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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Violet Scarlett by Beky Cybille (fiction book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «Violet Scarlett by Beky Cybille (fiction book recommendations TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Beky Cybille

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daughters the pure black wolf” he tried to explain but I was still confused.


“So are my parents not my parents?” I asked him on edge.


He gave me a wary look before nodding yes.


My parents aren't really my parents. I'm a direct descendent of the moon goddess. I am one of the most powerful werewolves on Earth.


My. Parents. Aren’t. Really. My. Parents.  Yeah that’s one thing I really got from that.


I feel like bursting right then and there. “Are you all right?” he stared at me worried.


I just burst, a giant smile creeping up my face. While he stared at me creeped out. “Are you kidding? This is the best day of my life. I escaped from an abusive pack and my parents that really aren't mine. And to find out that I am one of the most powerful werewolves on Earth. Too bad it took my mate rejecting me and being-” I paused gulping as I said the word. “-Raped for that to happen.” I felt the emptiness, anger and hate I was distracted from as I said the last part. Suddenly felt shaking underneath me.


Looking up and saw Derek shaking looking like he was about to shift anger clear on his face. “What’s wrong?!” I asked frantically. Was it something that I did?


“They did what!” he growled out. I froze, realizing what I said grinning at him nervously.


“Come on, I smell her nearby” I heard a familiar voice. I froze yet again, color draining from my face when I recognized the voice and the smell.


The smell of Tritan Wolf pack.


I heard a growl making me jump. What was that? I looked around.


'Oh sweetheart, it’s about time we meet don’t you think?’


I know enough to know that was my inner wolf. But seriously, what’s with the timing? I have way too much bad luck.


'Are you kidding me?! This is going to be fun, my first fun in centuries.’ She laughed darkly.


I think, I may be afraid of my own wolf.

Chapter 3 Part 1




I sat on the living room couch restless, waiting for the trackers I sent out.


The sun is up and it’s almost eight in the morning now.


My wolf is on edge, making me on edge, we have been arguing all night about our Violet and barely got any sleep.


 â€œI don’t get, why we have to look for her?” Paige growled. “All she causes is trouble”.


 â€œI know but as much as I hate it she is my mate” I spat out. “And if anything happens to her I won’t be able to function right with my wolf in depress or gone” I growled.


"Besides she deserves her punishment, don’t you think?” I smirked. My wolf growled.


“I guess you're right” she pouted.


“Of course, I’m right” I kissed her pouting lips. Making my wolf went into a growling and snarling fit. Since finding Violet, kissing Paige didn't feel the same as all the other times. Stupid mate bond.


We were about to go into a make out session, when Luke came in barging in. I growled at the interruption even if it didn't feel right to me.


Until I took a good look at look him and saw he had a panicked look on his face.


“What’s wrong? Did you find her?” I asked frantic and worried trying to hold in my wolf who is worried and frantic for Violet.


“Alpha we have a problem” he stated as he caught his breath. I was about to ask what, when the front door burst open.


I was shocked by what I saw. Two pack member were carrying a bloodied beat up Chris followed by the pack doctor and nurses.


"Oh my god” I heard Paige gasp.


Ignoring her I went over to Chris, as they placed him on the couch and the pack doctor started working on him. I took in at Chris and his condition seeing that his eyes were barely open ad he was losing blood, but I had to try and get answers out of him.


 â€œWho did this? And where are the others?” I demanded.


He looked over to me with fear. “T-t-their all d-dead, a-all de-ad, m-m-monster k-killed them a-all” he struggled with his words. Then went limb, his eyes staring blankly at me as I felt shock go through my veins. All of them?!


I sent out 10 trackers. They should have stood a chance, especially with their training. What really bothered me was that he said monster, as in one person.


Could it have been


No, she doesn’t have any training nor could she shift at all. Who did this? I thought as I stared at the dead body of Chris.


“A-alpha” The pack doctor called shakily.


 â€œWhat?” I growled at being interrupted from my thoughts.


“I found the source of all this blood. H-h-his heart”


“What about it?” I asked annoyed. If it’s about his heart stopping because of blood lost, I’m punching the doctor in the face. Also he’s fired.


“I-it’s g-go-gone” he whispered in disbelief. “What?!” I snapped my head towards him.


“His heart is gone” the doctor said shakily but much more clearly. He lifted Chris's bloody shirt revealing a bloody hole where his heart should be.


No heart thought just a gaping hole revealing bare gains and smell of his ribs, still bleeding.


I paled at the sight feeling nauseous everyone in the room stunned. One thought running through all our heads.


How the hell did he make it back here ALIVE?


Chapter 3 Part 2







“I smell a pack” Derek growled getting up sniffing the air his face twisted in disgust while I whimpered. I don’t want to go back.


Derek asked “Are you al-?”


“Come out, come out Violet. We know you are nearby” A voice recognized as Chris cut him off before silently cursing the water for masking most of the scent. Chris was a tracker prodigy, able to catch a hint of a scent near water or moist places which took a lot of skills. I can still remember when he soaked me in the lake and used me to test his skills.


‘Run little runt run’


Derek stiffened before starting to shake. “Is that your old pack?” he growled out.


 â€œI heard something” I heard a voice whisper. ‘Enhanced hearing comes in handy’ my wolf commented.


A few minutes later footsteps approached and ten members of my former pack came into view, six boys and four girls. Each near my age meaning more beating.


They all stared sniffing the air while I stared in fear and Derek in anger still on the verge of shifting.


 â€œHuh that’s weird” Chris stated. One of my biggest tormentors.


My wolf growled in anger and hate at the sight of them, but she still left me in control. Which I was great full for since I don’t know how to hold her back, wolves were taught that at a young age. Also I have a feeling if she does break loose, thing won’t be pretty.


“Filthy rogues” a girl sneered at us, Derek only still on the verge to shifting. Wow he has some control.


“Don’t go growling at us you filthy scum” one of the boys growled wrapping his arms around the girl that spoke protectively, mates huh.


“Isn't that what you call everyone that is different from you?” I rolled my eyes. They turned towards me growling. I don’t know where that came from, but it is the truth.


 â€œWait” Chris held up his hand making everyone bring their attention to him.


 â€œThat girl smells like Violet” he stared at me in confusion and disgust.

 â€œDude- how you can mistake her-” a guy looked me over basically eye raping me "to that!" he said in disgust.

I wonder how he will react when “her” is also “that”.


“Seriously smell the air” Chris instructed.  They all did, and stared at me in shock. Damn we were far enough from the water for them to be able to catch my scent.


"You’re right” a girl stated in disbelief.


“So the slut has a new body and apparently a boy toy. How did this happen?” the girl from before sneered again.


“Doesn’t she’s coming with us” Chris stepped up smirking.


“She is not going anywhere” Derek growled putting me behind him.


“Shame, doesn't she want to see her precious mate” Chris baited.


‘If he is baiting for a torturous death, then he's got it’ my wolf growled.


“Like I would want to go back to that so called mate and Alpha” I growled out loud making them growl at me for the insult towards their alpha, oh the irony. They never did that for me and I'm supposed to be their Luna.


"What already sold your new body, honey it’s not that good” the same girl sneered.


‘I swear when I kill her, I will torture her it will hurt’ my wolf growled in my head while I nodded in agreement. My goodness I'm already turning into her but maybe that’s what I need. A new personality. I'm no longer the weak omega, it’s time to change.


‘I will give you strength’


“The alpha won’t like it, when he hears about this” Chris tsked as I felt courage filling me along with hatred and need for revenge.  That’s it, something inside me snapped.


“Oh he's not going to hear about anything” I spoke dangerously as I stepped out from behind Derek.


"And why is that?” Chris smirked as he folded his arms across his chest staring at me top to bottom.


‘He doesn’t think we’re a threat’ my wolf sneered.


‘Tell me Wolfe, how is this going to be fun?’ I asked her tauntingly referring to her earlier statement.


I felt power going through my veins and a dangerous aura forming around me.


My wolf howled in anticipation and I felt- bloodlust. I closed my eyes embracing it all, the power, the bloodlust and all my emotions that were bottled up. I have a horrible past. You can safely say that they were not positive emotions.


‘Torture and kill’ my wolf stated as she surfaced feeling the bloodlust as I felt. ‘No!’ I stopped her from coming forward any closer. ‘I want to do this-together’


My wolf stopped thinking nodding ‘As you wish.’ Suddenly we were one, in sync.


 I snapped my eyes to see everyone had backed up even Derek. They all gasped as they looked into my eyes, all except Derek who just smirked.


“How on Earth are you going to be able to tell him anything, when you are all dead?" I tilted my head feeling a smile on my lips. I saw the pack freeze in place fear rolling off them in waves.


My wolf and I relished in that fear. It’s finally time they get a taste of their own medicine.


“I'm just going to be up here to enjoy

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