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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 8

Today's classes have gone pretty smoothly but I am still watching out for Ryder and his team of assholes. I don't really care what they are gonna do but I am just curious because it might be stupid. I am also a bit scared, i mean who knows what the egoistic jerk has up his sleeve.

"Hey, are you okay?" Patricia pulls me out of my thoughts and I just reply by nodding with a small smile.

"Don't worry! Anything that happens, we will be right by your side always." Carol reassures me. Like that's supposed to help, i mean what happens when he finds me alone and i don't know pours acid on me when they ain't there. Okay.. that's a bit too much exagerration but whatif his prank is even worse. We are currently at our table in the cafeteria and there is no sign of Ryder and his friends, probably planning on revenge.

I don't care!!! atleast for now.

"Guys it's fine I'm cool and I just don't care!! I am a bit curious, you know, of what they are planning." I sigh as I take a sip of my cocktail juice.

"Don't be, as long as you know how to fight, ya?" Melisa assures me. I sigh and nod.

I guess so, I mean, Tyler did teach me how to fight since what happened with Seth. But what if the fighting skills are not needed when he attacks

Okay now..I'm loosing it, i need to get it together. I am a strong girl. I am not scared of some silly prank some guy wants to pull on me. It can't be that bad, right?

"No, she is not fighting or planning revenge and neither are we, okay?" Amelia states in a serious time and we all simply nod.

The bell rings signalling it's time to head for class. I grab my bag and head straight to my class since I had already picked my books and none of the girls have this class with me.

I sit in my Economics class and yeah, I do take Economics though it is a bit boring but it is for my future since I want to work in a business.

I arrive five minutes early and sit in the backseat and put my earphones on in the mean time as the teacher arrives. I sense someone has taken a seat next to mine but I choose to ignore since who cares?

The teacher enters the classroom and I remove my earphones to show some respect then she starts to teach.

"Hey can I borrow your pencil?" A deep masculine voice whispers but I just ignore since I think it's not directed to me.

Five seconds later

That motherfucker starts poking me. I turn to the bustard and it is freakin Jason. I am not in the mood for any shit right now, my nerves are working and anger and frustration is coursing through... i don't want to let it out on anyone and if he keeps irritating me, he might end up in the ER.

"Whattt!!!!!" I whisper yell with a glare and he just shrugs and says, "I need to borrow your pencil please."

" And what if I don't want to. " I say not even sparing him a glance. Even though he asked politely, i'm not in the mood for this

"Then I will take it." He says and then grabs my pencil but I hold it with a firm grip and then he pulls at it as I also pull. This goes on for about five rounds and then he lets it go as I pull it with a lot of force making me lose my balance and fall on the floor with a thud.


I spot Jason and the rest of the class laughing as I stand up. I then get my bottle of water from my bag and pour it down on Jason.
The whole class gasps at why I have done as some continue to laugh. What is wrong with the people in this class??

"MS. SUMMERS!!! THAT IS DETENTION FOR YOU!" Mrs. Lillians scolds me, from the front of the class. And the whole class goes silent as I pick my bag and stick my tongue out at Jason who gives me an irritated look.

I sigh and mutter an 'I am sorry ' to Mrs. Lillians as I head to the detention room. As I enter the room, I pick a pass from the teacher's table who is just sleeping like they just drugged him. I spot Ryder and Cole in detention sitting in the corner back seats of the room. I choose to sit two desks away from them but still at the back of the class since I hate the front.

I hear shifting and I see in the corner of my eye that someone has taken a seat next to me and i know it's him, Ryder. I choose to ignore him and continue reading my new novel, 'The Fault In Our Stars'

"Why is a nerd like you doing in here?" Ryder says in a low disgusted voice.

I ignore.

"I said why is a nerd like you doing in here?" He says in a slower voice and a bit loud and disgusted tone.

I ignore.

"Are you deaf? I said, whyyy iss aa nerddd likee youuu doinggg innn herrreeee??" He says in a now irritated voice yet slowly.

I sigh and turn to him with an angry face since he is clearly making me lose my cool.

"No I am not deaf! And even if I was and you said the words slower, I still wouldn't understand, dick face. And the reason I am here is none of your business so please leave me alone!!" I state in a cold tone staring into his beautiful ocean eyes.

Wait what!!

I meant ugly face that looks like it has been stepped on by a shoe which had poop on it.. I correct myself 

He drops the topic and turns to go back to his friends, well I hope so. Why does he even bother speaking to me yet I am not interested. Yes I admit he has the hot body and Calvin Klein Photoshop. I actually have never seen him smile before, maybe it's in the genres but oh whatever!

 What the hell is wrong with me? Why am i even thinking about him?

I am booking a mental asylum appointment after here. This is so wrong and it feels like blaspehemy to me

Daniel comes and takes the seat that Ryder was occupying and I put on my earphones and adjust the music to shut him off. After about ten minutes I guess, he removes one of them to gain my attention.

"What the hell!!!" I shout angrily at him and smack his hand. I hear his friends mutter an 'ooohhhh' at him but I also choose to ignore them. Now i feel like crying and screaming my lungs out, why can't people leave me alone for once. I feel like pulling out my hair like a maniac and running for the streets.

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