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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Comotose by Kestral Volta (e reader pdf best TXT) 📖

Book online «Comotose by Kestral Volta (e reader pdf best TXT) 📖». Author Kestral Volta

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than the mild cold. Sam thought it strange that such a thing affecting other people more than him; it was almost as if he was accustomed to the cold. This made sense, but, somehow, Sam still couldn’t quite get his head around it.
Ignoring the lingering feeling of unease, Sam wondered through the tunnels, deliberately trying to avoid the central room. Moving through the pale blue shadows, Sam’s vision blurred slightly. Flashes of dark figures filled his head, images he didn’t understand gathering in his thoughts.
Somewhere through he fog of his headache, Sam found himself lose track of where he was going.
Sam froze. The pounding lessened. Sam strained his ears for the faint sound he’d heard not a second earlier.
A girl’s voice. It sounded like sobbing. Another male’s voice echoed through the tunnels. Fear and excitement thronged in Sam’s stomach.
Trying to clear his head, Sam took deep breathes and began to follow the voices.

Amy stood up from where she sat, leaving Dean leaning alone on the floor.
“What is it?” he asked, standing.
Silence. Amy listened. Footsteps echoed through the tunnels. They weren’t alone. Amy waited. A shadow appeared on the wall, the person still out of view.
“Who’s there?”
Amy gasped, tears suddenly streaming down her cheeks. She had to clamp a hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming!
“Amy.” mumbled Dean from behind her.
She ignored him and continued to watch as the shadow came closer and closer. And then he was stood there, gazing in confusion at her and Dean with his empty eyes.
“B...Bobby?” Amy stammered, not taking her eyes off his face.
“Who are you?” Bobby asked, stopping, warily. “Do you know me?”
“ don’t remember.”
Amy’s heart sunk, however she knew that this was a good sign. Maybe he wouldn’t turn after all!
“It’s me, Amy.” She murmured, hoping he would remember, but knowing otherwise.
“Amy? You’re from my dream.”
“Yes! Your dream.”
“Amy.” Dean put a hand on Amy’s shoulder. “Careful.”
Sam took step forwards. “If you guys know me, you have to help me!”
Amy said nothing and just looked at him.
“Sorry, we can’t do that.” explained Dean, when Amy remained silent.
“What?” Sam looked disheartened. “But, you have to. I have to remember.”
Amy paused, the stepped out of Dean’s reach. “No, Bobby. We can’t help you. You won’t understand, but we can’t.”
“At least tell who you are.” Sam looked at Amy.
Amy remained silent, gazing into Sam’s eyes. She realized just how long it was. She stepped closer to Sam, so that their faces were close. She could feel his breathing on her face. Touching his face with her hand, she reached in and kissed him.
She’s waited for this moment for 7 and a half years, but never dreamed that it would be like this! With the kiss came memories, some of which weren’t hers! The dusty love she’d had for Sam had just got stronger- a hell of a lot stronger!

Chapter 9

Sam didn’t expect this, but it was something more than just a kiss. He felt a love for this girl that he didn’t know, although the familiar feeling that it knew him returned to him.
But then, something even more amazing happened.
Images formed in his head. He was no longer in the caves, but he was in a flat, lying in a double bed, watching the figure of the girl in the mirror as she showered in the bathroom. And then she was next to him, waves of pleasure and temptation washing over them. And then he was hot and wet, skin on skin. The image changed and he was sat on the end of a pier, gazing out into the open sea. He could feel something coming, something huge. Memories flashed by his eyes, not one staying long enough for him to close in on it.
The cold of the tunnels returned to him again and Amy was pulling away from him, worried.
“What was that?” Sam asked, suspecting Amy had done something.
“You’re remembering.” She replied, solemnly. “We should leave.”
Amy pushed past Sam, followed by Dean.
“What?” Sam snapped in annoyance. “You’re just gonna leave? You can’t do this!”
“Sam. I’m sorry, but if you remember everything, then things will happen that will mean more than just you...” Amy began.
“Amy!” hissed Dean.
“Dean,” Amy turned to Dean, lowering his voice so that Sam couldn’t hear. “I can’t leave him like this. I...I have to tell him.”
“No. We don’t know what could happen. Besides, the council might find out if he does! You know what that could mean to all of us!”
Amy paused. If she didn’t make him remember, the she’d go home, leaving Sam with all the questions. It would be a replay of before; Sam would hate her for leaving her clueless and not giving him answers. If she did make him remember, the there was a strong chance of Sam turning and the council finding out, which meant that Sam would either kill them all, or be frozen again. But she’d have her Bobby back. She’d have a chance to apologise and explain things. Bobby would no longer be clueless and, maybe he would even forgive her! It came down to a choice between being selfish or doing Sam a favour. In this case, however, the selfish option could go one of two ways. It would either save Sam or condemn him.
Play safe or risk.
“Dean, I know you’re against this, but this could be that last time I have to give him answers. Either way, he’ll end up frozen again. I don’t want him to hate me, like last time. I can do it differently! I can have my Bobby back again!”
“Amy, no.” Dean caught hold of her arm. Amy looked at him, pleadingly.
In the moment of silent screaming, distant shouts and yells echoed through the tunnels. Amy, Dean and Sam froze, listening intently. Voices.
“Someone’s here.” mumbled Dean, letting go of Amy.
The voices got louder slightly. Sam edged towards the voices, trying to make out what they were saying.
“I think I recognise them.” gasped Sam. Realization suddenly gripped him and he sped off in the direction of the voices. Amy and Dean immediately followed.
Sam jogged through the tunnels, not really sure where he was going, yet stopping every few yards or so to listen for the voices.
Eventually, the three turned a corner and ran into Sarah and Jack!
“Sam!” Sarah launched herself at Sam, throwing her arms around him.
“Sarah, get away from him!” growled Jack from behind her, staring daggers at the two embracing figures.
Amy glanced back at Dean, warningly. Her eyes floated downwards, eventually making contact with the knife that Jack was clutching. Amy prepared herself.
Sam and Sarah pulled apart, taking each other’s appearance. Amy saw something in Sarah’s eyes- something she recognised. Somehow, through the cloud of unknowing, she felt a connection to this girl. It felt alien in her veins.
“Don’t ever leave like that!” gasped Sarah.
“No!” Jack hissed, moving forwards sharply. The movement itself was a threat; Sam could feel it in the creaking of rock beneath them. The very caves knew him and knew the threat present.
Amy looked down, Dean following her gaze and simultaneously moving between Jack and Sam.
Cracks sped towards the five of them, angrily charging across the icy floor. Rocks tumbled down around them as the floor gave way. A shower of flesh and stone fell to the ground, screams raining down.
Then all was calm. The calm after the storm.

A calm, rythmatic dripping provided backing to the distant sound of falling stones.
The five of them lay amongst rubble, recovering from the fall, trying their best to push back upwards to consciousness. That last of the tiny pebbles fell from the floor above, their tiny voices echoing around the huge central cave.
The sound of muffled scuffling came from beneath a huge mound and pieces of mangled ice fell from the top of the pile. Amy pushed chunks of ice from her legs and stood, wincing from the pain. The room spun and her vision blurred, but ignored it, looking around for Dean and Bobby. She spotted Dean immediately. He was half-covered by a huge chunk of ice. Pink stains dotted the cool blue. Amy hurried over to find his legs buried beneath the ice. Amy tried to lift it off him, but when she caught sight of what lay underneath she stopped and gasped.
The bloodied remains of Dean’s legs lay, crushed and mangled. She continued to heave the ice off him and sent it crashing to the side, causing several other lumps of rock to fall.
“Dean?” Amy tried to wake him, only to get a low grunt and then nothing. She watched him slip into a painful sleep; the type of sleep that some people don’t wake up from.
Amy refused to let this worry her- she knew that Dean was stronger than that- and proceeded to search for Bobby. She stumbled over the ice flows until she came across a dark figure beneath the rubble. It was moving, struggling, splitting into two.
Amy pulled apart the rubble to find Jack and Sarah both coughing and spluttering form the shock.
Disappointed, Amy managed a relieved pause before frantically turning, her eyes darting all over the place.
“Bobby.” the word was but a whisper, numbed by both the cold and fear.
“Sam!” screamed Sarah, joining Amy’s frantic searching. It had vaguely occurred to Amy that her and Sarah were looking for two different people. Whatever it came down to, Amy knew that Sam couldn’t last forever.
“Oh my God!” murmured Jack when he caught the sight of Dean.
“Leave him! Find Bobby!” ordered Amy. Jack didn’t move. He looked towards the exit which was partly obscured by rubble. Amy paused. Leave! Go on! Leave! We don’t want you here!
He had intended to kill Bobby. He was the last person Amy wanted to talk to. She ignored him and kept looking.
After a long time of pulling boulders out of the way, Amy’s hands were starting to bleed. Jack had stayed to try and persuade Sarah to leave with him. She hadn’t been swayed so he’d sat on a rock and watched.
It was when Amy spotted a pale hand sticking out from a lump of rubble that everything started to speed up. When she’s first laid eyes on it, words had escaped her, the worst possible thoughts clouding her judgement.
“Sarah! He’s here!” Amy screamed, attacking the rubble in rage and fear. When Sarah joined the fight, Sam’s head was now visible.

To Sam, everything was silent. Through the thickness, he felt something. Something breaking. As if cracks were appearing on a tall, brick wall. That’s what it felt like.
Through the cracks, he could see images. Wisps of knowledge wavered through and Sam knew. He just knew. Not everything, but it was a start: he is Bobby Clements. He is 18 years old, raised in St. Luke’s Orphanage. His parents were dead and his only friend was a girl. He couldn’t quite put his finger on her name.
Sam! Sam!
Sounds started to ring in his Sam’s ears.

Amy heaved rock out of the way, trying desperately to find some sign of life from Bobby. Yet, as she started to uncover what Bobby was lying on, realisation wriggled in her stomach. It was a slow process, but eventually, once most of the rock was
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