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Book online «Bizzy by Terrex Corbin (reading list .TXT) 📖». Author Terrex Corbin

Chapter 1

He snorts up the coke as it relaxes him, he stares into the Man that gives him drugs. He then pulls out his gun a .45 as he shoots the dealer multiple times, then he runs off into the alleyways throwing the gun away. He then saw a homeless man as he grabs him and pushes him ageist the wall. “I NEED MONEY! YOU OWE ME!” he said. “WHAT FOR!” the homeless man said scared. Bizzy stared at him then lets him go, the homeless man looked up at him “Bizzy I will give you back every penny you will have your money” He said.


“You always say that it's empty old man empty promises don't mean anything to me I want my money and it better be in my hands tonight” He said. “I..It W..Will be there b..bizzy” The Homeless Man said. “Where's Muzzy?” He asked.

“I'm right here boss” Muzzy said.


“Watch him make sure he has every single penny even if he has to get money from other people” Bizzy said.


“You heard the man get up and find the people you know to cough up some money” Muzzy said.


Bizzy is a drug user but can also sell drugs too, standing at 5'8 and 230 lb of pure muscle. He's very intimidating and unpredictable as most people would say who saw him first hand on how he shot a man in the head. Then took a machete and chopped his head off, his intimidating stare puts people in a standstill, to make sure they think twice before pulling off something stupid. Detectives try to catch Bizzy, but every time they think they have him where they want him he's five steps ahead of them and I mean literally five steps ahead of the police. Bizzy been to jail once and he will not go back to that hell hole again, so he will spend the rest of his life on the run.


His family won't let him back and the only one that will is his younger brother yayvon who is 27 yrs old. Bizzy treats his younger brother Yayvon with lots of love and it's overprotective he doesn’t want to see him hurt by anybody.


Power City Detroit is where Bizzy was born and raised, he remembers his childhood very well but when Yayvon was born things changed him for he took a bullet for his brother when he was 10 yrs old taught him about life and made sure everything was alright even if Yayvon told him everything was fine he still asked what was on his mind even if the topic was not brought up as a conversation.


Bizzy went down an alleyway to Yayvon house He pound on the door.


“WHO IS IT DAMIT!” Yayvon said.









Yayvon shook his head “Are you still selling drugs even though I told you not to?” he asked


Bizzy stayed quiet then let's out a sigh


“I have let you down bro but how are we suppose to keep this place running? Nobody wants to hire me because I have a record and I’m a felon I had to do something even if it meant selling drugs to get money” he said


“You could of came to me I would of hired you on the spot you don't have to do this give up this life and come work with me I will make you manager of Yayvon and CO. supermarket.” he said.


“thanks for the offer but I have bigger things to worry about” Bizzy said.


“Like what?” Yayvon said.


“what do you know about this dark hero everybody talking about?” Bizzy said.



“who code? To me it's just a myth it's not real” Yayvon said.


“ Is that what they call this dark thing these days a code?” Bizzy asked.


“ Your afraid of it I see. You should be for he watches the city nobody never seen him for he never reveals himself the only thing people see is his shadow nothing else” Yayvon said.


“Why is he afraid to show himself?” Bizzy asked.


“Why are you afraid to show yourself to him?” Yayvon asked back.


“Your niece been wanting to see you for a long time I think you should go to her room and see her” he said.


Bizzy walks towards His nieces room as he saw her laying down on her bed reading a book he sits next to her as she got up and hugged him.


“Hey uncle B I missed you” she said.


“I missed you too YI” Bizzy said.


“Uncle B why don't you stop doing drugs and get better?” she asked.


“I'm trying sweetie I’m trying” Bizzy said.


“If you get better I will give you lots of candy” Yi smiled.


Bizzy chuckled “Well I guess I better get to work and get better soon if I want your candy then”


“I have your favorite chocolate caramel” Yi said.


“Thanks I will grabs some when I get back okay” Bizzy said.


Yi nodded as Bizzy walks out of her room and into the kitchen


“Hey bro um I gotta go I will be back later” Bizzy said as he walked out.


Bizzy then ran towards his friend house a few blocks away as he knocks on his door, then as it opens he saw a female as he sighs.


“Why do everytime I come to his house you always open the door for him?” he asked


She showed a sick smirk as she points the gun towards his head “come in and sit” she said.


Bizzy raised his hands as he slowly walked inside his house or at least it was his.


“Now you said this was his house why do I have the feeling that the person with the gun owns the house so it's really not his house not anymore” she said.


“Who are you?” Bizzy asked.


“Someone you should of killed a very long time ago you don't think I been tracking you down don't think I know everything about you, Where is he biz?” she asked.


“Who Yayvon? Your not hurting him I came too far to protect him” he said.


“you can't protect him forever you think he don't know what happened to his family his mom and dad sister brother


“STOP!” Bizzy said.


“Why should I stop hm? Oh that's right I’m a sick crazy nutcase who enjoys seeing people suffer yes I admit watching no no no no! Even better I tourchered them I pulled there hair I stabbed them multiple times I wanted them to see the sick twisted side of me nobody pushed me there I just wanted to see what it's like to be on that side of my personality and... it feels.... so good!” she said.


“mom said you wasn't taking your meds


“SHUT UP! Why compress this inside of me when I can fully let it out and let it be free let it do what it suppose to do I embrace this side of me I worship it everyday... She looks at bizzy go ahead say it say i'm sick” she said.


“No!” he said.


She smacks him across the face leaving a slight scratch he looks at her angry showing no fear.


“SAY IT NOW! Or I will keep smacking you around” she said.


“Your not my sister I know who you are and if your looking for this dark thing you won't get it from me or anyone else” Bizzy said.


“You got one answer right i'm not your sister and of course you know me and as far as that dark thing is concerned you was the closest thing to him if not your younger brother was” she said.


“You keep him out of this I told you I will do everything and anything to protect him” Bizzy said.


“You still wasn't listening to me I told you you can't protect him forever not now at least thanks to you I can finally get your little brother to tell me where he is” she said.


“If you lay a goddamn finger on him you will never see the light of day YOU HEAR ME!” he snarled.


She chuckles evilly “I believe you won't see the light of day Goodbye Biz” she said as she leaves the house.


Text: Terrex J Corbin
Images: Terrex J Corbin
Editing: Terrex J Corbin
Translation: Terrex J Corbin
Publication Date: 04-21-2013

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