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Thriller is a genre in literature. Thriller completely independent genre. Books of this genre are available now for your attention. We add new Thriller books to our e-library every day every day. Always interesting and instructive to read using our elibrary.
Only occasionally does a rather skillfully tailored product come off this “conveyor line” that really has any merit in order to stand out from the basically homogeneous literary mass. Our electronic library is full of thriller highlights.
“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

Genre Thriller online and without registration

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Suzy by Gary L Beer (the best motivational books .txt) 📖

Book online «Suzy by Gary L Beer (the best motivational books .txt) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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and secure with him; “I will make the drinks, you can go and sit down, what would you like?”
“Tea would be great please, Suzy.” Lewis answers with a smile as he walks out of the kitchen into the front room.

Suzy jumps at the ringing of Lewis's doorbell; “Who is that?” she fearfully asks.
Lewis laughs; “You sure are jumpy, that will be Sharon.” he replies as he stands up from the couch.
“Sharon? What is she doing here?” asks Suzy with a touch of jealousy.
“Probably come here to find out about you.” he answers as he walks towards the door.
“How does she know I am here?” she asks in alarm as Suzy thought no one knew she was here.
“She phoned me when you were in the Loo.” says Lewis as he walks out of the front room and opens the front door.
Suzy can hear a muffled conversation between Lewis and Sharon as they stand inside the front door. Not being able to hear them properly makes her suspicious and she wonders if they are becoming lovers. Jealousy rises within her like a hot flame.
Sharon bursts in the door with a huge smile; “Suzy, fantastic to see you.” she shouts as she runs over and gives Suzy a big hug and kiss on the cheek; “We were so worried about you I drove past your place yesterday morning and there were police cars everywhere.”
“They kept me in for twenty-four hours questioning me, but they were decent enough to give me a bed until daylight arrived.”
“A bed, you mean they locked you up in the cells?” asks Sharon in shock.
“They put me in a cell; by the time they finished questioning me it was three o'clock in the morning. They didn't lock the door but told me to stay in there until someone came and got me.”
Sharon stares at Suzy imagining the terrifying experience Suzy had just been through; “How did you get home, did they give you a lift?”
Lewis laughs from where he was sitting on the couch; “What planet do you live on Sharon?” he asks sarcastically.
“You mean they made you walk home?” Sharon asks in obvious anger.
“After they had given me breakfast, of cold fried bacon, egg and fried bread; and the tea was cold as well.” Suzy confirms.
Sharon colours a deep red; “I hate the police.” she says in an angry voice.
“Sit down Sharon, calm down will you?” asks Lewis, “Suzy was telling me a story.”
Sharon sits down on the couch near to Lewis, much to Suzy's annoyance. Suppressing her jealous feelings she continues telling of her interrogation by the police.
Several hours pass with continuous questioning by Lewis as he explores every reason in their line of interrogation.
Very tired Suzy calls a halt as she can take no more; “Please stop Lewis, we can talk again tomorrow but as a final word I never thought that I would say thank you to you for setting my bungalow alight.”
“Anything to help, you know that; but why the thanks now?”
“When I was at the police station they searched my bungalow, by the looks of it they lifted the carpet up in the living room. If you had not got me to replace the floorboards I would be in prison now.”
“The blood stains would have been a bit obvious.” confirms Lewis; “You can stay here tonight as it is only a few hours until dawn.”
“What!” Suzy exclaims as she looks at the clock on the wall which shows it is four-fifteen in the morning.
“Where has the time gone?” asks Sharon; “I might as well stay here, I have no work tomorrow.”
Suzy says nothing as she is annoyed that Sharon is going to stay, she had wanted Lewis to herself.

Suzy found the following month very lonely and frustrating. It made sense that Lewis and Sharon only visit her rarely, for as predicted by Lewis, the police still watched her.
Lewis had told her that Doug's death, which was obviously murder, remained unsolved and would be periodically reviewed; and as Suzy was the main suspect she could expect to be watched occasionally.
Understanding that Lewis is right Suzy spends much of her spare time at home. She had been forced to join the unemployed as she had no income now that Doug was gone. Her visits to the Jobcentre were frequent and were her only means of escape from the drudgery of house cleaning and keeping her garden tidy.
Each time that Lewis visited her he was accompanied by Sharon. Suzy wondered if they were romantically involved; they appeared no more than friends when they were together and Lewis tended to spend most of his visiting time close to her.
Waiting her opportunity, it was their third visit, before Sharon used the bathroom and Suzy could express her desire for Lewis to take her out. Talking of their visit to the beach all that time ago Suzy hoped Lewis would suggest he take her again. He appeared to like the idea and Suzy was positive he was going to agree as Sharon returned from the bathroom and he made no comment.
They were restricted to sitting in the kitchen as Suzy still had no furniture for the living room. Sitting on hardback chairs for any length of time proves uncomfortable and Suzy wished Lewis would help her get some more, like he had promised. A tense few hours follows as Suzy and Sharon compete for Lewis's attention. Lewis appears unaware of the girl’s behaviour as he watches the portable television.
Sharon is the first to suggest they leave, much to Suzy's dismay, they had only been here for an hour and a half. Lewis appears reluctant to leave but Sharon gives him little choice in saying she has to get home to prepare dinner.
Knowing it would be a waste of time suggesting they eat here Suzy says nothing; suddenly feeling very alone she looks Lewis in the eyes. He says nothing yet his eyes say everything; he feels trapped by Sharon!
Determined to visit Lewis when Sharon is at work Suzy thanks them for their visit and asks when she may visit them?
Sharon confirms Suzy's suspicions by answering for them both, saying they had a busy week ahead of them.

Two lonely days past for Suzy, not even having to go to the Jobcentre makes her feel isolated and her bungalow has become a prison. With no rain forecast for the day she puts her jacket on, ensuring the bungalow is locked and secure she takes the long walk to Lewis's flat.
Following the route she had taken before she arrives at Lewis's tired, but guaranteed alone. Suzy had seen no suspicious characters and was positive no one had followed her.
Ringing the doorbell she anxiously waits at the doorstep. Suzy does not have to wait long until a dishevelled Lewis answers the door almost immediately.
“Suzy!” he greets loudly; “Come in, you were lucky I was just about to get in the bath.”
“Thanks.” smiles Suzy as she steps inside; “Do you want me to scrub your back?”
Lewis looks happy at the suggestion; “That is a good idea, give me five minutes then come in, help yourself to tea or coffee.” he says as he walks into the bathroom pushing the door partly closed behind him.
Suzy returns to the front door and locks it and walks into the living room, taking off all her clothes she walks slowly back towards the bathroom. Hearing Lewis splashing about in the bath she pushes the door open and steps inside.
Lewis looks up at her as his jaw drops in amazement; “Suzy, you look so beautiful, you have to be the most beautiful girl in the world; well you are the best I have ever seen.”
Suzy blushes a deep red in embarrassment, Doug had never spoken to her like that before and she could tell by Lewis's face he was not lying. He really meant it.
“I thought you wanted your back scrubbed?”
“Not anymore, if you do that I will not be able to see you.” he smiles not taking his eyes from her face.
“What about Sharon?” asks Suzy as she stands by the doorway.
Lewis looks down at Suzy's body and the desire he feels for her almost overwhelms him; “Sharon has become a problem, strangely I find myself in the same situation as you and Doug. Except that I am you and Sharon is Doug.”
“What you mean she beats you?” asks Suzy becoming outraged.
“Not physically as in punching or kicking me but she does push me, usually against a wall.”
“Why are you putting up with this? You are usually made of stronger stuff than this.” asks Suzy with an angry frown on her face.
“You are forgetting that my lung collapsed recently, I know I look fit and healthy and have even been declared fit enough for light duties. I am convinced my lung has not inflated properly as I get out of breath so quickly. Sharon had been a great help until recently.”
“But you were fine when we did my floorboards, what has happened?”
Lewis points to his chest; “It has become very painful since then, last week Sharon got a bit pushy with me so I pushed her back. She either pushed or punched me in the chest as the next thing I remember was laying doubled up on the floor. Sharon helped me into bed and that is where I stayed for the next two days while she looked after me.”
“Why haven't you thrown her out?” snaps Suzy the anger and jealousy she feels becoming too much.
Lewis smiles weakly; “I did and ended up in bed for two days as she got a bit rough. Her mouth was quite bad as well as she threatened to go to the police. Are you going to scrub my back after all? Sorry there is not enough room for two in here.”
“Yes of course.” replies Suzy seeming unaware of her nakedness. Rubbing his back gently with a soap filled flannel Suzy washes the soap off and hands Lewis the flannel; “Don't forget to wash behind your ears.” she says as she turns to walk away. The anger and rage she feels towards Sharon makes her forget all about having sex with Lewis.
“Yes mum.” smiles Lewis as he watches Suzy walk out of the bathroom.

Since she had seen Lewis two days ago Suzy had been unable to think of anyone else. She knew she had fallen deeply in love with him and saw Sharon as a serious obstacle to her happiness. Forgetting that Lewis has become a very sick man
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