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author - "Kaza Dalla"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Kaza Dalla". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

My little poem I wrote for my entry in a competition called Paint Your Picture With Words and I didn't make it but would like to share what I had put in.

Writen also by Vanessa Evans and Kimon Michalo, willing for more poets to contribute. Emotions that people may have felt or are familiar with the feelings of the thoughts of different lives and looking up to people who are inspired by others

Poems people can relate to, in break ups and just different ways people feel lost and depressed. Please send me poems so we can update this book and will put your name down who ever put in.

A few poems, people might relate to in ways of family and friends. Loved ones and other future loving plans for yourselves.

Please send me poems of your own to update this book for not only myself but for everyone else.

Poems that may relate to others feelings as this normally leads to the end, if not people assume it. Others may add more poetry to this as I would love to allow others to join and make book more popular.

My little poem I wrote for my entry in a competition called Paint Your Picture With Words and I didn't make it but would like to share what I had put in.

Writen also by Vanessa Evans and Kimon Michalo, willing for more poets to contribute. Emotions that people may have felt or are familiar with the feelings of the thoughts of different lives and looking up to people who are inspired by others

Poems people can relate to, in break ups and just different ways people feel lost and depressed. Please send me poems so we can update this book and will put your name down who ever put in.

A few poems, people might relate to in ways of family and friends. Loved ones and other future loving plans for yourselves.

Please send me poems of your own to update this book for not only myself but for everyone else.

Poems that may relate to others feelings as this normally leads to the end, if not people assume it. Others may add more poetry to this as I would love to allow others to join and make book more popular.