Mekkah atau sebelum Nabi Muhammad SAW hijrah ke Madinah. Surah ini terdiri dari delapan ayat dan berada pada Juz 30 dan surah ke-95 dalam susunan mushaf Al Qur'an. Surah ini merupakan wahyu ke-28 yang diterima oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Ia diturunkan sebelum surah Al-Buruj dan setelah Surah Quraisy. Tema pokok surah At-Tin adalah tentang manusia dan keniscayaan pembalasan dan ganjaran yang akan diterima di akhirat nanti.

At-Tīn (Arabic: التين, "The Fig, The Figtree") is the ninety-fifth surah of the Qur'an, with 8 ayat or verses. This sura opens by mentioning the fig (the sura’s namesake), the olive, Mount Sinai, and "this city secured" (generally considered to be Mecca). The cosmology of the Qur'an states that God made mankind out of clay. This sura suggests not only this, but that the mould which God used for man was "the best possible". The lowness of the clay has set humanity apart from God; because clay is heavier and more solid than fire, from which the Jinn were made, and light, from which the angels came.

However, not all humanity is condemned to absolute removal from God's company. The passage continues that "those who believe and do what is right will have a reward that will never be cut off". A human life, when perfected, will thus rise above its modest origins, giving the human condition a unique possibility for glory on the Last Day. God's judgment, for Heaven or Hell, cannot be contradicted, for "Is not God the best of judges?" 

Coming to the end of a long and winding road.....Feeling the effects of numbness....Using the last bit of strength to aim for an elusive destiny.....

Every human being is living a life, but how much humanity does he have? Birth, education, job, marriage, kids, family and at the end…death! Is this the standard cycle of life that has to be followed? What is the ultimate goal of such a life? Why do we take birth? What do we want?

The human body that we have received... should do the duty of being humane. There should be humanity in life. But what is humanity? 

According to Param Pujya Dadashri, the Gnani Purush (the enlightened One). The definition of humanity is that when someone hurts you, troubles you, you don’t like it. Hence, you should also not hurt anyone. That, according to Him, is the biggest humanity. Whoever understands this and applies it in life means he knows what is humanity.

Getting a human body means one is free to go to any is one of the four forms of life (gattis). One is human form, the other three being – animal form, devgatti (heaven/celestial being) and narak gatti (hell/beast form).

Whatever are the causes so are the effect. If we show humanity, we will get a human body in the next birth. If we are inhumane, we will be re-born in the animal form. If we are extremely bad and inhumane then we are re-born in narak gatti. If we spend our life in doing good for others and help them without any expectations then we get a life in devgatti.

In this book, Param Pujya Dadashri has discussed the concepts of humanity with the humble intention that if people learn about humanity then their human life will be fruitful.

The True Happiness For Mind, Body and Soul In Islam Bilingual Edition In English And Germany Languange Standar Version.

Real happiness and peace can be found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. Allah SWT (God) has said in The Holy Quran:

“Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest.” (Quran 13:28)

On the other hand, the one who turns away from The Holy Quran will have a life of hardship in this world. God has said:

“But whoever turns away from the Quran, he will have a hard life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.” (Quran 20:124)

As most of us have come to realise, happiness is that ethereal quality that encompasses contentment and peacefulness; it is the soft joy that causes our lips, faces and hearts to smile. It is determined by faith in God and obedience to Him. Thus happiness embodies the peace security and submission that is Islam. The injunctions and regulations of Islam reinforce the happiness that comes from knowing God and they help to guarantee humankind’s happiness during life in this world. However, Islam also emphasizes that the life of this world is nothing more than a means of attaining the Hereafter. By following the guidelines of Islam it is possible to be happy while awaiting our eternal happiness.

Wirkliches Glück und Frieden kann man finden, wenn man sich den Geboten des Schöpfers und des Erhalters dieser Welt unterwirft. Allah SWT (Gott) hat im Heiligen Quran gesagt:

"Wahrhaftig, wenn man sich an Gott erinnert, finden die Herzen Ruhe." (Koran 13:28).

Auf der anderen Seite wird derjenige, der sich vom Heiligen Quran abwendet, ein Leben in Not in dieser Welt haben. Gott hat gesagt:

"Aber wer sich vom Koran abwendet, der wird ein hartes Leben haben, und Wir werden ihn am Tag der Auferstehung blind auferwecken." (Koran 20:124)

Wie die meisten von uns erkannt haben, ist Glück diese ätherische Qualität, die Zufriedenheit und Frieden umfasst; es ist die weiche Freude, die unsere Lippen, Gesichter und Herzen zum Lächeln bringt. Sie wird bestimmt durch den Glauben an Gott und den Gehorsam gegenüber ihm. So verkörpert das Glück die Friedenssicherheit und Unterwerfung, die der Islam ist. 

Die Verfügungen und Vorschriften des Islam verstärken das Glück, das aus der Kenntnis Gottes entsteht, und sie helfen, das Glück der Menschheit während des Lebens in dieser Welt zu garantieren. Der Islam betont jedoch auch, dass das Leben in dieser Welt nichts anderes ist als ein Mittel zur Erreichung des Jenseits. Indem man den Richtlinien des Islam folgt, ist es möglich, glücklich zu sein, während man auf unser ewiges Glück wartet. Manchmal, um Glück zu erlangen, versuchen die Menschen, komplizierte Wege zu gehen; sie sehen den einfacheren Weg, den der Islam ist, nicht.

JustTheWriter-Poems from the Heart, features an array of poetic compositions which chronicle love,life, and much more. Inspired by beautiful people places and things, Poems from the Heart is a collection that reflects both the author's appreciation for the simple beauties in life and its bittersweet complexes.

The World is minutes, hours, DAYS from changing into something horrific, something chaotic, something unimaginable…but before all this, comes…THE MESSENGER…

The life, death, and life of the man who taught me how to fish.

Marty Humphrey has trouble finishing things. He just dropped out of college, and previously, a European backpacking adventure was abruptly cut short, when he became morbidly homesick on the flight across the Atlantic. Maybe the mystic-minded Rose O'Donnell can help Marty sort things out.

Clarice Copparelli intends to seduce Jason Devlin. The seventeen-year-old boy had sensed this from as far back as a year ago, when he started doing odd chores for the middle-aged, single woman. He just doesn’t know when or how or where it will occur or the likely circumstances. Soon, he hopes.

   No matter who you are, no matter what your profession, if you are a student, no matter what you studying, you will rise to there top. Not only that. You will also become a indispensable person. Because the universe fills you with divine love. These are not just words. If you follow the guidance of the wisdom correctly, you will see that all this becomes a reality. Let me say something here that encourages you. That is, in this all activities the universes does certain things for you. It will open new doors for you.

Audiobook Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Serta Bahasa Inggris Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran.

Surah At-Tin (Arab: التِّينِ, "Tin") adalah surah ke-95 dalam al-Qur'an. Surah ini terdiri atas 8 ayat dan termasuk golongan surah Makkiyah. Surah ini diturunkan setelah surah Al-Buruj. Nama At-Tin diambil dari kata At-Tin yang terdapat pada ayat pertama surah ini yang artinya buah Tin.

Surah At-Tin merupakan salah satu surah Makkiyyah, yaitu surah yang diturunkan di kota Mekkah atau sebelum Nabi Muhammad SAW hijrah ke Madinah. Surah ini terdiri dari delapan ayat dan berada pada Juz 30 dan surah ke-95 dalam susunan mushaf Al Qur'an. Surah ini merupakan wahyu ke-28 yang diterima oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Ia diturunkan sebelum surah Al-Buruj dan setelah Surah Quraisy. Tema pokok surah At-Tin adalah tentang manusia dan keniscayaan pembalasan dan ganjaran yang akan diterima di akhirat nanti.

At-Tīn (Arabic: التين, "The Fig, The Figtree") is the ninety-fifth surah of the Qur'an, with 8 ayat or verses. This sura opens by mentioning the fig (the sura’s namesake), the olive, Mount Sinai, and "this city secured" (generally considered to be Mecca). The cosmology of the Qur'an states that God made mankind out of clay. This sura suggests not only this, but that the mould which God used for man was "the best possible". The lowness of the clay has set humanity apart from God; because clay is heavier and more solid than fire, from which the Jinn were made, and light, from which the angels came.

However, not all humanity is condemned to absolute removal from God's company. The passage continues that "those who believe and do what is right will have a reward that will never be cut off". A human life, when perfected, will thus rise above its modest origins, giving the human condition a unique possibility for glory on the Last Day. God's judgment, for Heaven or Hell, cannot be contradicted, for "Is not God the best of judges?" 

Coming to the end of a long and winding road.....Feeling the effects of numbness....Using the last bit of strength to aim for an elusive destiny.....

Every human being is living a life, but how much humanity does he have? Birth, education, job, marriage, kids, family and at the end…death! Is this the standard cycle of life that has to be followed? What is the ultimate goal of such a life? Why do we take birth? What do we want?

The human body that we have received... should do the duty of being humane. There should be humanity in life. But what is humanity? 

According to Param Pujya Dadashri, the Gnani Purush (the enlightened One). The definition of humanity is that when someone hurts you, troubles you, you don’t like it. Hence, you should also not hurt anyone. That, according to Him, is the biggest humanity. Whoever understands this and applies it in life means he knows what is humanity.

Getting a human body means one is free to go to any is one of the four forms of life (gattis). One is human form, the other three being – animal form, devgatti (heaven/celestial being) and narak gatti (hell/beast form).

Whatever are the causes so are the effect. If we show humanity, we will get a human body in the next birth. If we are inhumane, we will be re-born in the animal form. If we are extremely bad and inhumane then we are re-born in narak gatti. If we spend our life in doing good for others and help them without any expectations then we get a life in devgatti.

In this book, Param Pujya Dadashri has discussed the concepts of humanity with the humble intention that if people learn about humanity then their human life will be fruitful.

The True Happiness For Mind, Body and Soul In Islam Bilingual Edition In English And Germany Languange Standar Version.

Real happiness and peace can be found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. Allah SWT (God) has said in The Holy Quran:

“Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest.” (Quran 13:28)

On the other hand, the one who turns away from The Holy Quran will have a life of hardship in this world. God has said:

“But whoever turns away from the Quran, he will have a hard life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.” (Quran 20:124)

As most of us have come to realise, happiness is that ethereal quality that encompasses contentment and peacefulness; it is the soft joy that causes our lips, faces and hearts to smile. It is determined by faith in God and obedience to Him. Thus happiness embodies the peace security and submission that is Islam. The injunctions and regulations of Islam reinforce the happiness that comes from knowing God and they help to guarantee humankind’s happiness during life in this world. However, Islam also emphasizes that the life of this world is nothing more than a means of attaining the Hereafter. By following the guidelines of Islam it is possible to be happy while awaiting our eternal happiness.

Wirkliches Glück und Frieden kann man finden, wenn man sich den Geboten des Schöpfers und des Erhalters dieser Welt unterwirft. Allah SWT (Gott) hat im Heiligen Quran gesagt:

"Wahrhaftig, wenn man sich an Gott erinnert, finden die Herzen Ruhe." (Koran 13:28).

Auf der anderen Seite wird derjenige, der sich vom Heiligen Quran abwendet, ein Leben in Not in dieser Welt haben. Gott hat gesagt:

"Aber wer sich vom Koran abwendet, der wird ein hartes Leben haben, und Wir werden ihn am Tag der Auferstehung blind auferwecken." (Koran 20:124)

Wie die meisten von uns erkannt haben, ist Glück diese ätherische Qualität, die Zufriedenheit und Frieden umfasst; es ist die weiche Freude, die unsere Lippen, Gesichter und Herzen zum Lächeln bringt. Sie wird bestimmt durch den Glauben an Gott und den Gehorsam gegenüber ihm. So verkörpert das Glück die Friedenssicherheit und Unterwerfung, die der Islam ist. 

Die Verfügungen und Vorschriften des Islam verstärken das Glück, das aus der Kenntnis Gottes entsteht, und sie helfen, das Glück der Menschheit während des Lebens in dieser Welt zu garantieren. Der Islam betont jedoch auch, dass das Leben in dieser Welt nichts anderes ist als ein Mittel zur Erreichung des Jenseits. Indem man den Richtlinien des Islam folgt, ist es möglich, glücklich zu sein, während man auf unser ewiges Glück wartet. Manchmal, um Glück zu erlangen, versuchen die Menschen, komplizierte Wege zu gehen; sie sehen den einfacheren Weg, den der Islam ist, nicht.

JustTheWriter-Poems from the Heart, features an array of poetic compositions which chronicle love,life, and much more. Inspired by beautiful people places and things, Poems from the Heart is a collection that reflects both the author's appreciation for the simple beauties in life and its bittersweet complexes.

The World is minutes, hours, DAYS from changing into something horrific, something chaotic, something unimaginable…but before all this, comes…THE MESSENGER…

The life, death, and life of the man who taught me how to fish.

Marty Humphrey has trouble finishing things. He just dropped out of college, and previously, a European backpacking adventure was abruptly cut short, when he became morbidly homesick on the flight across the Atlantic. Maybe the mystic-minded Rose O'Donnell can help Marty sort things out.

Clarice Copparelli intends to seduce Jason Devlin. The seventeen-year-old boy had sensed this from as far back as a year ago, when he started doing odd chores for the middle-aged, single woman. He just doesn’t know when or how or where it will occur or the likely circumstances. Soon, he hopes.