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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Comotose by Kestral Volta (e reader pdf best TXT) 📖

Book online «Comotose by Kestral Volta (e reader pdf best TXT) 📖». Author Kestral Volta

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clear, the sharp, definite form of the altar was visible. The pale pink surface was dark beneath Bobby’s body and the symbols were also visible where the rubble had fallen away around it.

The cracks were getting bigger. More and more light was escaping, bathing Sam’s face in it. It felt good, but there was something about it he couldn’t quite put his finger on. It felt...almost...relaxing yet fearful, angry yet content. It felt like...everything. Everything Sam had ever felt was behind that wall: Amy Meminger was his best friend in the orphanage- they’d grown up together. And then he felt something for her that he hadn’t felt in years. He...did her? It was the same kind of feeling he got when he was around Sarah.

Chapter 10

Bobby’s eyes burst open. Amy knelt beside him, relief flooding through her. Gazing into his eyes, she noticed something different, however. They were...less empty. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he was more Bobby and less Sam.
“Amy?” he murmured, sitting up.
“Bobby? You remember?” Amy didn’t know whether this was good or bad.
“Bits and pieces.” He replied, “like the orphanage.”
Amy smiled. “St. Luke’s orphanage for the specially gifted.”
“Yeah. Dean was there.”
Amy couldn’t help but laugh. “Do you remember anything else?”
Bobby frowned for a moment. “Yeah, everyone who went there was...different. They could do things. You can go into people’s dreams.”
“I can!”
“And Dean...he...oh, I don’t know. But, why was I there?”
Amy didn’t answer.
“We need to get out of here.” Sarah broke the momentary silence and started marching towards where Dean lay.
“Leave him, he’ll be fine.” Amy looked at Sarah and Jack. She started to help Bobby to stand and began to make for the entrance. She was sure Dean would understand.
“Wait, I’m getting more.” mumbled Bobby at the door. Amy looked at him, worriedly. There were only certain things she hoped he wouldn’t remember. “Are we, I mean, were we an item?”
Amy smiled and nodded.
“And something else happened, something I don’t know about. A secret. You’re keeping it. I think I picked up on it, but never talked to you about it.”
Amy looked away. Shit!
“And something else. It’s not all there, but it’s big.”
Amy’s blood ran cold. She stopped and turned to Bobby. “Block it out. Please!”
“Why? It’s why I was frozen, isn’t it?” Bobby frowned.
“Just leave it alone! Please.”
Sarah and Jack stopped up ahead and looked back at Amy and Bobby. Amy glanced sideways at Sarah, whose gaze had gone beyond them, to the central room. Amy turned to see a tall figure coming towards them.
Dean strode towards them on brand knew legs. It was as though he’d never even been crushed! Sarah gasped, her and Jack started in disbelief.
“He’s remembering, isn’t he?” he was talking to Amy, but his gaze never faltered from Bobby.
Amy nodded. “I’m sorry.”
Silence fell for a moment, until Bobby broke it. “What happened in that room? Why did you lead me here, Amy?”
Amy’s eyes widened.
“Amy, we can’t let him remember! We have to either kill him, or send him back!” Dean stepped between them.
“No!” yelped Sarah.
“Wait, wait a moment!” Bobby closed his eyes, touching his forehead. “No! It can’t be... Why did you do that?” he looked up at Amy, his expression twisted in pain.
“I’m sorry!” Tears streamed down Amy’s face. “I had to, it was the only way! I tried to apologise, I tried!”
“There’s something you’re not telling me. You know too!” he turned to Dean. “Tell me!”
Everyone paused.
“They told us to keep it from you, or else it would speed up the process.” explained Dean, when Amy remained quiet. “They said you’d become angry. You wanna know why you never had a gift like everyone else? Because it was something so great that it would eventually destroy the earth. They were going to do something earlier, when you were a child, when you first came to the orphanage, but they couldn’t. They wanted to at least give you a chance. They thought there was a chanced it might not happen. But it started to. The orphanage no longer exists because you destroyed it when you didn’t get your own way.” Dean paused to give Bobby a chance to take it all in. “So they built this room so that you would always be contained. But, apparently it didn’t work. It was Amy who visited you while you were comatose. She said you became more and more angry. In there, you could do no damage. And then you woke up, thanks to someone,” he turned to Jack and back to Bobby, “and Amy said you had no memory. It only makes sense that if you remember everything, then you’d probably become they way you were back then.”
Bobby paused, not sure what to say. Dean was right. All these memories were real. There was something in him. Something he couldn’t control.
“So kill me.” mumbled Bobby.
“What?” cried Amy.
“If I’m as dangerous as you say I am, why haven’t you killed me already?”
No one moved.
Bobby tried to stand back from the situation, but it was like his mouth was acting for him. At just the very thought of what Amy had done, an unknown sensation stared to tingle in his throat. Something stirred within him, white hot, boiling up to the surface and over the top. It sent painful ripples of pain pounding against his skull.
Jack twitched slightly, as if he was trying to stop himself from moving towards Sam. It momentarily crossed Sam’s mind that the only person who would do him justice would be the person who, so it seemed, hated him the most. The person whom had loved him previously remained still, obviously not wanting to finish what she started.
Sam turned away, his head filled with muddled facts all trying to be processed all at once. It was enough to give anyone a headache! He leaned against a clump of jagged ice, trying to clear his head.
Who was he? He was neither of these people, yet he was both! It angered him!
“Who am I?” He looked up at the two girls. Both their eyes were glassy and sad- the look of someone who was in love.
The confusion was overwhelming. His vision started to blur. Milky streaks and dark stains clung to the edge of his consciousness. He was going...going...

Chapter 11

The world suddenly sped up, as if in fast forwards! Screams sped by, followed by ice, being pushed against the raw coldness. Looking down at his arm in a rare few seconds of silence, the skin was red and marked. Blurred images races past again and now there was a deep grumbling. The Earth groaned in pain, ice shattered in huge, heavy chunks. A bright light blinded him, but as soon as his eyes adjusted, he saw a huge expanse of flat snow. There was so, yet the air that filled it was riddled with screams and pain and torture. Bile rose in his throat.
His will seemed to escape him- he didn’t know what he wanted or where he was.
The next few moments were rare and wet.
Shadows surrounded him, one in particular running behind him brandishing something that glinted in the sunlight. He tried to scream, but the shadow was upon him and in the heat of the moment his anger was so great, his limbs flipped out. The involuntary action resulted in the shadow being flung away.
Stepping back for a moment, he failed to see the snow slowly turning pink beneath him. The ground came up to meet him with a hard thump.
And the shadows were upon him once again...choking him...

“Bobby!” screamed Amy in a terrified frenzy. She rushed to his side and knelt down in the pink snow. Sarah was silent and remained where she was; a couple of metres away on her front, trying her best to prop herself up and crawl to Bobby. Amy glanced at the bloody mess that was Sarah’s body and then around, her eyes searching for Dean.
“Dean! Help!” Amy managed before her voice caught.
“Oh my God.” His voice was like dead stone sending shivers up Amy’s spine. Looking up, she saw the back of his head. He was facing the huge gap that used to be one of the mountains that surrounded the valley- and the one that housed the caves.
“Dean!” she screamed.
He turned and saw Bobby, coming to Amy’s side.
“Help him! I know you can!” cried Amy, consumed with despair.
“I...I can’t...Amy...”
She looked back down at Bobby, grey eyes searching. Whatever had happened to him, it wasn’t happening now. The knife protruded from his chest, angrily. A huge, crimson clouds spread out over his shirt.
It was when his grey eyes dulled and stared, unseeing that Amy’s body twisted and tightened, consumed by the huge hole that had been there for 7 and a half years.
But there was still one more thing she could do that was within her power. Summoning the last ounce of strength she had left within her, she turned to Dean, clutching the front of his jacket.
“I have to sleep. I have to get him before...before he...I have to do it, one last time!” she stammered, her heart beating almost as fast as she was thinking.
“But Amy...ok.”
Amy sat on the ground. Dean sat next to her and pulled Amy’s shoulders, gently down onto his lap.
There, Amy sank into unconsciousness; a trick that became easier with use. She felt herself becoming lighter and then floating through dreams, searching. Amy had done this so many times- she knew exactly what she was looking for.
The train station was empty when she got there. Amy sank onto one of the benches, looking around, sadly. She hadn’t known what to expect, but she’d thought Sam would be here. Maybe he had already left. Maybe he’d never been here at all. Maybe he really was dead!
Something then happened that Amy could not believe. A train came. It was white, like the rest of the station and it just seemed to come out of the black abyss like smoke! The carriages were empty, yet illuminated by bright, white lights.
Out of the corner of Amy’s eyes, something moved. Amy turned to see Sam.
“Bobby!” she cried, running to him and hugging him. Bobby hugged her back, a sensation she’d missed so very much!
“I remember, Amy. I remember everything! I forgive you!” he whispered.
Amy sobbed. “Thank you!”
Bobby pulled away from Amy and went over to the train. Before he stepped inside, he took one, last look at her. Stepping though, the doors slid closed behind him. Amy gazed at him through the windows.
The train began to move away. Amy watched Bobby’s carriage as it eventually disappeared into the dark.
And then she was alone once more.

The fact that a mountain had just suddenly disappeared didn’t make the Riverdale newspaper. The police found it too bizarre and the reporters seemed to lose interest once they found out that their jobs were at stake.
Although the past few events had gone unnoticed by almost everyone in Riverdale apart from Jack, Sarah, Amy and Dean, it didn’t change the fact that Jack had still murdered, not only one person’s loved one, but two people’s loved one. Amy and Dean meant to return to the council where they
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