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Thriller is a genre in literature. Thriller completely independent genre. Books of this genre are available now for your attention. We add new Thriller books to our e-library every day every day. Always interesting and instructive to read using our elibrary.
Only occasionally does a rather skillfully tailored product come off this “conveyor line” that really has any merit in order to stand out from the basically homogeneous literary mass. Our electronic library is full of thriller highlights.
“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

Genre Thriller online and without registration

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Suzy by Gary L Beer (the best motivational books .txt) 📖

Book online «Suzy by Gary L Beer (the best motivational books .txt) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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“What, you got no electric?”
“Not for a few days, the fireman said something about having to let the place dry.”
“No electric? You will go mad sitting there in the dark, what are you going to do with yourself?”
“I can read, I have a big box of candles do not forget.” Suzy says laughing nervously into the phone.
“Do you want me to come over and keep you company?”
“I do, but it is getting late and you have to get up for work in the morning. Be good to see you tomorrow evening if you are not doing anything?”
“Do not remind me about work! No, I am not doing anything I will see you tomorrow about seven.”
“Nice one thanks Sharon see you tomorrow.” says Suzy as she disconnects the call. Worried about Lewis she phones the hospital and is put through to the Clinical Decision Unit. Told by a tired sounding nurse that Lewis was being kept in overnight for observation Suzy hangs up the phone and prepares for the night ahead. Putting the candles on plates Suzy spreads them around only lighting one by the front door and one in her bedroom; the last thing she wants is burglars!

“Can you turn onto your back for us please Lewis?” asks the attractive nurse in his ear.
Lewis looks around him and realises he is next to the huge MRI scanner and tries to lie on his back. The pain is too intense and he is forced to return to lying on his right side; “No I cannot the pain is too much.” he manages to say as he lifts the mask off his face.
“Keep your mask on Lewis.” she says as she walks into the little operating booth to talk to the operators. Coming out with another nurse they approach him and she asks; “Are you able to get onto the machine for us?”
“I'll try” replies Lewis as he lifts himself up and with a helping hand on either side from the nurses Lewis manages to lay on the bed that goes into the machine. They try to get him to lie on his back which nearly causes him to pass out. Needing him conscious they allow him to lay on his right side and he finds he can lie on his chest.
The image is taken as Lewis is pushed into the machine and his next real awareness is finding himself back in the Clinical Decision Unit. More time passes and Lewis and his bed are finally pushed into the treatment room. Lewis notices the time on the wall as he enters and sees he has been here for five hours.
A few minutes later a lady doctor enters with paperwork clutched under her arm. Walking to Lewis she looks down at him; “Hello Lewis, it appears you have a pneumothorax.” she says as she takes the MRI scan negative and holds it up to the light to look at it. Seeming satisfied she puts the scan back into its envelope. Looking at Lewis she wheels a small stainless steel trolley around to the right side of the bed.
“What are you doing?” asks Lewis as he tries to sit up; “It is the left lung that has collapsed.”
Looking down at her paperwork she replies; “I have the right side written down here.”
“It is my lung; I should know if it has collapsed or not.”
Taking the scan out of its envelope she holds it up to the light again; “The scan shows the right side, wait there.” she orders as she puts the scan back into the envelope and walks out of the door.
Lewis does not have long to wait as she returns looking slightly embarrassed; “You laid on your front when the scan was taken, yes?” she asks.
“Yes that's right.”
“That is why the scan shows the collapse on the right side.”
“Lucky I am not unconscious.” replies Lewis in a sarcastic voice.
The doctor blushes a deep red as she returns to the trolley, not trusting herself to speak she readies the trolley and asks Lewis to sit up as much as he can.
While Lewis is struggling to sit upright she prepares the needle and tubing. Lewis can see the 'bucket' on the bottom shelf which he will have to carry around for the next week. The container receives the other end of the plastic tubing that is to be inserted into Lewis's chest cavity.
Fitted to the container; which contains a small amount of water is a non-return valve. When the tube is inserted into his chest and Lewis coughs; forcing air out of the cavity along the plastic tubing, the non-return valve in the water prevents the air from returning. Slowly in the week ahead the lung will re-inflate itself back to its normal condition.
Approaching Lewis from the left side she holds the hollow needle in her hand; “Lift your arm up please Lewis?” she asks with a slight edge of resentment towards Lewis reflected in her voice.
Obediently he obeys and the smell of body odour from his armpit drifts up his nose. Embarrassed at the smell Lewis looks away and prepares himself for the pain that is to come.
The doctor wipes his skin clean with an antiseptic rub and looks towards him; “Ready?” she asks; “I am going to insert this needle into your chest which should release the pressure for you.”
“Yes, thank you, I would appreciate that.” replies Lewis putting on a brave smile.
The doctor inserts the needle into his skin just below the left armpit. Lewis feels the pain of it going in and is delighted to hear an outrushing of air; bringing instant relief.
“Thank you.” gasps Lewis as a large smile covers his face; the pain has magically gone and the relief makes his head spin.
The doctor smiles in return as she connects the needle to the container by the plastic tubing. Putting the container of water onto the floor beneath Lewis's bed her smile widens when she sees a stream of bubbles.
“I am sure that feels better Lewis, the porter will be here soon to take you to your ward.”
“Does this mean I have to stay in here all week?” asks Lewis gloomily.
“Yes you will, do not worry they will take good care of you.”

Lewis is bored, not having slept at all due to the infernal noise of steel trolleys being pushed past the ward all night he feels tired. Just as he would be drifting off to sleep the rumble and clatter of a trolley would wake him up again.
Lunch was a surprise, as it was his first day he had to take what was offered. When the plate of roast lamb, roast potatoes, runner beans and carrots was put in front of him he stared at it suspiciously. The strawberry jam sponge and custard for dessert looked inviting as he bit into a piece of lamb. The meat had been cooked to perfection, as had the rest of the meal and Lewis nearly manages to eat it all.
Still tired from the lack of sleep he closes his eyes and listens to the noise of the busy ward.
“Lewis.” says a familiar voice by his side.
Opening his eyes he is delighted to see Suzy standing before him; “Suzy, nice one.” he greets with a big beaming smile.
“Are you all right?” Suzy asks him with obvious concern.
“There is no more pain, but I have to stay in here for a week.”
“A week!” Suzy exclaims; “Why so long? I can see a bandage under your arm did you hurt yourself last night?”
“Yes, inhaling the smoke and the violent coughing put extra pressure on my lungs and one developed a hole; look.” says Lewis as he bends down and picks up the container containing the water from beside his bed.
Suzy's face turns pale as she sees that the container is connected to Lewis by a long plastic tube. Horrified she asks; “What is that?”
“Clever this, you watch.” he orders as he makes himself cough. A small stream of bubbles comes out of the plastic tubing and floats to the surface.
Suzy thinks she is going to be sick.
“Got a non-return valve fitted.” he smiles and appears proud somehow.
“What is that for?” asks Suzy still confused.
“Will help my lung expand, I am glad to see you, how did you get here?”
“I used your car, I hope you don't mind?”
“Not at all, at least I know where my keys are now.” he replies smiling in relief.
“Yes, you had left them on the dressing table in the bedroom.”
“Would you mind going round to my flat and getting some books for me please? I am going mad here.”
Suzy looks around the busy ward seeing that every patient had visitors; “I am not surprised.”
Staying for over an hour Suzy tells him of last night’s events and promises to return in the evening with Sharon.

With Sharon helping, Suzy has a busy week trying to clean the bungalow of the smoke damage. The smoke had caused a lot of damage and was difficult to wash off and Suzy realised with sinking heart that she would have to completely re-decorate.
A lot of the carpets had to be washed and luckily, with the money Lewis had lent her, Suzy had hired a carpet shampooer. Washing the carpets was still hard work and without Sharon's help she would have been hard pushed to finish in time for Lewis's return.

The day had finally arrived when they were going to unattach Lewis from the water container; and remove the plastic tubing.
Bubbles had stopped being produced two days ago indicating that his lung had re-inflated, but it did not feel that way to Lewis.
This had been the second time the left lung had collapsed and a specialist team had come down from one of the major London hospitals as they intended to 'stick' the lung to the lung lining.
Lewis did not know what to expect, all that he knew was that they are going to use talcum powder. He watches the doctor, who first inserted the tube, and the specialist team approach him and along with several nurses and more trainees they crowd around his bed.
As the doctor removes the tape that is holding the tube to his body where it enters the chest cavity Lewis notices the plastic tubing is kinked.
No wonder the bubbles had stopped!
That explained why his chest felt strange; as if it had not re-inflated properly. More intent on getting out of this nightmare of a hospital Lewis says nothing.
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