Read books online » Luke Scholey

author - "Luke Scholey"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Luke Scholey". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

The first chapter of an upcoming story. The blurb is unofficial and will be changed.

Leon is haunted by numerous letters sent to his many different addresses. On a journey to move on from the letters and live happy. Will Leon get the dream life he wants or will the letters come back to trouble him..

A boys friend died in a car accident to find in the hospital the dreams he has been waiting for

The first chapter of the up coming series "Melanie Rowe"

The series follows the life of Melanie Rowe and she encounters most of life's challenges, finding that nothing ever goes right for her, and that everybody has doubt, will she redeem herself or will she forever be living an embarrassing life.

A boy goes on a challenge in his life to find out who his mothers murderer is

Jamie is on the edge of life when he receives a letter signed simply 'Hamartia'
With nothing left to loose Jamie ensues on a journey to the past with the mysterious man to right his past mistakes.

The first chapter of an upcoming story. The blurb is unofficial and will be changed.

Leon is haunted by numerous letters sent to his many different addresses. On a journey to move on from the letters and live happy. Will Leon get the dream life he wants or will the letters come back to trouble him..

A boys friend died in a car accident to find in the hospital the dreams he has been waiting for

The first chapter of the up coming series "Melanie Rowe"

The series follows the life of Melanie Rowe and she encounters most of life's challenges, finding that nothing ever goes right for her, and that everybody has doubt, will she redeem herself or will she forever be living an embarrassing life.

A boy goes on a challenge in his life to find out who his mothers murderer is

Jamie is on the edge of life when he receives a letter signed simply 'Hamartia'
With nothing left to loose Jamie ensues on a journey to the past with the mysterious man to right his past mistakes.