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ā€œThrillerā€ is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, thereā€™s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. Itā€™s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.Itā€™s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in ā€œfairytale love story.ā€

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online Ā» Thriller Ā» Violet Scarlett by Beky Cybille (fiction book recommendations TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Violet Scarlett by Beky Cybille (fiction book recommendations TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Beky Cybille

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territory with his mark nearby.

ā€œYep. Itā€™s definitely himā€ I was brought back from my thoughts.

 I looked and saw the alpha I was having a stare down with holding the letter and examining it. ā€œWell open itā€ one alpha assured. Idiots what if it was a bomb or poison or a plot to kill you. Just because he only kills rogues and 'protects' your packs doesn't mean that he is as good as you think.

ā€œDear Alpha'sā€ the alpha started reading.


Hope you're having fun at your meeting. Though I doubt it, as all the alphas in the world together in one place there's bound to be arguments.


As you know, I have been going around killing rogues. Some ignorant Alpha's have been trying to catch me these past years. I do not care the reason, whether you want to know my identity or want me to join your pack, I decline. So stop your search unless you want to end up with dead members like a certain alpha.

 I balled my fist in anger at that while everyone glanced at me.


You donā€™t have to view me as a threat to your pack, let me have my fun. You wouldn't want me to play with your packs.


So you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. Itā€™s for the best. I can pass through your territories peacefully without any interruptions- not that I'm not already doing it- and you all go on with your peaceful lives.


Itā€™s not like you donā€™t benefit from it anyway. While I have my fun with these rogues, you all get much less disturbances from the rogues. Even as I pass through your territory, I eliminate some groups who have passed your defenses; oh by the way your defense needs improvement along with your choice on who you put your trust in.


So consider this a peace treaty or so between us. You stay out of my way and I yours. I get to have my fun and kill as many rogues as I want and pass through your territories in peace, possibly saving your packs.

How heā€™s talking about taking lives just for fun, for sport is disgusting.


If any of you ignore this warning I will know. I wonā€™t punish all of you for oneā€™s mistake. That would be so cruel. Trust me, you donā€™t want to get in my way, Iā€™m capable of many things, which you never thought was possible. Do not test me

Protects our packs huh, our savior. I thought sarcastically at that last sentence.


ā€œSo how about it Alphas?ā€


ā€œSigned VSā€ the alpha finished reading.

ā€œStill think he is not a threat?ā€ I sneered.

The alpha ignored me and turned asking ā€œwho gave you thisā€ towards the man who brought the letter.

ā€œOh it wasā€¦..ā€ he started confidently trailing off looking confused. ā€œIt was...ā€ he trailed off, his confident tone turned into confusion.

ā€œIt was?ā€ another Alpha pushed. I don't blame him. This could be the only lead to find this mysterious rogue, I'm hoping to know too. Maybe then I can find him easily and have my revenge.

ā€œI donā€™t rememberā€ The man stated wide eyed.

ā€œWhat do you mean by you donā€™t remember?ā€ I growled in frustration. This is like the hearing all over again. Explanations unable to be found.

ā€œI-I donā€™t rememberā€ he stammered under all our gazes. ā€œItā€™s like the memory of that moment and that person is goneā€ he shook his head.

ā€œI donā€™t remember who gave it to me or when? All I remember is running up to you to give you the letter, when I saw the symbol on itā€ he said thinking hard.

ā€œI donā€™t rememberā€ he whispered looking defeated. I saw the alpha sniffing the letter. ā€œNo scent eitherā€ He stared wide eyed at the letter.

I was in shock, the whole room deadly silent.

Then I remembered the rogueā€™s words in the letter.

Trust me, you donā€™t want to get in my way. Iā€™m capable of many things, which you never thought was possible.

Chapter 5 Part 2



The past years have been eventful.

You could say I've been having lots of fun. Don't believe me? You can ask half the people who are in their afterlife.

For the past year, I've been practicing my powers and training with Derek while we moved around and abut. You can say I'm well known, yet not so well known.

Everyone knows of ā€˜THE rogueā€™ who has been killing other rogues and guilty pack members and traitors. Yet they donā€™t know how I look like, heck they think I'm a man. You can say the ones who encountered me, didn't really live to tell the tale. Unless you can talk to the dead, you wonā€™t know how I look like or the fact Iā€™m a girl.

Those fools think that I have been helping them and protecting their packs. Please, I'm only doing this for myself. Killing makes me feel better and alive.

I really couldn't go after the packs or I'll be on the most wanted list, and it'll be harder to get by so no, thank you.

For the past year, I've been losing it.

Rejection was taking its toll on me. I got over being raped (Not really) but I got over the flinching and hatred over most rogue males. But back to the rejection.

 Derek could do nothing but watch as I was sucked into darkness. I've been numb for some time now. I barely feel, if I do itā€™s mostly sadness anger and hate.

My all so faithful mate hasn't been helping either. Pretty much every damn night I feel him screwing a girl, then it turned into like a three times a day.

I remember the first time I felt it, my wolf and I both went into frenzy killing spree. It also happened to be when we were near a pack of roguesā€¦..

It doesn't hurt much anymore, no it didn't start hurting less if anything it hurt much more but like I said, I've become numb.

I remember the day he marked and mated someone else (Which I bet was Paige) the pain was too much my body shut down. I woke up, and my wolf and I were seething, we went on a massacre, killing anyone in our paths. Even Derek couldn't come near me.

Mate. The cause of all my problems. If I even hear that word, I canā€™t help but kill. Yeah itā€™s a touchy subject and not just to me.

Derek finally opened up, telling me his pack was wiped out by a pack of rogues. His mate was killed in that attack, but not before he found out about the affair with his soon to be alpha.

I guess you could say we are both mate less and no we donā€™t or didn't hook up. That would be way weird, heā€™s like a brother to me, keeping me in check and all. Plus girls fall at his feet.

The word mate brings out similar emotions to both of us. Whenever I encounter mates I torture them. I make them watch their mates get tortured. I kill them slowly and painfully showing my hate for the other mates. They disgust me.

Derekā€™s given up on trying to get me to stop.

But deep down I wish I could have someone like that. To love me unconditionally and to protect me. But mine- turned me into the monster I am now.

ā€œYou gave them the letterā€ Derek asked as we walked through the town as we just came from the alpha meeting the alphas were having.

ā€œYeah, I gave it to a random pack member to deliver it without any memory of me of courseā€ I chuckled.

Yeah we were eaves dropping.

Not like they were doing anything to catch us. I hid our smell and our presence. Yes there are many other things I can do, like shift back with clothes still intact. A blessing. Donā€™t ask why it didn't work when I first shifted. Guess it was because it was my first shift.

Back to the present.

We were listening to the alphas, during their meeting. It took all I had to hold, myself and my wolf from killing our so call mate. It worked because I know, if we are ever going to kill him I will make him and his pack suffer.

I also canā€™t believe these fools. They think I only kill rogues to protect them.

Please anything I do is for my own personal gain, the sweet Violet who puts others first is long gone. The only one I'll put myself before is Derek. He is the only one who I actually show the minimum emotions, I still have left. Heā€™s my rock, my grip to sanity.

During the meeting I decided to use the opportunity to write a letter. Like I said, some ignorant alphas like my so called mate are trying to find me and itā€™s getting really hard not to butcher them.

So I sent them a warning and a 'peace' treaty or so, call it whatever you want. Like I said all for my own personal gain.

ā€œSo where else do you want to go?ā€ Derek asked as we walked towards the woods. I'm certain the alphas will try and catch me before I'm gone. Especially my so call mate, he is still looking for revenge for his precious trackers.

He makes me sick.

ā€œI've always wanted to go to Floridaā€ I shrugged. ā€˜That would be nice, the breeze, the beach, the killsā€™ my wolf stated with longing. I couldn't help but chuckle at her antics. We have bonded so much, that and she rubs off on me very much. She helped me become the person I am today, the total opposite of who I once was.

Seriously, right now I'm thinking of the breeze, the beach the kills. Oh the kills, I feel bloodlust surfacing.

ā€œThe sunrise pack and the sea breeze packs are thereā€ he stated snapping me out of my trance. Gee thanks for the bloodlust I'm now feeling. ā€˜Youā€™re welcomeā€™ she chuckled. I rolled my eyes and thought about what Derek just told me. Who names there packs? Even I will admit the Tritan pack sounds better than those two.

Anyway as long as itā€™s not my old packs territory and those packs, I'm good. I have avoided those territories at all cost.

ā€œWell letā€™s go. But by air or by sea?ā€ I asked him. We have been 'making' money. In other words our victimā€™s money, which with my amount of victims makes us quite rich.

ā€œAirā€ he answered. ā€œWell letā€™s rent a car and get out of hereā€ I said as I walked out of the woods to find rental cars. We were in Cuba right now. I donā€™t know why, they chose the meeting this year to be held here.

I sighed inwardly.

How my life has changed drastically.

I've become numb and a bloodthirsty monster. I wonder.....

Will anyone will be able to pull me out of the darkness I've been sucked into.

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