author - "William W. Mann"
lo sun | suno | soo'no thaw | degelo | deh-geh'lo thunder | tondro | tohn'dro weather | vetero | veteh'ro west | okcidento | ohk-tsee-dehn'toh wind | vento | vehn'toh
2. Land and Water. (La Tero kaj la Akvo.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. -------------------+-------------------------+------------------------ Bay | golfeto | golf-eh'toh beach | marbordo | mahrbohr'doh canal | kanalo | kanah'lo cape | terkapo | tehr-kah'po cliff | krutegajxo | kroo-teh-gah'zho coast | marbordo | mahr-bohr'doh creek | kriko | kree'ko current | akvofluo | ahk'vo-floo'oh ebb | malfluso | mahl-floo'so flood (deluge) | inundo | in-oon'doh -- (of the tide) | fluso | floo'so flow | fluo | floo'oh foam | sxauxmo | shahw'mo hill | monteto | mohn-teh'toh ice | glacio | glaht-see'oh island | insulo | in-soo'lo la
lo sun | suno | soo'no thaw | degelo | deh-geh'lo thunder | tondro | tohn'dro weather | vetero | veteh'ro west | okcidento | ohk-tsee-dehn'toh wind | vento | vehn'toh
2. Land and Water. (La Tero kaj la Akvo.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. -------------------+-------------------------+------------------------ Bay | golfeto | golf-eh'toh beach | marbordo | mahrbohr'doh canal | kanalo | kanah'lo cape | terkapo | tehr-kah'po cliff | krutegajxo | kroo-teh-gah'zho coast | marbordo | mahr-bohr'doh creek | kriko | kree'ko current | akvofluo | ahk'vo-floo'oh ebb | malfluso | mahl-floo'so flood (deluge) | inundo | in-oon'doh -- (of the tide) | fluso | floo'so flow | fluo | floo'oh foam | sxauxmo | shahw'mo hill | monteto | mohn-teh'toh ice | glacio | glaht-see'oh island | insulo | in-soo'lo la