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Book online «The Interceptors: Peril Circle by James East (Dribbleondo) (free ebooks romance novels TXT) 📖». Author James East (Dribbleondo)

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Chapter 1: Office talk

London. Home to the London Eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and a special detective team, known as The Interceptors. Saving queen and country infinite times to protect the country we all know and love, getting rid of the bad guys before the Police have anything to do with it. The team in question consist of three people, Jason Clarkson, The Ladies man. Roger St Hammond, the small, yet powerful karate chop expert. And James Steed, The brains of the entire interceptor team. These three drove 3, stylish, yet inexpensive cars. The Jenson Interceptor.....

Chapter 1: Office Talk

Location: The Interceptors Offices, London
Time: 11:32am

There was Silence, usually, at this time in the morning, Jason would be ranting in the garage next door about how his car was better than all of theirs put together, which, for the record, it wasn’t. Roger was late like usual, but he was in the odd situation of him being late for being late to work. Which left James in the unnerving quietness of the office. James loved his work, solving crimes and locking up criminals. He loved all of it. He also loved being in a quiet place, helps him think. Since the break-in, The office had been refurbished. James no longer had the oldest PC in the world, which looked as if it had been used for a coffee coaster instead of an ancient typewriter. The New PC was a Dell Optiplex 380,which had an Intel Pentium processor. it wasn’’t the latest PC on the market, but it was a damn sight-quicker than the old PC.

Eventually, The silence was broken by the inevitable fate of Hammond bursting through the office doors. On arrival to the building, he was a bit confused. He was holding his coat and was wearing his usual red coat and white shirt, along with his finely cut moustache. He wasn’t wearing his glasses as he didn’t need to use them, meaning it was raining outside. Not so good. He asked: “how’d you get in here?”. James gave an unnerving glance. He replied; “The doors locks have been replaced, and i have the new key. Just this office door though, the other door has the old lock still”. Roger nodded, still a bit dazed from all the rain and dazed at what James had said. Eventually he did give an “ok” in a whispery voice, like he was out of breath. “Where’s Jason then?”.

James didn’t reply. Usually this meant that Jason was either dead, not in the building or late, which, besides the third option, he did that reguarly anyways. James was very quiet of the whereabouts of Clarkson, probably because he was ashamed he was even working with him. James wasn’t one to keep things quiet, so it came to Roger as a surprise as to why he was so mute. He usually wants to overload his head with useless facts. After an awkwards few minutes of silence James finally spoke: “How’s Laura then?”. Laura was Roger’s Girlfriend. They’d only just started to go out. Blue eyes, blonde hair and a button nose to top it off, it was Rogers dream girl. well, almost.

Before Roger could speak again, the enraging shout of someone familiar to them. “Jason”. They both nodded in confirmation of what they were hearing. The shouting continued, “OH FOR GODS SAKES, WORK YOU STUPID MACHINE!”. “Definitely Jason”.

The Interceptors offices were about the size of a medium flat, but still very. There was 3 floors, plus the Garage for the interceptors cars. The first floor was the offices itself, which housed the workplace of where James, Jason and Roger worked. Second floor was the boardroom,where the Interceptors did their thinking on who did what in murder’s and whatnot. There were cramped toilets next to them, which hadn’t been cleaned since the janitor got fired almost 3 months ago, and since no-one had taken the job, it looked it was going to stay that way forever.

There was silence. Yet again, Jason had gone quiet. The two men didn’t want to disturb Jason, as his behavour in the garage was hard to judge. Still, they had to enjoy the quiet while they could. which wasn’t long because after Roger sat down and turned his shiny new PC on (which was replaced along with James’s and Jason’s due to their last case), he started to shout again. Jason was one to shout at people and object’s, it was his way of calming himself down. Jason’s boisterousness meant he was the leader of The Interceptor Team, whether the police, James, Roger and all the IT blokes upstairs liked it or not. Jason loved his job, and was always the first to get things through fax machine, e-mail and sometimes even the post. Today was no different. Their case for the day came through on both Fax and e-mail.

The police hated the Interceptors, as they were higher in both ranks and command, so if they wanted to ban BBC news (which they’d done for an entire day to win a bet to see who could find information out WITHOUT using BBC news) they could do so within the hour. Course, the entire police dept. would be wondering why. That’s what made the police jealous of them. The Interceptors walked across London City as if they owned it, which was technically true. But that’s a story for another book.

Now where were we?.... oh yes, the Fax and e-mail. The Team, like most things they did, opened their e-mail and read it, while Jason, unusually, didn’t like the e-mail provider as they were STILL in Beta and weren’t coming out of it anytime soon. James and Roger coped with their email service, and just got on. The fax machine whirred and eventually coughed out a sheet of paper, with co-ordinates and instructions for their next case. All three Interceptee’s (means all three men) spoke at the same time “Urgent assisstance needed. Three Casulties in Jenson Interceptors, Your Swindon Division is in Danger. Co-ordinates: 51°33'46.53"N, 1°46'16.68"W. Come Immediately. “Right then chaps”, James said conculsively, “Who’s off to the magic roundabout then?”. Jason then came up the stairs leading to the offices and ran in on James and Roger. “51°33'46.53"N, 1°46'16.68"W, if i’m not mistaken that’s the...”. “Magic roundabout in Swindon we know already. Jason looked angry at Roger. He didn’t like to be interrupted. “But that roun dabout is like spaghetti junction!, there’s no way i’m going there!. why can’t the Swindon interceptors deal with it?”.

The Swindon Interceptors were like the Interceptors in London, but consisted of three different men, whose names were Liam Sterling , Scott Alwright and James Falorve. They Patrolled Swindon on a daily basis and had solved 3 times as many cases that Roger, James and Jason had. They NEVER lost. Which is why they were jealous of them. Still, They had orders and they had to take them, cos even with the highest powers in the force, you still had to do your job somehow.

Chapter 2 Coming Soon!

Chapter 2: Peril Circle

Chapter 2: Peril Circle.

The Interceptors grabbed their overnight gear, as there was a slight chance they were going for a few days. Toothbrush, Pajama's and Mints were all on the Interceptors minds, Except Jason’s. he only took the mints, even though he didn’t get carsick. All three men had a one hour drive to their location of doom which was known as the Magic Roundabout, or Peril Circle as Roger liked to call it. No-one knows why it’s nickname is called the magic roundabout, partly because it reminds everyone of that old cartoon of Zebedee and Doug and whatnot, called (oddly enough) ”The Magic Roundabout”. maybe because the Magic roundabout held the mystical power of making everybody crash, just like spaghetti junction. Now thats a cool name. Spaghetti junction. When several Road-bridges are entwined together to make, if it wasn’t a clue already, a spaghetti type mess. That’s what summed up the magic roundabout for Jason.

Swindon had come to a sudden stand-still, no-one and nothing was moving. Imagine the late-work excuses the boss’s’ll get later. Thankfully, all three men had a pass to skip queues and junction crashes etc. to get to the scene quickly, which comes in handy when you want to do that or you simply want to skip the queue at the nearby McDonalds. Passes do have they’re uses. The three Jenson Interceptors made it to the crash site in just about one piece, except for Jason, which had a minor crash on the way involving a truck, an engine, Jason and a Track. You can use your imagination from then on as to what happens.

The entire roundabout was sealed off, not even half the Police were allowed through. The crash had been that devastating. James Insisted he went in front this time, so Jason wouldn’t go off topic all the time. Strangely, Jason agreed with him. Roger just left them to it as he was too tired to get involved.

Location: The Magic Roundabout, Swindon
Time: 1:45pm
There were some men at the scene already, which was undoubtedly the Swindon Interceptors Division (S.I.D for short), and they were right. Liam, Scott and Jamie had been waiting for them. Liam looked at his watch and pointed it at the interceptors,while tapping his finger on it, gesturing that they were late. James hated being late, but even with their high-priority passes they were still very slow getting there. The Interceptors got out of their cars, shut the doors, put on the iconic sunglasses and walked to the S.I.D Interceptors simultaneously. James, as agreed, was in front of them, then Jason and finally Roger.

Liam was anything but happy to see them. “I’ve been following your work, nice job with the Gold Hijack Investigation. He shook James by the hand, then Jason, and finally Roger. “Scott and Jamie are my colleagues, they’ve only just joined the team”. James was the oldest of the three Interceptors and had been around the longest, so he was wondering where Alberto and Rhys (they were that were replaced by Scott and Liam”) had got to. “You must be Liam, the new boss of S.I.D then?”. Liam nodded, then said; “there are worse things to be my friend”. Roger then interrupted the two men and asked if they could just get on with the task in hand. and what

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