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author - "Nick Venom"

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*Notice: Welcome to Jarvis Light: First Trilogy. The original plans was that there would be only three installments, but it has been extended to, at least, six*

The second season of Atlas Online follows Tin after the reveal that the world will be destroyed. Now, as a hero, he undergoes training but it isn't enough. Instead, he's dispatched to a nearby kingdom to train in a large tournament but suffers a setback. If Tin cannot push against the setback and make it to the tournament, he will have to wait a year until he can, wasting the precious time he has until the world meets its maker. 

“I want the army to be completed within a week. Locket must fall soon or I’ll be replaced by the organization.” A man dressed in solid black attire ordered a demon lord. The demon lord responded by increasing the production of soldiers in his army---consisting of demons, minotaurs, orcs, goblins, and every other type of monster. “Perfect… remember that if I’m gone, then the conditions won’t be as nice.”

Silos jumped right to the point. “Is there any way to neutralize Hillain’s teleportation skill? Does the spear do anything to it?”

“If this world is filled with magic and swords, then there must be a hero and a kingdom as well as demons and other monsters. I don’t want to stand out, so definitely not a hero. Merchant? Don’t feel like traveling and it would be straining my heart to deceive people. Commoner? I don’t want to deal with arrogant nobles and irritating neighbors. Farmer? I don’t want to deal with taxes and the heat. Miner? I would be in cooler climates and distance myself from others. It will be a lot of manual labor, but it beats working out in the heat and dealing with arrogant higher-ups.” I thought out loud, whispering to myself.

Mr. Inuzuka brandished the Fizer katana, revealing his class of Slayer Knight, and slashing at the androids. His attacks destroyed them easily, but Merlin was more difficult to take down. He chained magic attacks, blasting holes in Mr. Inuzuka. The teacher wasn’t enough to bring Merlin down, instead, being taken down himself. He collapsed, riddled with holes, onto the ground. His lights were out.

“Torch! That’s the only light spell I know, but it’s a low class one.” Max shook his head before closing his eyes. He built up elemental essence in his fingers, discharging it in front of him and creating a wall. The darkness slammed against the wall, revealing the shadow within it. 

The front two motorcyclists didn’t notice a noose made out of thin string, near-invisible at the end of the street, or the tripwires that were on the side of the nooses. The motorcyclists made it to the end of the street and placed their heads in the right spots for the nooses. The nooses were big enough for their heads to fit through and thin enough for the targets to not feel their death looming around their necks. The man smirked as he wriggled his fingers, which controlled the nooses. He curled his fingers, bringing the string closer to him. The string tightened around the motorcyclists' heads and ripped them out of their bikes. Their bikes dropped to the ground and laid flat, the engine continuing to run. The motorcyclists were held in the air and gasped as they struggled to get out of the nooses. The man brought his hand closer to his chest and balled his fingers, breaking the necks of both motorcyclists. The squad cards behind the now-dead motorcyclists attempted to gas past the nooses but managed to find themselves caught in the tripwires. The tripwires ignited and an explosion tore through the squad cars. The squad cars from behind the limousines broke out of formation and headed towards the front of the pack followed by the motorcyclists. They didn’t notice a tripwire in front of them leading to the squad cars and the first limousine to be destroyed in the explosion. The remainder of the convoy---two limousines and two motorcyclists---attempted to reverse and escape through the other side of the street. The motorcyclists turned around and tried to swerve around oncoming traffic, but invisible nooses caught them by their necks. The man spared no time and brought his hands to his chest, breaking the motorcyclist's necks. The remaining vehicles, two limousines, stopped dead in their tracks. The doors open as people from the limousines attempted to scatter and escape through nearby alleyways. 

“Okay, let’s get out of here then. There’s already five demon lords’ worth of demons here. We need to go before they trample on us. Altis has fallen.” The second holy sword wielder remarked. This holy sword wielder was a young man in his twenties with brown locks. He looked to be in a gray area between masculine and feminine. He wore thin and lightweight iron armor.

*Notice: Welcome to Jarvis Light: First Trilogy. The original plans was that there would be only three installments, but it has been extended to, at least, six*

The second season of Atlas Online follows Tin after the reveal that the world will be destroyed. Now, as a hero, he undergoes training but it isn't enough. Instead, he's dispatched to a nearby kingdom to train in a large tournament but suffers a setback. If Tin cannot push against the setback and make it to the tournament, he will have to wait a year until he can, wasting the precious time he has until the world meets its maker. 

“I want the army to be completed within a week. Locket must fall soon or I’ll be replaced by the organization.” A man dressed in solid black attire ordered a demon lord. The demon lord responded by increasing the production of soldiers in his army---consisting of demons, minotaurs, orcs, goblins, and every other type of monster. “Perfect… remember that if I’m gone, then the conditions won’t be as nice.”

Silos jumped right to the point. “Is there any way to neutralize Hillain’s teleportation skill? Does the spear do anything to it?”

“If this world is filled with magic and swords, then there must be a hero and a kingdom as well as demons and other monsters. I don’t want to stand out, so definitely not a hero. Merchant? Don’t feel like traveling and it would be straining my heart to deceive people. Commoner? I don’t want to deal with arrogant nobles and irritating neighbors. Farmer? I don’t want to deal with taxes and the heat. Miner? I would be in cooler climates and distance myself from others. It will be a lot of manual labor, but it beats working out in the heat and dealing with arrogant higher-ups.” I thought out loud, whispering to myself.

Mr. Inuzuka brandished the Fizer katana, revealing his class of Slayer Knight, and slashing at the androids. His attacks destroyed them easily, but Merlin was more difficult to take down. He chained magic attacks, blasting holes in Mr. Inuzuka. The teacher wasn’t enough to bring Merlin down, instead, being taken down himself. He collapsed, riddled with holes, onto the ground. His lights were out.

“Torch! That’s the only light spell I know, but it’s a low class one.” Max shook his head before closing his eyes. He built up elemental essence in his fingers, discharging it in front of him and creating a wall. The darkness slammed against the wall, revealing the shadow within it. 

The front two motorcyclists didn’t notice a noose made out of thin string, near-invisible at the end of the street, or the tripwires that were on the side of the nooses. The motorcyclists made it to the end of the street and placed their heads in the right spots for the nooses. The nooses were big enough for their heads to fit through and thin enough for the targets to not feel their death looming around their necks. The man smirked as he wriggled his fingers, which controlled the nooses. He curled his fingers, bringing the string closer to him. The string tightened around the motorcyclists' heads and ripped them out of their bikes. Their bikes dropped to the ground and laid flat, the engine continuing to run. The motorcyclists were held in the air and gasped as they struggled to get out of the nooses. The man brought his hand closer to his chest and balled his fingers, breaking the necks of both motorcyclists. The squad cards behind the now-dead motorcyclists attempted to gas past the nooses but managed to find themselves caught in the tripwires. The tripwires ignited and an explosion tore through the squad cars. The squad cars from behind the limousines broke out of formation and headed towards the front of the pack followed by the motorcyclists. They didn’t notice a tripwire in front of them leading to the squad cars and the first limousine to be destroyed in the explosion. The remainder of the convoy---two limousines and two motorcyclists---attempted to reverse and escape through the other side of the street. The motorcyclists turned around and tried to swerve around oncoming traffic, but invisible nooses caught them by their necks. The man spared no time and brought his hands to his chest, breaking the motorcyclist's necks. The remaining vehicles, two limousines, stopped dead in their tracks. The doors open as people from the limousines attempted to scatter and escape through nearby alleyways. 

“Okay, let’s get out of here then. There’s already five demon lords’ worth of demons here. We need to go before they trample on us. Altis has fallen.” The second holy sword wielder remarked. This holy sword wielder was a young man in his twenties with brown locks. He looked to be in a gray area between masculine and feminine. He wore thin and lightweight iron armor.